Darth Maul Trilogy Part Two: Slave - coyote_ace - Star Wars (2024)

Chapter 1: Prologue: What Time We Have

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Moon Garden; Ashkelon


Tak bows his head, his amber gold eyes closed. Solace cups his cheek in hr hand. He's scarred, hurt inside. The male is scared of them, but he's brave. And far stronger than Solace will ever be. Solace knows about his night terrors, the flashbacks, the PTSD. Neva calls PTSD the "gift that keeps on giving". It's a wonder he can stand her touch.

He has taken her to a moon garden, like on her homeworld of Aldenmoor. The white alders glow silver against a blue velvet grasses. Silver roses perfume the air. Willows frame the perfect full moon, creating beauty that takes Solace's breath away. The sky is like black velvet and stars shine like diamond dust. Tak is content to sit with her on a rocky ledge, dipping his toes in a brook. He despises water. Not that she blames him. He's almost drowned.

For the first time in a long time, perhaps years, Tak is at peace.

Solace is at loathe to break the silence, yet she senses she needs to speak. "It's beautiful here."

A smile tugs at the corner of his lips. "I know," Tak says. He allows her to nestle in the crook of his arm. For Tak, it is the equivalent of their bodies being entwined on the grass. "That's why I brought you here."

"Thank you," she murmurs. The moonlight shines silver across his black and red body. The rhythm of his twin hearts almost begins to lull her to sleep.

He's the Zabrak with the golden eyes, the one she saw in her Fated dream. The reason why she has left Aldenmoor. The reason why she is here now instead of married to a prince. It is said that Fateds will always find one another, even if they must cross the galaxy to do so.

"No," he softly says. "Thank you. I don't think I would have made it otherwise." He falls silent, rubbing one of her lekku. Solace nearly vocalizes her desire. She doesn't, however, mostly in an effort to keep him talking. "I needed a reason to stay alive."

Tak isn't lying. He'd almost died before. Zabraks pine. They waste away from grief and shame. His shame and confusion almost killed him, poisoned his will to live.

"We all do," she replies. Yet she knows, for some strange reason, they don't have much time together. Though they will always find each other, it will be a hard battle. The Fates drew them together. They wouldn't let Tak be torn from her forever.

And you're the reason I love life.

He holds her close, his chest shaking. Solace realizes that he's in tears. Maybe from a flashback. Or maybe the PTSD won't let him have any happiness. She stays silent, rubbing his shoulder. Solace knows when he needs silent support. Tak isn't broken, but he's come close.

Solace loves him, loves him more surely than anything she's ever known.

And that is why she treasures what time they have.

Chapter 2: Welcome to Hell

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One And A Half Years Later

"Move your ass," Strider snarled.

Maul took a shaky breath. Yes, he knew he was blocking traffic, but he could really care less. The red Zabrak didn't know what to believe. He was beyond surprise, what with all he had seen and done, but he didn't know what to think. His gut instinct was to trust the Force. By some miracle, Solace wasn't dead. But what had he killed in his rage?

"Do you want me to kill you?" Maul asked. His held up one of his lightsabers, thumb just over the activation stud. Sparks danced across the surface of his scarred arms. He was about to start seeing red--literally. After all he had gone through; Maul still had a bit of humanity left. Sidious and Dooku seemed intent on stripping that away. Using shame was one way to do it. Torture helped, too. But having Maul kill the only one he'd ever loved?

That had nearly made him a monster.

"Easy, Maul. Kill me and Sidious will be pissed." Strider wisely backed up a few feet. She knew she'd almost pushed him too far.

Maul had long since decided that Strider was meant to be his handler, if not Solace's replacement. Maul had developed the unfortunate habit of escaping his masters. He'd never done so unscathed, however. Many of his scars, his worst ones, came from Dooku.

"He can't torture me worse than Blirr," Maul snarled. Thank the Space Gods that Dooku was a better man than Bakkari. That wasn't saying much, though.

"We'll see about that." With those parting words, Strider pushed her way past Maul. The red Zabrak took it. Strider may have been a pain in the ass, but he really didn't want one of Dooku's "training" exercises. Those usually ended with Maul in considerable pain. As he'd felt enough of that, thank you very much, he tried to please Dooku. Just like any good slave did. Though sometimes, he rebelled and even won a few battles. Maul knew he was Sidious's slave. The title of apprentice belonged to Anakin Skywalker. Maul was just the slave.

He cast a glance to his left. There, in the berth beside the Firespray, sat his old Interceptor, the original Scimitar, in all of her battle scarred, pitted, dirty glory. That cantankerous old ship had been Maul's baby for years. He felt himself go weak in the knees. What twenty-something male didn't like fast ships with big guns? He'd lovingly tended that ship, modified her engines, coaxed her balky drives, removed the useless safety features, and had added to his personal quarters more than he cared to admit.

"That's my ship," he breathed. "The ship I left in Naboo's orbit."

"Yeah?" Strider drawled. She hit Maul upside the head, further injuring a horn. He drew back a fist, fully prepared to knock Strider into next week. "Looks like Tyranus went and got her for ya."

Unlike Maul, Dooku had two names--his Sith name and his birth name. Maul only had his Sith name. To further add insult to injury, it was a slave name, too.

"Yeah, I'm never stepping foot on Naboo again," Maul decided. "Wild banthas couldn't drag me back to that place." He forced himself top walk down the gangplank, hating himself every step of the way. His weakness had brought him here. Maul's inability to throw off his master's chains had one again made him a slave. Maul wondered how he'd be thrown away this time.

Maybe someone would succeed in killing him.

Maul's breath caught in his throat as he rounded the bend. Dooku was standing, tall and proud. In one hand, he held a ceremonial silver dagger. In the other hand, he held a handful of lekku. That dagger's tip was pressed into the neck of a very, very, very familiar female Nautolan. Maul's blood boiled over as he gave Solace a quick glance. Her lekku, once clean and well cared for, were now limp and dirty. Her dark skin was dulled from dirt and grime. A large bruise was forming on her cheek, but her eyes blazed with fire.

The bruise angered Maul the most. He had principles on how you treated females. He wouldn't fight a female, or kill one, unless he was forced too. Hitting a female was out of the question. His breath caught in his throat as he grabbed his lightsabers. Maul itched to cut Dooku down, right there and right now. End the problem. He took a step forward, his lightsabers half extended.

Dooku pressed the knife in deeper and Solace stiffened. "How much do you love this pirate, Maul?"

"What do you know of love?" Maul's voice was strangled, desperate. The Force was screaming in his ear, yelling at him to rescue her. But he couldn't. As fast as he was, Dooku was faster. If he made a move, Dooku would slit Solace's throat. Though Maul would kill him for it, and Dooku knew Maul would, Solace would be gone for good.

"What does my worthless slave know of loyalty?" Dooku's voice was filled with scorn and derision. He was admitting that Maul was just a slave. Not an apprentice to be valued, but a slave to be used and discarded.

"What does my sad*stic torturer of a master know of mercy?" Maul asked. He leaned against the duracrete retaining wall, watching Dooku like a hawk. He crossed his arms over his chest. Maul couldn't give Dooku leverage. He couldn't show Dooku how much he valued Solace, how much he loved her. To do so would damn them both. "Are you trying to trick me with an illusion?"

The sneer in Maul's voice was impossible to miss. The Force whispered in his ear, telling him this was the real Solace. She was weak, but still alive. And in terrible danger from Dooku. He attempted to brush those feelings aside. Like his starlight, that had to stay buried for the sake of survival.

"Damn you!" Solace wailed. Maul wasn't sure who it was directed at. Probably him and Dooku both. Her liquid black eyes blazed with fire. Maul felt like his heart was breaking in two.

I am so sorry, Solace. Just let me do this, please. We'll think of a plan. We always do.

Dooku shoved Solace down. The Nautolan landed hard. A cry of pain escaped her lips and Maul almost bounded to the rescue. Dooku stopped him with a bolt of Sith lighting. "I know who she is, Maul. Solace Midnight is your lover."

Blood trickled from various injuries across Solace's body. It stained her pristine white tunic a rusty red. Maul knew what Dooku was playing at. The material was revealing, a lot like what the pirates in the holos wore. Solace, as the real thing, was probably burning with shame.

Dooku's voice shattered Maul's thoughts.

"It's completely up to you whether she lives or dies."

Chapter 3: Don't Do It

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Solace could feel the lightsaber's heat and vibration. Maul's face, his anguished golden eyes, was branded in her mind. His face might have been as cold and impassive as the galactic winds, but he was screaming inside. Would he sacrifice his hard won freedom to save her?

"Bow to me," Dooku snarled. "Or she dies."

Don't do! No! You've done this before, Maul! You know where this road leads! You can still run away!

But she knew his pride and protective nature would not allow it.

Solace knew he could read her thoughts. She knew, because she felt his spirit brush her. In that awful moment, she relaxed. His pain and anguish, once the only thing he'd ever know, had faded. The hell and torture were still a part of him, but those would never fade. It was what made Maul who he was. She studied the Zabrak, watching the carelessly handsome face that several had committed atrocities to possess. He had no idea of how he looked. He didn't know how he acted, how his body language suggested that of a wild cat.

'I'll never leave you, Solace.'

With a start, she realized she'd heard his thoughts. That mean Maul was broadcasting his thoughts. The Nautolan hissed a curse. Dooku had grabbed her hyper sensitive lekku and she was about to let him have it. Solace relaxed and waited, as patient as any fyrnok.

Don't let him enslave you again!

She wanted to wail those words, let him know that he couldn't do this. Maul had sacrificed so much for the right to be free. His face fell as he looked at Dooku. Solace whimpered as the blade started to cut deep into her flesh. The lightsaber wound hurt almost as much as the lekku did. The stench of burnt flesh hit her nose. Solace let out a soft cry. She hurt all over. But she was determined to stand strong, not let Maul fall again. Then pain, pain bound within a white hot bolt of lightning, struck her body. Solace went flying across the space dock. She skidded across the duracrete, her body wreathed in the blue-white lighting. She screamed, not even aware that the horrible sound was coming from her.

It hurt. It hurt. Hurt beyond anything she could describe.

The pain stopped and a booted foot slammed into her ribs. She could hear the lightsaber swing down, land just over her neck. It struck Solace just then how powerless she was. She had no lightsaber, no Force power. She was just a Nautolan pirate with a sharp tongue and a bad attitude.

"Get away from her." Maul's voice was a low snarl, the rumble of thunder before a storm. Solace was lying crumpled at Dooku's feet. She managed to raise her head just enough to see his face, anguished and torn. "I'll obey you, Master. Just don't hurt her anymore."

Dooku moved backwards, a smug smile on his face. Solace's head was ringing. She wanted to scream. Maul was failing, cowering before his sad*stic master. Then the red Zabrak's strong body enveloped her own. He covered her injuries with his ragged tunic, hissing as he saw her scrapes. She whimpered and buried her head in his chest.

"That," Dooku drawled, "is entirely up to you."

Maul looked up, his stance rigid. "Go to hell."

Dooku ignored him. "You will find and kill the one known as Ahsoka Tano. If you refuse, the woman dies."

Maul growled low. He looked to Dooku again. "That won't come easy, bastard. How do I know you won't kill her while I'm gone?"

The old Sith ignored him. Maul's voice was ragged with anger and weariness. He'd been fighting a hard battle for a long time. No one had cared. No one but her. Solace knew she was the only one who cared for him; saw him as something other than a power source. She clung to him, the strength fleeing from her limbs. And Maul held her.

"You will return to me and fully give yourself to the Dark Side," Dooku continued. "If you resist, she dies."

Maul barked a mirthless laugh. "You have no idea what I'm capable of, Tyranus."

"When your training is complete, you will act as my servant, hunting down those I choose," Dooku ordered. "If you fail me, I will force you to kill her."

The red Zabrak tensed. He was screaming inside. He might not have been doing so vocally, but Solace could read his body language. Maul was close to his breaking point. A sharp tongue was all he had now.

"Yes, master," he finally managed. Solace wanted to wail. Seeing him like this, broken ands weak, a base slave, almost tore her apart.

"Bow to me." This time, Dooku didn't hide the gloating in his voice.

Maul obeyed. He gently set Solace down on the floor, brushing her face with his hand. And then he went on one knee before his master, his eyes downcast. His eyes, his beautiful golden eyes, were weary and broken. The absence of two of his horns was even more pronounced than ever in the sharp, red light. Solace could smell the sulfur in the air. Now she saw why Maul preferred worlds with lush growth rather than factories.

"Ah, my wayward slave." Dooku caressed Maul's horns, noting where the two had been knocked off. Solace tensed. Touch a Zabrak's horns and you had trouble. Maul had fought for his freedom. He shouldn't have this bastard going after his horns, too! Solace managed to draw herself up to her full height. Time to show that bastard what pirates were made of. "We've let you run wild for far too long."

Solace co*cked back her fist. "Better wild and dead than alive and enslaved."

With that snarl, she let it fly. The fist struck Dooku solidly in the chin, turning his face in the other direction. He staggered backwards, surprise and fear written on his face. Solace glared at him, daring him to fight back. Maul gave her a silent nod of approval. He went down low into his fighting stance, almost drew his blades when--

The next thing Solace knew, she was flying through the air. She collided heavily with the duracrete wall. She lay there, winded for a few moments, before her body decided to shut itself down and assess the damage.

The last thing Solace saw was Maul's face, coming closer as he grabbed her body.

And then it all faded to black.

Chapter 4: What Did She Expect?

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Not only had the pirate decked Darth Tyranus, she'd even dragged Maul into the action, too. Of course, the bastard would protect the little whor*. She was good like that, Strider realized. The yellow Zabrak curled her fingers around her blaster as she watched the unfolding scene.

Maul cradled the Nautolan's body. Dooku had thrown her into the wall, possibly damaging her badly. He rubbed her broken, bloody body, closing some of the worst wounds. In doing so, something made Dooku snarl and curse. Strider watched intently. She wouldn't mind at all if the Nautolan died. She hated the pirate, actually. Solace Midnight had turned Darth Maul from his path.

Let her die, Dooku. Kill her!

She knew he could hear her, because he shook his head and mouthed 'no'. Strider glowered. Bastard.

"Leave Solace out of this," Maul snarled. He gently placed her unconscious body upon the floor. "She isn't the one you want. I am."

Dooku laughed bitterly. Strider noticed the darkening bruise forming on his chin. "You had to pick a pirate. Out of all the females in this entire galaxy, you had to pick the wildest pirate of the lot."

"Anakin Skywalker picked Queen Padme," Maul coolly replied.

"You reek of the Light," Dooku snarled. He grasped one of Maul's horns. The Zabrak stiffened, a gasp of pain escaping his lips. Strider watched with some interest as the Zabrak whimpered. The red clearly didn't like having his mind invaded. Yet still he knelt before his master, his head bowed in subservience. Strider curled her lip as she watched him. He'd debase himself for the pirate. Play the slave just so he could keep her from dying.

On the floor, Solace moaned in pain. Strider savagely kicked her in the ribs. The little Nautolan let out a wail of pain. Her black eyes were disoriented, confused. But they slowly cleared, replaced by a slow burning fire.

"I was being violated," Maul snarled. He tensed as the memory threatened to surface. Strider had seen PTSD before. She knew the symptoms. He had a nasty case of it, too. "I was willing to play along with it, just enough to get her on top of me so I could choke the life out of Blirr. Before I knew it, I was on my back and my hands were pinned. I grabbed the first thing I could think of and it was Light. The Light you can't get rid of. So I stopped her heart with golden lightning. I reacted like you told me too. Do you blame me, Dooku? Have you ever been tortured? In so much pain you'll do anything to make it stop? Or was that just for me?"

Strider barked harsh laughter. She clapped her hands in a bit of savage glee. "You slave. Him master."

With a wild cry, Solace leapt up from the floor. Her fist caught Strider by surprise. The yellow Zabrak went over backwards. Her head struck the duracrete. She lay, stunned. Solace grabbed Strider's neck and started to choke. Dooku yelled and leapt up. Solace pounded her fist into Strider's gut. The yellow screamed and flipped the Nautolan over. Strider kneed Solace in the gut. The Nautolan grunted and grabbed her weapon. Too late, Strider saw the gleam of silver.

Midnight has a dagger. And she means to kill.

The dagger went flying through the air. Strider ducked out of the way and turned on her heels. Solace dropped low, her stance easy, relaxed. The pirate lunged forward like a panther. She came at Strider hard and fast. The yellow Zabrak saw her and jabbed her fist low. Solace dodged it. The dagger grazed Strider's forearm. The female grunted in pain as she dropped backwards.

Solace looked at Strider, her gaze a deadly calm. "I'm pirate. You're bounty hunter. I've been raiding for six years. You? No crossbow, Zabrak."

Strider backed up, looking wildly towards the exits. But Maul blocked Dooku's advance. The slave was every bit as powerful as the master, perhaps even more. And that was the pity. He was too weak to defeat his master, but he could kill a Jedi master.

"Yeah, but I'm not the one Dooku wants to kill," Strider laughed. She dropped back as the Nautolan came foreword. "You are."

Solace's only response was to throw her dagger with deadly accuracy. Strider watched as it spun end over end. The weapon spun in a hypnotizing arc, its trajectory clearly marked. But Strider couldn't move. She could only watch, hypnotized, as the weapon flew through the air and embedded itself in her chest.

The yellow Zabrak staggered backwards, surprise and terror written on her face. The injury produced no pain. She could only watch as the crimson stain spread across her light blue shirt. She was dying. Dead, her brain just didn't know it. The dagger had to have ruptured something vital. She fell to the duracrete floor, falling in a heap.

"Artemis!" Dooku, his voice wild and anguished. Now she knew he cared. When she was dying and he had to tell her.

He dropped beside her. Strider looked at him with bloodless lips. Her gaze was calm. No fear betrayed her. Dying was something no rogue feared. It'd be the Locker for her, for sure. And the Saint Murphy's Seven Hells for him. Her skin paled as her hearts failed and her blood soaked her shirt.

"Don't give up," she whispered. She could only just see Dooku on the fringes of her blurred vision. "And never...ever...insult a pirate."

"Don't go," he begged her. "Please. No."

"But I must." And then her head fell backwards as it all faded to black. The last thing Strider saw before she started on her journey was a young man, robed in white. Saint Murphy himself. And then with a silent sigh, her spirit left her body for good.


Solace hadn't meant to kill the Zabrak. She didn't know that was the one Dooku loved. Hell, she didn't even know that bastard could love. Yet he knelt there, his head bowed in sorrow as he held the dead Zabrak's hand. Solace turned her head away in shame. She buried her head in Maul's shoulder and sobbed softly. She hadn't wanted to kill Strider. It had just...happened. She'd lost herself.

Is that how the Sith are? Do they just lose themselves in battle like I did? Was something else guiding my actions? I don't see red. Ever.

"Leave me," Dooku snarled. "Just go." His head slumped again. Solace saw how old he looked, how injured and vulnerable. Had he loved Artemis Strider? If he had, the Zabrak was dead. Killed by Solace's hand. She had destroyed a Sith's only love. That was not something you did lightly.

Maul and Solace left him then, as Dooku sat a vigil with the one he'd loved.

What have I done?

Chapter 5: Sorrow

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Strider was dead. Killed by Maul's pirate. Dooku ignored the aching pain where the pirate's fist had struck him. It had been an instinctual reaction, flinging the pirate into the wall. Maul, of course, had reacted like any love-struck Sith. He'd fought to protect Solace. And Solace proved the age-old adage--you didn't insult a pirate. Dooku took Strider's cold, limp hand in his own. He brushed it across his face. Her skin was icy cold, like frozen silk. He glared at the dagger sticking out of her breast bone.

It was that weapon that killed her. A single dagger, thrown by a pirate, had destroyed a mighty bounty hunter.

Yet...there was an aura about the weapon--and the room.

No. It can't be. He doesn't care about my life that much.

Dooku took a shuddering breath. It wasn't the pirate's fault. She had been possessed. She had reacted to the Darkness inside her. And all Sidious had had to do was play off the female's natural fear for her mate.

He felt a presence in the room. Dooku jerked his head up. He shivered as a cold breeze caressed his spine. There was Light here; a Light so ancient and powerful Dooku almost shrank away.

'He will not go softly into the night.'

"Who said that?" Dooku demanded. He looked wildly around the dock. Nothing. Just him and the dead bounty hunter. He rose from his kneeling position, glancing into the shadows. Nothing. It was empty, devoid of all life. "Who's there?"

The cold wind solidified into a pale, ghostly man. His hair was shining silver, his eyes like twin blue lasers. He glowed with the energy of the Cosmic Force. The man may have been old, but that didn't mean power didn't radiate from his entire body. Power and Light.

"Who are you?" Dooku demanded. He backed up, going for one of his red blades. "Who the kriff are you?"

The Force ghost remained impassive. 'I watch over him, Tyranus. He is far stronger than you will ever be."

The "he" in question had to be Maul.

"I control Maul," Dooku snarled. He drew his lightsaber, almost activating his ruby red blade. Anger flared in his yellow eyes. He'd known for a long time that Maul lived in a shadowy "grey area". That was why he could grab the Light like he had. And Dooku knew Maul was lying. He liked Light. The red Zabrak craved Light. He was just trying to save his skin. Well, it probably wouldn't do him any good once Sidious got through with him.

If he'd thought Blirr had tortured him, Maul was in for a nasty surprise.

'If you push him too hard, he will snap,' The Force ghost warned. 'And when he snaps, it will not go well for you.'

"Melodramatic Jedi," Dooku spat. He backed up. The Jedi was already dead. He couldn't kill him anymore. What Dooku could do was keep the Jedi talking, maybe angle for some information.

The Force-ghost slowly began to fade. He bowed his head in respect as an unseen wind started to tug at his robes. Only the man's eyes and face shown through the growing cloud. Dooku watched in awe. This was a creature of Light. Pure Light, the Light that Maul had in his veins.

'He will not go softly into the night and you cannot force him...' With a soft sigh, a sigh so soft Dooku had to strain to hear it, the ghost faded back into the Cosmic Force.

Dooku glanced around, the hairs on the back of his neck raised. The prevailing chill in the room wouldn't fade. It was as if the Force ghost had wanted to leave a reminder of his existence. Well, Dooku could live with it. But try as he might, he couldn't banish the spirit's little calling card.

He shoved those thoughts from his mind. It was time to comm his master. The same master he believed to have killed Strider. With a heavy heart, he touched the icon that represented his master. He went to one knee, his head bowed in submission.

The image of his master blossomed overhead like some bizarre flower. "Yes?"

"The slave has returned, my Lord. Returned with fire in his veins instead of blood." He didn't mention Strider. The very mention of that female seemed to make his heart of lead.

"So he obeys you now?" Sidious asked. The sneer in his voice was impossible to miss. Dooku flinched. "The slave will obey you for a short time, but he will still escape you. The kid gloves only go so far. Darth Maul is a beast."

"Master, he gave me his word. I hold the life of Solace Midnight. He proved...impossible to control without the pirate," Dooku smoothly replied. He stood back up, careful to keep from looking his master in the eye. Was it possible to probe a being across a HoloNet connection? Dooku wasn't sure, but didn't want to learn the hard way. "New orders, master?"

"Yes. My weapon is ready. Is yours? And Tyranus, did you really think you could hide your little infatuation with Artemis Strider from me forever? As such, I took the liberty of removing her from the equation. The pirate proved resistant to mind control," Sidious calmly said.

"Master, all pirates have an independent streak a mile wide." Dooku managed to keep himself calm. He wasn't sure how he did it, but he did. Maybe his training was actually paying off. "Maul has sworn to return to the Dark Side." Dooku smiled a thin lipped smile. "As such, I hold the final ace in his control."

Knowing Maul, he'd find a way to get out of it. Maul saying he'd bow to the Dark Side was like a Far Rim trader saying he'd give you an honest deal.

"Darth Maul's word, ace or no," Sidious drawled. The Sith looked angry, his eyes a little more dangerous than normal. "Is there any evidence?"

Somehow, Dooku knew mentioning the battle of wills he'd been in before would only anger Sidious more.

"He is soon to have a test," Dooku finally said. "There is an old friend of his, Ahsoka Tano, I believe. She will be a thorn in our side, as well as true test of his loyalty. They are friends, I believe. She taught him to heal, he saved her life. If he destroys her, we will know he is loyal."

Tano was quite the thorn in Sidious's side. Not that the old Sith would admit it.

"I want Maul ours!" Sidious snarled. "If you fail me, I will destroy you!" With that, he terminated the link.

Dooku was left alone in the frigid space dock. He closed his eyes, suddenly weary. Somehow, he knew the Great Plan would work a little too well.

Like a phoenix from the ashes, something will rise from the ruins of the Jedi Order. Chances are it will be even nastier and harder to fight than the Jedi themselves. Are we strong enough to defeat this new threat?

Dooku didn't think they would be. Bane might have been able to, but Sidious was no Darth Bane. It was only a matter of time before disaster struck.

Chapter 6: Exiles

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Ahsoka Tano pulled her cloak tighter around herself as she walked at a brisk pace. The wind was rough and cold, tearing through her thin clothing with a vengeance. She shivered--now she knew what Rex meant when he'd joked about dying of exposure. The Togruta caught herself and violently shook her head.

Stop that! You can't be fatalistic! Not here, not now. Maybe when you've a warm bed and food in your belly, but not when you're leaving!

The Force whispered in her ear, telling her to pick up the pace. She still couldn't get Anakin's anguished, tortured face out of her mind. Was she betraying the Order by doing this, by leaving? Ahsoka felt her throat grow tight with tears. Her head hung low as she thought of Rex. Poor man, he'd taken a plasma grenade--for her. The last time she'd seen him, he'd been lying in a blood heap, his face mangled beyond all belief. The medics hadn't given him a good outlook. Either he'd make it--or he wouldn't. The wounded Jedi were of more concern than a clone. They could spawn five more in his place.

Ahsoka couldn't stay, however. Not with her near execution. Not with the taint of Bariss's betrayal hanging over her. Besides, other Jedi had left. If they could do it, she could.

The Togruta squared her shoulders and walked on. Her boots carried her over unfamiliar ground, past ramshackle housing and filthy streets. No one bothered her. Ahsoka fingered her twin lightsabers guiltily. She'd taken them against the wishes of the Order. Someone was going to find out, because she didn't think she could hold an illusion that long.

"A pretty little thing like you shouldn't be here." The voice belonged to a filthy man, his beard long and filled with grease and grime. His clothing was mere rags that fluttered in the bare breeze. The man's skin had been turned a nasty grey from lack of personal hygiene. The man licked his lips hungrily. Ahsoka stepped back, fire burning in her blue eyes.

"Leave me alone." The Force burned in her voice, making the man paused. Ahsoka caught him in her hypnotizing blue gaze, forcing him to look at her. Uncharacteristic anger burned in her veins. She was tired, cold, and hungry. He'd picked the wrong female to harass. "You want to go back to whatever hole you crawled out of."

The slaver nodded. "I want--"

A sharp spate of blasterfire cut off his words. The slaver feel to his knees and landed in a bloody heap. Ahsoka jumped back and grabbed her blade. She stopped, just as the mysterious shooter pulled off his hood.

Ahsoka almost sicked in the gutter.

It was Rex. Half of his face was a mass of red, angry scar tissue. Bits and pieces of flesh had been gouged from his skin, leaving deep furrows. He had only one eye. The other was a mere socket. His left ear had been ripped to pieces by the blast, his nose missing several chunks. He limped a little, but fire burned in his hazel eyes.

Then she noticed his clothing. It looked like he'd stolen something from the community clothes pile. He looked like a spacer who'd been caught by pirates. Cue cargo pants and a loose shirt. His boots were still Army, but his stance was weaker, more...broken.


"I had it under control," she managed.

"Yeah, right. That bastard would have killed you." Rex holstered his blaster. "Plus, some beings just need killing." He'd tossed a jacket across his shoulder, but he still looked cold.

Ahsoka averted her gaze from his face. "You need to go back."

She turned to leave.

"Where're you going?"

Why not? It wasn't like he'd follow.

"The dock," Ahsoka simply said. "I though about going Far Rim. Maybe Sidon or Tyrseni."

"Sidon's just a moon," Rex shrugged. He caught up with her, moving fast despite his injuries. "And Tyrseni is pretty much owned by Hondo's lot. I'd stay away from both."

"Then where'd you go?" She snarled. It came out a lot harsher than she intended. Rex flinched as if he'd been struck. And he had been, by various Knights.

"Ashkelon," he admitted. "Much as I hate the place. Plenty of anti-Separatist crews outta there."

He had a point. Ahsoka sighed. "Are you coming with me?"

"Yes." The way he spoke it, there'd be no argument.

"You know they'll kill you if we're captured."

Rex shrugged. "Then don't get caught."

Space gods.

Ahsoka started walking, followed by a rogue clone with noticeable scarring. This probably wasn't going to end well. Rex apparently knew some short cuts to the docks, because he took her through a twisting, winding maze of streets. They walked in a comfortable silence. Ahsoka enjoyed a quiet morning. Rex was thinking about something. She wondered if his scars hurt him.

"I might be half blind, but I'm not stupid," Rex finally said, breaking the silence.

"I know," she replied.

"Is it the scars?"

Ahsoka stopped short and turned to face him. He held his gaze with her own. Then Rex took her hand and brushed it against the worst of the scars. She wanted to pull away for fear of hurting him, but he didn't betray a hint of pain. The left side of his face had been obliterated.

You shouldn't even be alive.

"Ahsoka. Look at my face."

He'd used her first name. Something Rex never did.

"Does it hurt?" The words slipped from Ahsoka's mouth unbidden.

"You get used to it," he shrugged. They stood there, Ahsoka trying to process his injuries. How had he gotten out of the medical bay? Had someone helped him?

Translation--you're in pain. Rex, I'm not stupid.

Ahsoka put her hand on his shoulders. "I won't lie to you, Rex. But it's hard to look at your face. You've got to go back."

"Nope," he shrugged. "I'm on the Kill List. You're stuck with me now."

Why can't I be walking with Lux? Why is it always Rex? Yeah, I know why--the frakking galaxy hates me!

"Sewer rat!"

Rex ducked just as the rock hit him in the ribs. He yelped his pain. Rex's balance was off. He fell to his knees and the sharp tang of blood filled the air. Another rock hit him in the skull. Rex swore and went for his blaster. Ahsoka activated her lightsabers. The smaller yellow-green shoto illuminated a Twi'Lek woman with a bag of rocks. The woman hurled one at Ahsoka, a vicious snarl on her face. With a flick of her wrist, Ahsoka cut the rock in two. She hurled the rest back at the woman, keeping an eye on Rex. The man moaned softly.

"Rat! Slave Bastard!" More rocks rained down. Ahsoka put up a shield, hoping to avoid violence.

"He's never hurt you!" Ahsoka snarled. "Get lost!"

The woman backed up, her eyes on the lightsaber. "What are you going to do, kill me?"

"Tempting, but no," Ahsoka shot back. She helped Rex up. The clone rubbed the stiffness from his body. "We're in a bit of a hurry."

"Going to the docks?" the woman asked. "Here's my advice--get rid of him and buy something with some looks." With one last cackle, the woman slipped into the shadows.

"What was that about?" Ahsoka asked, looking to Rex.

"Never mind." His voice was strained, harsh. "We need to move."

Ahsoka didn't know what to say, but they had no money. And she didn't know if she could trick an entire ship into thinking they'd paid passage to Ashkelon. Not that any legit lines went to Ashkelon.

The docks were a whole new experience for Ahsoka Tano. Steam hissed from cracks in pipes. Hoses had been tossed against the walkways. Droids scurried between the waiting ship and the rumble of reactors was almost deafening. The air reeked with the sharp tang of grease and sweat. Oil had created rainbow patches on the broken duracrete slabs. Patches of silver light filtered through the haze, but the docks were poorly illuminated.

"What is this place?" Ahsoka asked.

"A freight dock. I looked at the listing. We've one ship out of Ashkelon at the moment. Called the War Bird. She's a merchant-raider Crescent and only came to Coruscant because she tangled with a Separatist Lancer and needed extensive repair. Captain is Drake Morganstern. The first mate is Anusha," Rex reported.

A man with shoulder length coppery hair exited the War Bird's hatch. He leaned against the ship's metal hide, idly chatting with a blonde woman. Beside the woman was a Togarian, whose fur was braided with beads.

The copper haired man was Morganstern, Ahsoka knew.

"Speak of the devil," she muttered.

"I'll talk with him," Rex said. She gave him a nasty look. Rex held up his hands in surrender. "Hey! Ahsoka! I know this world better than you do!"

He was right. Ahsoka reluctantly conceded the point and watched as Rex swaggered up to the War Bird's crewmen.


"How much for your clonetrooper, trader?"

Ahsoka almost jumped. She whipped around, almost drawing her lightsaber. A well dressed young man grinned back at her. Judging by his clothing and general air, he was a slave trader. He also had a whip curled around his waist.

Her stomach turned. "He's not my slave. Go away."

The man shrugged as he turned around. "Why? He's not one for looks, but I can't speak to taste. Looks like he'd be willing to please, too. If not, that's why we have Amp. I swear that sh*t works on Zabraks."

Ahsoka's lightsaber sprung to life in her hands. She shoved the slave against a retaining wall, the green tip mere centimeters from slitting his throat. The slave trader froze, his eyes going wide. "Now," Ahsoka snarled. "He is not my toy." She almost choked on the word. "Rex is my companion, my equal in this matter."

"Ahh. Marilius," a new voice drawled. Ahsoka looked up. Morganstern and Rex. Morganstern looked like he was trying keep from laughing. "I think she's not interested. Tano, put the 'saber up."

She complied. Marilius took the opportunity to run before more than his pride was damaged.

"Captain says he needs crew," Rex shrugged.
"And I ask no questions," Drake smoothly said. He nodded in appreciation of her fighting stance. "If you want Rim-ward, the War Bird is the way to go."

Ahsoka took one last glance at Coruscant before she walked aboard the old ship.

Chapter 7: Back In Session

Chapter Text

Waking up beside Solace was, according to Maul, the best thing in the galaxy.

She lay curled against him, her hands wrapped around his waist. Maul didn't want to move and wake her. He could have stayed there forever. The room was dark; the soft, ambient lightning had been turned down to the minimum. Still, Maul could see the pile of clothing draped across the chair. Solace was with him. She was okay, still alive. Maul may not have been a free man, but he was with the one he loved.

My angel.

Maul's comm buzzed. He swore softly, but picked it up anyways. A text message glowed across the surface. Dooku wanted Maul to start training right away. The Zabrak considered frying the thing, then going back to sleep. Then Maul decided not to. Dooku really didn't like Solace. He didn't want to anger the man unnecessarily. Solace's life hung in the balance. He couldn't forget that--ever. Maul kissed the top of Solace's head and started to peel back the blankets. She mewled and tightened her grip.

"I know, yah'sii. I know. I don't like this anymore than you do." Maul gently broke her grip and stood. The cold air hit his bare skin with a vengeance. Maul cursed softly and dressed as quickly as he could. Solace, he noticed, had burrowed down deeper in their bed.

A smile ghosted his features. Solace might have had the gall to deck Dooku, but she despised cold. It reminded him, quite painfully, of the War Bird. That had been the first time he'd really seen love. He'd seen healthy relationships between Captain and crew.

Maul scrawled a note for her. As a parting gesture, he left the caff maker on. She would be that pleased, but she wouldn't bite his head off either.

He relied upon his memories to get into the training room. That place was a huge, vaulted chamber, full of everything you'd need to train a Sith. Maul looked at the combat droids in the corner. He curled his lip, glancing at the training room. He saw the ropes he'd had to climb before, the obstacle courses, all of it. Maul took the opportunity to ditch his shirt and grab a training staff. His hilts were still on his belt, but he was fairly certain Dooku wanted to spar with the staffs.

Good plan, master. Because I will kill you, given half a chance.

A door hissed open and Maul glanced up. A young male swaggered in. His was tall and lithe, with unruly blonde hair and icy blue eyes. The human didn't wear Jedi robes, but Maul could sense the Jedi on him. He was Dark, though. Maul glanced at him once before he picked up another staff. The red Zabrak decided he didn't like the blonde male.

"Tyranus woke me for you?" Maul drawled. He slashed the staff through the air, testing it out a little bit.

"Shut up, Zabrak." The human grabbed a staff and held it in the classic lightsaber stance.

Maul snorted. He really wasn't interested in a verbal sparring match. "Yeah, right. I only answer to one man around here and you ain't him."

The staff whirled through the air and slammed into Maul's stomach. The man collapsed to his knees, grunting in pain. Okay. That was it. Maul lunged up and darted aside. He slammed the staff against the human's side. The male whipped around and slapped two of Maul's blows aside. The red Zabrak jumped aside. He whirled around and parried aside two blows. He jabbed as fast as he could. The human went low and charged.

Maul ducked to one side. He telekinetically grabbed a second staff sent it pin wheeling through the air at the male's head. The human knocked it aside and Maul made his move. He slammed his staff against the male's stomach. The human fell and Maul started beating him across the back and shoulders. He poured all of his rage, shame, and frustration into the hard, stinging blows. The human wailed, begging for Maul to stop.

A bolt of lightning hit Maul in the shoulder. The red Zabrak fell, rubbing the aching wound.

The human male lunged up and tackled Maul. They rolled over backwards. The human rammed his knee into Maul's gut. Maul flipped the male over and started to choke. The human slammed Maul's body with the Force. Maul sent it flying right back at his body. The human widened his eyes in surprise.

Lightning hit both of them, sending both males in opposite directions.

"Now." Dooku strode between his fighting apprentices. "If you two are done beating the hell out of each other, I have a task for you two."

"Give me a staff and we'll see how done I am," Maul snarled. He pulled himself up, glaring at the blonde human. Great. He was dealing with a Fallen Jedi, too.

As if my life isn't hell enough.

"We'll see about that," the blonde human spat. "Shut up, Zabrak."

"You shut up!" the red Zabrak stood up. He almost took a step towards the blonde human, but stopped with a look from Dooku. Come to think of it, this human felt more like Sidious than Dooku. It looked like his master had a permanent apprentice. That was okay by Maul. It'd be easier to escape from Dooku than Sidious. Plus, Dooku wouldn't make him relive his worst experiences. And Maul had been tortured pretty often and in pretty despicable ways.

Dooku must have gotten tired of the bickering, because he flung both of them aside. Maul got up again, rubbing his butt. He glared at the blonde human. It was clear who the favored apprentice was.

"Master?" the blonde human asked.

Maul wanted to gag. The only thing worse than a Jedi was a Fallen Jedi. He had to deal with one here. Now. Maul so was not in the mood to deal with all of this.

"The two of you have a task to complete." Dooku fixed both of them with a withering glare. "Together."

This should be fun. Not.

Dooku waved his hand in front of the combat droids. Six of the twenty suddenly came online. Their photoreceptors locked into Maul's and he shivered. He knew exactly what those things could do. Apparently, so did the blonde human. Both males moved back to back. Three lightsabers--two red and one blue--flashed into existence.

"Defeat the droids and unlock the holocron," Dooku continued. "If you fail the first part, well, there won't be much left. Begin." With that, the old Sith turned and walked away. The droids suddenly leapt closer.

Maul found himself grinning. He'd done something similar to this on Hive. "Don't worry, Blondie. I've got a plan."

"That," the blonde human said. "Is what I'm afraid of."

Chapter 8: Why Me?

Chapter Text

Anakin Skywalker was not amused with his current partner.

That man is kriffing crazy! Why me? Why do I have to deal with him?

Six droids, armed with lightsabers, advanced towards the two men. There were two against six and Anakin still wasn't over the beating he'd received earlier. The Zabrak was ready and raring to go. Anakin glanced over the approaching droids. They were big and bulky, massive creatures of steel and wires. They were truly ugly. Great scars ran across their metal hides and their photoreceptors glowed with an eerie orange light.

"You have a plan?" Anakin asked. He backed up, moving beside the big Zabrak. Why was he getting a bad feeling about this?

" Yeah. Run!" The Zabrak took off, dragging Anakin along with him. The male leapt upon the pile of crates and kicked a pile upon the droids. They didn't even falter. Anakin struggled to follow, his blue eyed gaze determined. His body ached from the Zabrak's beating. He'd have some lovely bruises tomorrow.

Now you want my help?

"See that?" the red asked. He pointed to an odd control panel high upon the wall. He grinned wickedly.

"Yeah?" Anakin asked as he knocked a droid aside with his foot. Remind him why he was doing this? Oh, yeah, so he and Padme could have a future together, in a place where they wouldn't have to hide their love. "So?"

"Time for a little trick I picked up in prison." With that, the Zabrak swarmed up the wall. He almost kicked Anakin in the head. "You stay and guard the base."

Great. A droid lunged up at him, moving faster than it should have. Anakin sliced it aside, spinning on his feet. Another came at him and slashed with its blade. Anakin screamed as the thing scored him in the back. He hurled lightning at the thing, sending it flying across the room. Above him, the red was furiously working with the control box. It involved adjusting the wires--green to green, red to red, and blue to blue. Anakin wasn't sure what he was doing, but the red could hurry it up. And then it hit him.

Oh crap. He isn't.

The thought faded from his mind as the droids started swarming up the pile of crates. One of them jabbed at him. Anakin slashed wildly at it. The thing backed up then came forward like a bull rancor. Anakin parried another blow, desperately trying to hold his ground. Right now, he hated the red. He slammed the droids with a Force wave. They wavered, but still came at him in a wave. A blade slashed into Anakin's leg. He almost blacked out from the pain. The blonde haired man fell to the bottom. His eyes were wild. A droid loomed over him, its blade just inches from his neck. He'd know Dooku trained his men hard, but not this hard.

A deafening explosion rocked the entire room. The droid in front of him just detonated into a thousand metallic shards. The droids at the base shared the same fate. Shrapnel went everywhere. It embedded in the walls, in the mats, in the ceiling. Anakin stood on shaky legs. He diverted a little strength to his injuries, forcing them to heal. He closed his eyes, trying not to breathe in the stench.

The Zabrak dropped beside him, obviously pleased with himself. He wiped his hands on his trousers, a smug grin on his face. "That," he drawled, "is that."

"I could have died, Zabrak." Anakin's leg almost folded beneath him. He pulled himself up, trying to heal the wound. Healing, however, wasn't one of his great strengths. Anakin wanted to scream from rage and frustration. He held his tongue, however. The Zabrak was a full Sith. He, Anakin, wasn't.


"Who are you?" Anakin finally asked. He doused his blue blade and shoved it in his belt. Anakin gritted his teeth and looked his partner over. The male was large for a Zabrak. His horns were long and jagged; he was missing two of them. His eyes were odd amber gold. Tattoos swirled across the male's red skin and he rippled with muscles whenever he moved.

"My master named me Maul," the red finally said. It was clear from his tone that he didn't like his name.

"Anakin Skywalker," Anakin replied.

Maul's reaction was almost instantaneous.

He swore under his breath, turning his back as he prepared to leap off the pile of crates. Distrust radiated from his body--along with something that felt strangely like Light. Anakin pursed his lips. Master Tyranus was not doing a good job--at all. Then the light caught the scars on Maul's back. Sweat gleamed in every crevice. The old injuries shone in the light. His back looked like it had been plowed into a thousand furrows. His tattoos had been blurred into masses of angry, dark scar tissue. They were especially bad over his shoulders. His shoulders were clawed up by a whip. Some of the scars were so deep that Anakin could put his finger in them and be flush with his back. Maul moved a little stiffer than most Zabraks because of those scars, Anakin realized. It had to have hurt like hell, too.

"I was scourged. Multiple times." The red's voice was soft and strained, as if dredging up that memory was painful.

"I'm sorry for you," Anakin managed to say. Well, at least Maul could read emotions. He wasn't a total failure, thankfully. Maul had one thing going for him.

"Next time, shield your thoughts," Maul advised.

Anakin nodded as he picked his way down. Unlike Maul, he wasn't fool enough to jump and risk breaking his leg. Speaking of, that injury still hurt, but it was bearable. He could walk. Anakin knew Maul had been on Hive, had been used as Blirr's pleasure slave, and he'd managed to escape. However, he'd thought the part about Hive was a lie--until he saw the scars on Maul's back. It took a lot to break a Zabrak. Especially a Night Brother with Sith training. Amp alone wouldn't do it. Beatings were needed, too.

"Any ideas on the holocron?" Anakin finally asked. He decided to move carefully around the Zabrak--for now, at least.

Maul shrugged. "We need to go through the droid carcasses. But be careful--he's left little traps in them before. I have the scars to prove it. You can unlock it, too. I've had no success with 'em."

"It involves patience," Anakin muttered. "Of course you can't unlock them." The Zabrak was beyond impulsive. He'd revealed that during the training session. Anakin closed his eyes as he Force-scanned the pile of droid parts. Why Maul thought a holocron would survive those explosions, Anakin would never know. He could feel a little tugging in his gut. Anakin smiled as he pointed right into the middle of the pile. "In there."

"Thought so." With that, Maul plunged in with his typical feet first and lots of noise routine.

Chapter 9: New Beginnings

Chapter Text

In a way, Ahsoka was glad she had Rex with her. No one on the War Bird knew her from the First One. But that was okay. Drake knew she was a Jedi, but he didn't know her true name. As far as Drake knew, she was Ariadne Tess, the new Togruta mechanic who'd ran into some trouble with the Order. Rex was the clone she'd talked into coming with her. Ahsoka was pretty sure she could patch this old Crescent better than most R2 units. This crew was wild to the point that the crazy Captain, a man named Toora Ares, didn't trust the droid units with his beloved ship.

It was a unique crew, too. Most spacer crews were predominantly one race or another. This one was pretty heterozygous. There was even a rogue clone--Rat. Rex was having problems with the man's name, but he'd kept his mouth shut.

So far.

"Morning, Tess."

Ahsoka looked up. Drake. The auburn haired acting-Captain walked into the galley and picked up a mug of caff. Drake was a Force-user, but he was no Jedi. The man left well enough alone if given the chance.

"The same to you, Morganstern," she replied. Ahsoka sipped her own caff and tapped one greasy finger against her jumpsuit. Rex was with Neva, having his eye tended to. The medic wanted to see if she could start the process of fixing his eye. Ahsoka was trying to tell herself that it didn't bother her, that he wasn't Lux. But if she was being honest with herself, she'd say that it bothered her quite a bit. "A particular crate in the hold went boom, which, by the way, smells like wine. Reasons?"

Drake, take the hint. I already know.

"So my fermentation vat exploded," Drake shrugged. He leaned back against the chair, his eyes closed in sheer bliss. Ahsoka was only drinking Tarak's caff because there was nothing else. And she did not like rum, thank you very much.

"Again." Ahsoka had heard about the first time, too. Saying chaos had erupted was an understatement. Ahsoka had also seen the hole in the medical bay ceiling. That irritated her beyond belief. Yes, there was a funny story that went with it. But it was also a broken ankle waiting to happen. Ahsoka wasn't stupid. She was also about to go grab the patchsteel gun and fix it.

How could I stay on Coruscant? How? Barriss's betrayal was hung around my neck, several of the clones blamed me for the deaths of their brothers, and they already distrusted me thanks to Anakin. But I still ran away like a cowardly Sith. I might get Rex killed, too!

"We can get Rat to clean it," Drake shrugged. "Have Rex, Enn, or Krios help him."

Rat didn't mind his position as the starship equivalent of deckhand. His control chip was probably damaged, Drake said he'd tangled with a Sith, and that probably made him crazy. Speaking of, Ahsoka was going to see if Neva could remove Rex's. The chip made him little more than a slave. He deserved a taste of freedom.

Krios was a pain in the butt. He liked to cause mayhem and he did so often. If he wasn't starting fights with Rex just because he could, the Aqualish was bothering Ahsoka. She'd already hit him with the Force several times. Surprisingly, the crew didn't seem to mind her Force powers. They didn't ask any questions.

For that, Ahsoka was grateful.

"First mate duties, eh?" Ahsoka teased. She grinned lopsidedly.

"Not sure how Solace handled it." Drake sighed and ran a hand through his coppery hair. He glared at his mug like it was the culprit. "Ares is only getting sicker. Pretty soon, I'll be Captain. And I don't know what the hell I'll do."

Ahsoka felt his pain. Drake was a good man, but he wasn't a good leader. Like her, he'd been shoved into a job that was way too large for him. Captaining a ship was hard. Ahsoka had watched it drain Anakin. And she knew it had to be harder if you really didn't want to be Captain, too. Drake liked to be the Master of Arms. Not the first mate. Certainly not the Captain.

"That has to be hard," Ahsoka replied. She'd only been on the War Bird for a grand total of two days. Long enough for her to get a taste of this life, but not enough for her to start to like it. Ahsoka didn't know if she ever would like it, though. They all respected Toora Ares, too. He was a good man, a good leader. Loosing him would be bad for the crew.

Drake shrugged. "He's been sick for years. The way Toora sees it, it'll be a blessing. But he's been insisting that we'll see Solace Midnight again, along with Tak Mahler."

"But they're dead!" Ahsoka yelped. She was getting a weird feeling in her gut. Was this Tak Force-sensitive? Like had a habit of attracting like. But she had seen Solace's death. Drake had affirmed that for her. The red Zabrak who had attempted to save her made Ahsoka's soul ache. Whoever he was, the red hadn't deserved that. That day, Ahsoka had seen the nasty side of Obi Wan. "Toora will see those two on the other side, but not here. Not on this ship. I saw Solace's body. I don't think the Zabrak lasted much longer."

Liar. You know the red wouldn't give us the satisfaction of seeing him dead. Zabraks aren't like that at all.

"I wouldn't be so sure," Drake shrugged. "You didn't see him after Hive. Solace gave him a concussion on top of general trauma that blossomed into PTSD and he still lived. He was half-starved, almost tortured to death, he'd been used as a pleasure slave, and he was shattered. But the man fought his way through that. Tak Mahler is one hard bastard to kill."

Ahsoka looked sick. "So the pleasure slave thing isn't a myth?"

"Oh, hell no! It happens all the time," Drake spat. The man looked disgusted. "That was probably what would have happened to Rex." He caught her look and shrugged. "Look, that's what happens to the damaged clones. Some of the Knights sell the clones on the side. Rex owes you a lot and he knows it. They take the clones down to the docks and get rid of them."

"So that's why Marilius wanted to buy Rex," Ahsoka managed. She wanted to scream in anger. How could you do that to another man?

Drake shrugged. "This ain't Coruscant, Tess. This is the Far Rim. sh*t happens. The best you can do is roll with it."

Chapter 10: A Pirate's Cunning

Chapter Text

She woke up without him.

At first, Solace thought it had been a cruel dream. Maybe Dooku wanted her distress to lure Maul back in chains. Then her eyes adjusted to the lack of light. His side of the bed was rumpled and empty, but his scent still clung to the sheets. The caff maker was on; the scent permeated the room.

Solace rolled over and something crunched. She pushed herself up and held it in the light.

Solace--Dooku wants a dawn training session. I don't want to do this, but I've no choice. Don't hold it against me. I love you. --Maul

She swore and crumpled it up. Well, that was one mystery solved. Two, if you counted the caff maker. Her still remembered what she liked. Solace cracked a smile. She was still irritated--but not at Maul. Dooku was the object of her wrath.

Well, she was up now. Solace took a quick shower and threw on a fresh change of clothing. The caff was a welcome thing, as was the discovery of food in the refrigeration unit. After a quick bite of food, Solace was heading for the training center. Dooku had shown her were it was previously, but hadn't told her how to get into it. Well, Solace wasn't stupid. She could "feel" that Maul was upset about something. Solace didn't know the how or why, but she could feel it plainly.

A great steel door barred her way. Solace rolled her eyes. A locked door was no challenge to a pirate. The thing stood out like a sore thumb among the rough, rocky walls. Now, Solace might not have a plasma torch, but she had other tools. The lock appeared to be a simply thumb-print type, nothing too challenging. Solace rolled her eyes.

Idiots. Those are easy to fool.

She ignored the harsh rock walks around her and the sounds of battle within. If Maul killed his opponent, it was fine with her. Solace pulled a fistful of flash powder from her pouch and spread it across the surface. Flash powder was an incredibly fine substance. It'd pick up the oils on everyone's hands and replicate the print patterns. The next thing Solace did was push the material of her tunic shirt against the surface of the lock.

The red light flashed green and the door swung open. The Nautolan allowed herself a small smile. Two million credits of research had just been defeated by a bored pirate, some flash powder, and a shirt. All in fewer than five minutes, too. She slipped into the room, her senses in high alert.

Someone yelled and a blue lightsaber flashed her way.

Solace ducked and rolled, swinging her broadsword in a wide arc. The blonde human backed up, his weapon held at the ready. Solace circled him. Her keen eyes tracked him, took in his every move. The human lunged. She ducked, feinted, swung around. Her blade just brushed his head and parted the hair. He darted aside, jabbed at her throat. Solace jerked to the right. She stopped short, whipped around, and threw her flash powder.

The effect was instantaneous. The blonde human dropped the floor, his eyes burning. He was totally blinded. Solace knew how that stuff worked. It reacted with moisture and your eyes were very moist.

Solace put her blade to his neck and started to push down. "Now," she snarled. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

She heard a quiet chuckle, but didn't turn around. Solace didn't trust this little snake. The air smelled faintly bitter, as if someone had released cave pod gas. But that was impossible, as cave pods only grew on Vesta. This was Mustafar. Besides, those things were too delicate to biological beings to handle safely.

"Anakin Skywalker?" he asked. "Am I'm here to train? Can you please get the sword offa my neck?"

"No." Solace pressed down harder. A trickle of blood oozed down his neck. The only way to deal with a Sith like him was act like you were the nastiest thing since a rancor. "Don't try any Force-tricks, you bastard."

"Well, I'd like for you to let me go," Skywalker suggested. "Then we can talk."

"Where is Maul?" Solace growled. She loosened the pressure on his neck, but didn't let up completely.

"Behind you?"

"Bantha sh*t." She'd about had it with Skywalker. Cutting off his head was starting to sound like a good idea. "I've fought Clankers with better lies than you!"

"He's right behind you!" Anakin yelled.

"You can let him go," Maul laughed. The man sounded like he was trying hard not to double over. "I think he's been humiliated enough."

Solace let him up. Anakin bounded to his feet, rubbing his eyes. Then he started on his bloody neck. The wound healed beneath his fingers and he stood at a safe distance. Solace sheathed her sword. Maul shook his head, a wry smile on his lips. There had been quite the battle in the training center, too. Shrapnel was embedded everywhere and a pile of still sparking droid parts lay on the floor.

"Is she another apprentice?" Skywalker asked. "Because she fights like a demon."

"Pirate, actually." Solace examined her nails. She tossed her lekku over her shoulder and stood beside Maul. He looked relaxed, at ease. He wasn't screaming like he had been before. Solace could read him like a book. The Force wasn't even required. "And I'm the one he loves."

"Oh, sweet chaos. Of course, he'd fall in love with a pirate." Anakin glanced skyward, as if he expected the gods of cold space to suddenly start showering him with presents. Well, Solace hated to tell him, but that wasn't likely to happen. Saint Murphy and his gods of cold space didn't interfere.

"Not everyone wants a Senator," Maul snapped. "You have Padme and I have Solace. Fair is fair. You can just shut up."

Yep, there had been an altercation. Skywalker and Maul didn't like each other.

A comm buzzed, shattering the tense situation. Anakin automatically grabbed it. "Yeah, it's done. Wasn't impossible, but it wasn't easy. That Zabrak of yours is also hard to predict. I think he's a pain in the butt personally, but that's just me. He probably thinks the same of me. And then I got blindsided by a Nautolan."

Oh, carablast. She was on shaky ground all ready. Solace fervently prayed that Dooku was smart enough to leave the flash powder alone.

Then again, he didn't look all that bright.

"Why do I smell cave pods?" Solace asked. She'd never forget the time Drake decided to buy some and promptly left them on the galley counter. Ares had only just narrowly missed getting gassed. Cue one very unhappy pirate Captain and one abashed Master of Arms.

"That was what the stuff in that vial was?" Maul asked. "The stuff Anakin accidently dropped?"

"Judging from the smell?" Solace asked. "Yes. And you might want to take a shower--you'll get a nasty rash. You probably won't die, per say, but it will be quite painful."

"Do I want to know how she knows that?" Anakin asked. He doused his blade and slipped it on his belt. "Probably not."

"I was on a pirate ship," Solace shrugged. That ought to get it.

"Yeah, but trading those things are illegal!" Anakin argued. "Not to mention extremely dangerous!"

Space gods, is he always this dense?

"Saint Murphy, help me," Solace muttered. She rarely, if ever, prayed to Saint Murphy. It was more an expression than an actual religion. "Drake bought a crate of them and left them in the galley. Ares messed with them and about got gassed. That stuff will kill you--it's the single most deadly organic substance in the known galaxy."

"Yep. Toora." Maul rolled his eyes. Solace buried her face in his neck. All she wanted was to be aboard the War Bird once again. Her freedom. Maul's freedom. All of that had been ripped away from her. Anakin was a threat. Solace didn't know how--or why--she knew. But she did. Solace knew on some instinctual level that Anakin would throw a wrench in everything.

Chapter 11: Attackers

Chapter Text

"She's on comms," Rat reported. Drake nodded and gritted his teeth. The only time the Bird's bridge was this crowded was when they were raiding. And this was a Wolf-class, too. Wolfs were tough, but not as tough as a Polaris. Drake wouldn't touch a Polaris for a billion credits.

"Separatist Wolf, this is the Republic freighter New Blood. We order you to stand down," Drake growled into the comm. Ah, the joys of V2V. He manipulated the tractor beams, tossing the light freighter to one side. The Wolf responded by righting herself and scoring the War Bird's bow. No words were needed.

Neva took the yoke. She flipped the Crescent over and plowed her stern into the Wolf's side. The ship spiraled to the right. Her big bores thundered, hit the Bird hard. The Crescent righted herself. She flared hard to port, her guns a blazing. Rail guns from both ships pounded into hides. Drake looked grim. He cast a glance at the ex-Jedi, Ariadne Tess. Newbies usually weren't on the bridge, but Tess was different.

Torpedoes exploded across the Wolf's side. The ship reeled. She whirled around. The War Bird shook as a volley of rail guns hit her hard. They flared to starb'rd. Neva pulled the Crescent into a wild series of hooks, jumps, and rolls.

"Shields at eight nine percent," Rex said. The scarred clone hovered his finger over the firing stud. "I can get her up the skirts."

"Do it, damn you!" Drake snarled. He lit the Wolf-class up, send parts spiraling off into space. The Wolf turned on a dime and came at the War Bird like a rancor. Neva pulled the Crescent hard to port. The Wolf overshot. She came ripping back around. Her foreword guns started shredding space.

Rex placed two shots up the face. Just two. And it looked like the Wolf's bow had decided to explode. Gouts of flame ripped up the Void as oxygen fires flashed all over on the other ship. For all Drake knew, the War Bird was a spook with torps. But that was okay. He could live with that.

"Shields to ricochet," Anusha ordered. The dark skinned woman bit her bottom lip. "I say we broadside her to death."

Neva dragged the Bird hard-a-port. She whipped around and her stern slammed into the smaller Wolf-class. "Come on," she muttered. "All ya gotta do is blow those externals and we'll go away. Trust me."

"Look out!"

Lights flickered across the bridge. EMP. Not good.

"Wide bore," Drake ordered.

Ariadne keyed in the sequence. Reactor readouts dropped like a stone as a white hot burst of energy flooded the other ship. The Wolf-class rocked on her frame. Rivets screamed in their sockets as Neva pulled her into a long spin. Krios pounded her hide. Craters spotted the ship's hide, but she still flared around.


The War Bird pulled into a roll. A pair of nuclear torpedoes just missed their bows. Someone dumped a load of limpets. Six shots hit the Crescent's exposed ventrals. The ship shuddered from the impact. Drake gritted his teeth as they came at the Wolf hard and fast. Small explosions peppered the Void as both ships hit the limpets. Neva sent the ship tumbling and the War Bird responded beautifully. Her thrusters sent her right at the Wolf's main center.

The other ship wasn't fast enough to get out of the way and her shields were already shot.

The ships hit with a massive crash and the shriek of tortured metal. Something crunched beneath the War Bird's main deck. Neva flared the Crescent to port while they were still swimming in the Wolf's hulk. Something went spiraling from the wreck. Drake captured it on scanners. It was a human male, not much older than Ariadne. He noticed the Togruta tightening her knuckles.

"If you need to leave..." Drake started.

Rex hit what was left of the Wolf's hyper drives with a nuclear torp. They exploded into a violent fireball and the smaller ship listed starb'rd. Neva pulled the Crescent over, facing the wrecked ship. With expert shots, Krios started to rip the ties holding the external holds to the main ship. A torpedo must have hit the Separatist ship into the midsection, because she suddenly exploded into a violent fireball. The War Bird rocked as waves of force and shrapnel hit her hard. The entire ship suddenly jumped to starb'rd. She flipped over and swung away violently. The Crescent bucked beneath Neva's expert fingers.

The Wolf-class's external holds, mostly intact, floated about sixteen starpoints away from the wreckage.

Rake turned to Rat. "You ready?"

"On it." Rat's stern tractor beam latched onto the listing cargo bay and started to tow her to the Crescent. "I can't believe they didn't just blow holds and leave."

"Separatists don't do that," Ariadne replied. Her voice was grim, harsh. "Republic forces might, but not them."

It was true. And right now, because of their stubbornness, the Wolf-class was shaking herself apart. Rex and Krios sent a dozen shots a piece into the shredding wreck. The effect was instantaneous. The ship exploded. The pieces that hard been sloughing off of her suddenly exploded into a thousand fireballs. The two males kept pounding the wreckage full of shots. Drake watched as they reduced it to just space dust. Slowly, the dust settled and pieces drifted on the galactic winds.

"Damage report?" Drake asked. He was dreading this. Plowing your ship through another usually resulted in some serious damage. That Wolf-class, however, had been carrying petrol, gold, iron ore, and other value materials. As well as new reactor rods for ships. Those alone could barter for repairs in port.

"Shields are at sixty percent," Rex reported. "Two generators are completely out. There's a hull breach in the bilge area--but it's already sealed off. Our port hide has been poked full of little holes. Reactors are at ninety, right where Tarak keeps them. We've some nasty plasma scoring all over."

"She's pulling a little starb'rd," Neva replied. "But a new rudder chain can fix that."

"Do we look for survivors?" Ariadne suddenly asked.

"Nope. An attack like that? We'll only waste our time. Tess, there is nothing left. We tore that ship into space dust," Drake replied. "Besides, it was a Separatist ship that was stupid enough to get anywhere near ours." He stood, putting his hand on the Togruta's shoulder. Drake pointedly ignored Rex's glare. Ariadne was a Force user like him, only she was more trained. Drake used his to sell his cargo at a sizeable profit. "Besides, the more Separatists we kill, the less the Republic has to deal with."

Ariadne nodded. She was still a little disturbed, but at least she wasn't pressing the point. Drake could deal with her being repulsed by it.

"Externals latched on," Krios reported. "You want me to pressurize them?"

"Aye," Drake reported. "Then set a course to End Of The Line."

"Aye, Captain," Krios replied.

Drake relaxed in the Captain's chair. He watched the crew idly, still a little keyed up from the battle. It would take him a few hours to relax. But they'd be in EOTL by tomorrow. Drake, however, was still uneasy. He didn't know how he knew, but Drake knew that they were about to be deep in trouble.

Is Tak Mahler returning? Just who is Ariadne? And why didn't she like us ripping apart that Separatist freighter?

They had gone after it like a blood wolf after a nerf. There would be no survivors--Clanker or otherwise. Drake still couldn't shake the feeling that they were going to be right in the middle of trouble, though.

Chapter 12: New Abilities

Chapter Text

Meditation was not high on Maul's list of favorite things to do. Mediation right next to Anakin-Kriffing-Skywalker was even worse. Maul didn't like sitting still in general. Especially when they were on their way to a job.

Anakin finally stood and surveyed the Firespray's cramped quarters. Two days were pretty much torture in this thing. Firesprays were not made for luxurious quarts. This thing was made for work. Maul also knew their mission. One of the Senators was coming very close to seeing who Sidious really was. As such, the man needed to be put down.

"Are the stories about this ship true?" Anakin asked. He gestured to the words Maul had scrawled on the walls. The original blue grey paint had almost been obscured by a bored Zabrak with a can of spray paint and a permanent marker. "It looks like your diary exploded in here."

Maul leaned back against his bed and rolled his eyes. "It's a coping mechanism. I release steam in here. Which story do you want? Me buzzing a Destroyer and getting away?"

"Did you really steal it from Jango Fett and leave a note taped to the slip saying "IOU one Firespray"?" Anakin sounded like one of the young ones who hung around the docks. The ones Maul usually took the time to talk to and show his blasters. That was also the sort of street urchin who annoyed the crap out of everyone else in the dock. They were also the kids who generally grew up to be the best pirates, too.

Maul chuckled as he looked away. "Yes. I needed transport. The War Bird had lit out. Toora was on the Wanted list and as far as everyone knew, I'd been killed by the Jedi along with Solace. And my Interceptor was in orbit around Naboo. No way in hell was I about to get it back, too. By the way, the pirate term is "borrowed without permission and intent to return". But no matter. You'd have to be mad to mess with me."

He leaned back and idly lit his blade. The blood red lightsaber was far stronger than the Jedi white he'd made. The Sith were about freedom from chains and victory through the Force. Maul, once the devoted slave, was chained pretty securely. He couldn't break free, not without loosing Solace in the process. Maul was stuck. One look at Anakin showed that Dooku would kill his slave.

Maul knew he couldn't kill a friend. She'd saved his life when most beings would have left him to die. Maul couldn't return the favor by killing Ahsoka.

"Ten minutes," Anakin read as he glanced at his data-slate. Maul ignored him. Anakin was the back up plan if Maul somehow failed. Dooku had sneered at him, told Maul that there were no Jedi guarding the Senator, so it should be an easy kill. Maul, however, knew there was no such thing as a painless kill. Something was bound to go wrong.

"I saw him, you know."

"Hmm?" Maul looked up from jabbing the air with his lightsaber. He hadn't exactly been paying Skywalker any attention.

"I saw your brother." Anakin resumed the lotus meditating position. Maul suppressed a groan.

Is that all he does?

Were all Jedi as mad as Skywalker? Personally, Maul was about to go mad from boredom, but he wasn't the one seeing dead people.

"Lotsa beings did," Maul shrugged. He wrote his name with his lightsaber, enjoying the hissing sound. Maul grabbed one of Anakin's shirts with the Force and started shredding it with the lightsaber. He pointedly ignored the human's glare. He doused it, stood, and rubbed the kinks out of his legs. "Savage was a good fighter. Loyal, too. Didn't deserve to be slaughtered like an animal."

"No, he's on Mustafar." Anakin sounded exasperated. "Sidious has him in a regeneration tank and get this--Savage has his head."

Maul sighed as he turned away. He closed his eyes as his throat closed up. Even after four years, he wanted to tear up when he thought of his dead brother. "That's not my brother. Savage Oppress is dead. At most, it's clone. At least, it'll die."

"It's Savage! I've felt him through the Force, Maul. I never forget a Force signature. It's Savage. I'm not sure how, but he's there."

Maul's blood ran cold. Grievous had said Savage wouldn't be allowed to sleep. His brother was dead. Maul might not have liked it, but he had managed to accept it and move on. The cyborg hadn't lied evidently. Maul had only just heard a few days before that the cyborg was dead. Killed by Kenobi. Personally, Maul wished that both of them had killed each other and left the galaxy a better place.

"My brother was weak in the Force," Maul sighed. His fingers closed upon a ring. Savage's brass ring. The ring Maul had taken off his brother's cold, stiff fingers. Was it his mother's ring? Needless to say, that ring was all Maul had left of his brother. "Sidious wants strength. Savage doesn't have that and he's no fool. He'll know Dooku isn't his friend. The bastard killed him, after all."

Savage wasn't stupid. Somehow, he'd managed to talk Dooku into keeping Maul around during the long period of madness he'd suffered through. Maul hadn't known what was real and what was a memory. He'd been forced to drink gritty, filthy water and eat unmentionable substances. Even that wouldn't fuel a Zabrak, however. He'd been emaciated when he'd come out. The PTSD hadn't helped. In fact, it had probably brought the madness on. That period of Maul's life was as hazy and indistinct as a dream.

Not as sharp as his tortured nightmares.

The ship started to shudder as she dropped through atmosphere. Maul Force-dragged the data-slate over. He ripped open the protective casing with his teeth. He examined the blinking lights, and then entered in a string of numbers. The exact string of numbers Anakin had gotten from the holocron. The slate blinked green and a hologram blossomed from the top.

"Well done," the man smiled.

"What is thy bidding, master?" Anakin bowed before the hologram. Maul just bowed his head and watched Sidious.

Damn snake.

The old Sith nodded. "One of my apprentices can show respect. You will find you coordinates here." Numbers flashed upon the screen. Maul jotted them down on his wall. "Senator Lupin has come very close to learning our plans. He must be stopped at all costs. If that old fool alerts the Jedi to our cause, it will mean death. The Jedi have exiled for less."

Anakin nodded grimly, his face drawn. "As you wish, master."

"Details?" Maul asked. He didn't care about the Jedi despite the fact that Ahsoka had said he had light. What good was light when you were chained in darkness?

"The city is Nehiah. Lupin lives in a guarded villa on the outskirts of town. I do not want a major incident. Get in; make it look like the work of a Separatist, then get out. Destroy the Senator and his records completely," Sidious drawled. "And Maul, I am your master. Do not think that the incident in the training center has been forgotten."

Maul wasn't surprised that Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One, had precedent over the slave.

"Nehiah," Maul repeated. "Gotcha. Shouldn't be that hard. Blondie here can cloak both of us from the Jedi."

I'm about as subtle as a bull rancor. He oughta know that by now.

"Blondie?" Anakin snickered. "Wow, you're creative."

"You would do well not to insult him. When I am gone, he will be master of you and your brother." Sidious narrowed his gaze towards Anakin. "Rein in your slave."

"Master?" Anakin asked. Maul was right. He had enough raw power to scare the Chosen One. "Rein in Darth Maul?"

"Actually, he is named Maddox Lycanson Jagannath," Sidious said. He looked smug. Maul realized he was stunned. He had a birth name. He had two names--a Sith name and a birth name. "I believe Ventress told me shortly before she killed the father."

Maddox. My birth name is Maddox. Not Maul. I'm Maddox Lycanson Jagannath.

"So that's my name," Maul whispered. "The name you gave me when I was working with the Bando Gora--Jagannath--that was my real name, wasn't it? You knew and you didn't tell me?"

Any fool could tell Darth Maul hungered for his past.

Sidious nodded to Anakin. The Chosen One grabbed Maul around the throat. Pressure exploded across the red Zabrak's mind. Maul snarled, reaching for the Force blindly. His body started to heat up, his vision faded from the lack of oxygen. He couldn't even feel Anakin's fingers around his throat. Maul thrashed wildly. Black spots danced across his vision as Anakin dragged the Zabrak up by his neck. Maul hung limply, his hearts fluttering like a bird's wings. His lungs screamed for air and Maul clawed at the air.

Anakin only bore down harder. Maul let out a strangled scream and something snapped. Light, pure and strong, exploded from his body. Anakin went flying in the opposite direction. Maul collapsed to the floor, his body encased in a cocoon of light. He landed hard and pain shot up through his ribs. But almost instantaneously, warmth washed over the pain. He picked himself up, rubbing his battered neck.

The Chosen One shook his head as he stood up. He'd been tossed aside like he was a rag doll. Even Sidious was stunned. Maul bowed his head as he stood. His eyes were closed as he waited for the inevitable blow.

When Maul opened his eyes, they shone gold.

"What the hell was that?" Anakin yelled. He scrambled backwards from the red Zabrak. Maul felt better than he had in awhile.

"Explain," Sidious snarled.

"Master, I don't know," Maul admitted. He had long since learned not to lie to his master. "It just...happened."

"Ensure it never happens again," Sidious snarled. He turned to Anakin, his tone grim. "Dooku has not done well in turning this one. See to it that he is completely drenched in darkness."

Anakin bowed his head. "As you wish, master."

Why am I getting the feeling that this will all go to hell in a hand basket?

Chapter 13: Death's Visit

Chapter Text

Geoff Lupin sat in his study, sipping from a cup of tea. He was troubled, to say the least, by the information his spies had discovered. Anakin Skywalker had also pulled a disappearing act. That alone was troubling. Why was the Hero With No Fear skirting a battle? Was the man...afraid? There was a Sith, too. A Sith who had been thought killed by Master Kenobi. Add in Chancellor Palpatine, who was really the devil in disguise.

Could it be? Is Palpatine really Darth Sidious? Or have I been fed a line by those Rimmers?

The Senator closed his eyes. Geoff ran a hand through his thick red hair. Saying he was distraught was an understatement. The human paced in his study. This was too much. All of it. That Sith, the Chancellor, Skywalker... Rich tomes, leather backed and filled with parchment, lined his tiger oak shelves. A decanter of whiskey, stoppered with a large ruby, stood on his marble desk. Lupin eyed it, considering pouring himself a glass. He decided against it, however. Lupin was a man of genteel luxury, more accustomed to court proceedings rather than the gritty world of Force-user politics.

"We have the Jedi for this," Lupin grumbled. There was no one to listen to him, though. Lupin, however, did not care. He needed to voice his thoughts. "But no one is dealing with it. Are they all mad? Or kriffing blind?"

Geoff's data-slate chimed. He picked it up and activated the proj. His wife's face blossomed from the crystal. She looked worried, almost afraid.

"Geoff, my dear?" she began. "There are two beings here to see you. They say they have information for you." Rosa looked worried. She sounded worried, too. Rosa clearly didn't trust these people. Lupin didn't, either. However, they had valuable information on Sidious. The data-slate panned and Lupin saw a dirty blonde human and a brooding red Zabrak. The human was vaguely familiar. The Zabrak, though... The Zabrak looked to be a Warrior.

"Murphy's Imps," Geoff breathed. "Send them up." With trembling hands, he poured two glasses of the whiskey. The Zabrak wore the garb of a common spacer. He'd appreciate a complementary drink. It would also serve to loosen his tongue, make him more...responsive to Geoff's questions.

Geoff felt no guilt as he dropped the truth drugs into both glasses of amber liquid. They would dissolve cleanly and leave no after taste. StarNight, however, was so powerful that it would have a Mandalorian spilling his guts in seconds. There were no side effects, too. With luck, neither spacer would know they had been drugged.

The poor swung open and two males walked in. Geoff arranged the drugged whiskey on a tray and poured his own. Corulag whiskey was known to be strong. However, it looked exactly like the weaker Lothal brand.

"Please, sit down," Geoff said. "My name is Geoff Lupin." To Geoff's delight, the Zabrak took a glass of whiskey almost instantly. The human just rolled his eyes. Why was Geoff getting a sense of foreboding from these two? Was it the Zabrak Warrior? Or his strangely silent partner?

"Maddox Jagannath," the Zabrak replied. He took a deep drink and nodded appreciatively. "This lot from Corulag?" Geoff nodded, surprised. This male knew his liquors. "Figured so. The crap from Lothal looks like it, smells like it, but don't taste like it. My partner's Rex Arshos."

"You said you had information?" Geoff asked. It was time to skip the pleasantries. These two worked for him.

The Zabrak shrugged as he draped himself over a chair. Under the influence of StarNight, he'd be very amicable. That was what that drug did--convince Jagannath that he was talking to his best friend.

"Aye. Been here and there. Ya hear stuff. Order 66 and the like." The Zabrak swilled his whiskey around in his glass. He tipped the rest of it back and reached for Rex's. The human, much to Geoff's amusem*nt, did nothing but glare at his problem.

Order 66? For some reason, Geoff's blood ran cold at those words. He poured the Zabrak a little more whiskey. This lot wouldn't be laced with StarNight, but it would do the trick. The red's tongue was already pretty well loosened. This would only make it better. Plus, Rex didn't have to talk. The human was still glaring stonily at the wall. This was just making Lupin wary. Were these two sent to kill him?

Should I get my guards?

"Order 66?" Lupin slowly asked. He nodded to Rex. "Well? Are you going to let your partner get all of the reward?"

Are these two some kind of snake?

"Reward?" Jagannath slurred. "How many credits are involved?"

Either Maddox is dumber than he looks or he's tripping on StarNight.

"Plenty, you fool," Lupin laughed. Maddox wasn't drunk enough to look outraged. Instead, the man leaned back in his chair and plopped his boots on Lupin's deck. Lupin winced. Especially when said boots kicked a pile of papers off of the desk. "So, tell me. How much do you know?"

Rex leaned forward in his seat and fixed Lupin with his blue eyed gaze. "You want to tell us what you know about Darth Sidious."

Lupin leaned back. He felt as if his mind had been clouded, as if he were the one on StarNight. "Bastard's a Sith, for one. Also smart enough to go and trick the Jedi. Lives in the belly of the beast. He's not like Offee or Kestra. Also heard he's brought a dead Zabrak back to life." Was it his imagination, or did the red blanch? "Don't know why he would, though. Liked the damned Lasats--Zabs are just another worthless breed of alien."

The Zabrak looked as if he was about to retch. He held up one finger. "A moment, please." With that, the red Zabrak leaned across the chair and projectile vomited into a waste basket.

"Murphy's Demons, Maddox," Rex muttered.

"I feel better now," the Zabrak replied. Then he vomited again. The smell was really starting to get to Lupin. No one had gotten sick off of StarNight before. Then again, no one had taken a double dose, either.

"You done?" Rex asked, exasperated.

"Maybe." Maddox rubbed his belly. "That pazza really didn't agree with me."

Pazzas were basically balls of waste meat, animal fat, sweeteners, whatever vegetable scraps a nerf wouldn't eat that were fried to death. Yeah, no wonder the Zabrak was sick.

"I told you not to eat it." Rex sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Cold Space, Rex! I'm better now." Maddox's hands dropped below the desk. Lupin wasn't sure why, but he tensed. After all, weren't these men his friends? Why would they hurt him?

Rex stood, his expression grim. The man's eyes, one a bright blue, were now a sickly yellow rimmed with red. The Zabrak's, though, were still amber-gold. A blue blade sprang to life in Rex's hands. That was when the cloud fell from Lupin's mind. He clearly saw the drunken Zabrak, sprawled across the chair. He also saw the Jedi. The Jedi who looked like he meant to kill.

"Try to drug me and I'll kill you. Drug my slave and you clean up the mess." The Jedi put his lightsaber under Lupin's chin. The man moved backwards, fear written on his face. Lupin was dealing with a Force-user. He, Geoff Lupin, was just a man. A foolish, foolish man who couldn't stay out of trouble.

"Who are you?" Lupin gasped. He looked at the Jedi in terror. The Jedi held a hand send Lupin's blaster flying across the study.

"You can call me Darth Vader."

And then it all exploded into black.

Chapter 14: A New Apprentice

Chapter Text

Anakin was disgusted with Maul. Not only had the Zabrak happily downed three glasses of the whiskey, he'd thrown up. Of course. And two out of three glasses were drugged. Again, of course. Then Maul had been beyond useless in the kill. Also, of course. Why was he doing this again? Oh, yeah, for Padme. That was why.

He glared at the drunken Zabrak. "Get up, you bastard."

Maul flipped Anakin a very drunken bird. "Nope. Don't wanna."

Gods of cold space, why is this always me?

He needed Padme. She was good at diplomatically handling oppositional defiant beings. Right now, that fit Maul to a Tee. If the Zabrak didn't want to do something, he wouldn't. And unless you were Darth Sidious, you couldn't make him.

"There is a dead body in the corner," Anakin spat. Why was he trying to reason with a drunken man? "He was killed with a lightsaber. You have two of those on your belt. The Republic already knows your face." He wanted to scream. Make him the master of this damn Zabrak, why don't you? Sidious was testing his apprentice, wanting to see how devoted to the cause he was. Sidious also wanted to see how his apprentice would deal with these sorry excuses for Sith. Dooku did not run a very tight ship. As such, Sidious was about one foot step from ordering the man's death.

Maul's response was to levitate the decanter of whiskey and attempt to drink straight from the container. Most hit the chair he was sitting in, but enough of it went down the red's gullet to make a point.

Anakin wanted to curse violently. Why him? Why?

Why, Saint Murphy? Why do you do this to me?

Someone knocked on the door. Anakin tensed and drew his blade. He completely turned his back on Maul. After all, the man was drunk. It wasn't like the Zabrak was going anywhere. Anakin activated his lightsaber, enjoying its hiss.

Somehow, Maul staggered to his feet. "It's no threat," he slurred.

Anakin hissed a curse. "You screw everything up. Were you really drunk or were you just being an ass?"

"I was a little. I'll be hung over in the morning; the stuff from Corulag is pretty strong. If you want to get me plastered, you'll need to try some of that Coruscanti bourbon or some absinthe. Then I'll be drunk."

The door eased open. Anakin dropped his blade, ignoring the Zabrak. There was a slight shriek. Surprised, Anakin doused his blade as he stared right into the violet eyes of a serving girl.

She was fairly young, with a tanned brown skin that was engrained with dirt. Her long hair, which was a dirty blonde, was forced into tangled dreadlocks, spacer style. But hers were bare, devoid of any ornamentation. Most surprisingly, she had the tattoos of a Night Sister swirling across her skin.

Maul cursed in Dathomiri. The girl started as he began to speak in what Anakin assumed to be her language.

"Kasha, mi'he'yo."

"Huh?" He wasn't getting any of that.

The girl's face brightened and she clapped her hands. "Ridja bruhan? Corisija rani, anina tor cayoll!"

Anakin hated being out of the loop. "Maul? What's she saying?"

The Zabrak didn't reply. The girl dropped her tray in surprise as she looked at his face. Maul probably got that a lot. The tear streak scar did get a lot of attention. Maul held out his hand and lightning played across his skin. The girl's eyes went as wide as saucers.

She screamed, like she could do the same thing. "Je noix! Je noix bohe! Xip ka mi! Serrow?"

Maul shook his head. "Ni. Habra Sandri?"

"I didn't know you were fluent in Dathomiri," Anakin muttered.

"My brother taught me," Maul sighed.

Oh. Yeah, that probably wasn't Maul's fondest memory, as Savage was officially dead.

The girl nodded sadly. "A little."

Her accent was thick, but you could understand her. Anakin though she was Irodian.

Maul knelt down to her level. The girl couldn't have been more than thirteen years old. "My Dathomiri name is Maddox. My Sith name is Maul."

"I am called Sasha," she replied. "Master Lupin call me that. Not remember Dathomiri name."

Maul hissed a curse. "Until a few hours ago, I didn't know my Dathomiri name, either. Don't give up hope, okay?"

Anakin could feel the Force on her. Letting a Force-sensitive go to waste in this war was a sure fire way to lose. With a little training, Sasha could be right powerful. The only problem was the Rule of Two being shattered into little bits. Then again, the Old Sith had managed for millennia before Bane came along. There was no reason why this little group couldn't. Sith also tended to break rules for fun.

"Sasha," Anakin slowly said, "we can train you. You have the Force."

"She's a Night Sister," Maul primly said. "Of course she has the Force."

"Master Lupin--"

"Is dead," Maul interjected. "And so will we if we don't leave."

Anakin supposed that it was better to ask forgiveness than permission in some instances. That was why he was going back to Mustafar, followed by a tattered, dirty Night Sister.

The galaxy had officially been turned on its head.

Chapter 15: Trouble

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Drake was off selling thrir cargo. Rat and Enn were doing who knew what in a hotel room. Toora Ares had gone with Neva to help her stock up on surgical kits. Krios was off chasing pretty females. Anusha was doing the first mate thing and buying provisions.

Rex and Ahsoka were left alone.

Ahsoka grabbed her knapsack, blasters, and lightsabers. Anakin had probably blasted apart her illusion by now. That was okay, though. She was done with the Order because they were done with her. She was also getting the feeling that she'd need her blades, too. Ahsoka glanced around the War Bird's common room. Drake's great coat lay on the couch. She Force-grabbed it and tossed the garmet at Rex.

Finding him clothes had been hard.

"Drake may not be happy," Rex smiled. He pulled the coat on anyways, though.

"Drake can deal with it," Ahsoka shrugged. She ducked out the airlock, followed by Rex. Rex paused only to grab a sachet of jerky from the counter. Yes, it was Rat's, but he had violated the First Law of Pirates--don't leave stuff out that you don't want stolen. Pirates were pirates.

The sharp tang of grease hit her first. Ahsoka ducked a few hoses and electrical wires, skipping over a pool of grease. Rex glanced at a Lurmen who was welding patch steel across the bow of a dented, battered skiff. That thing had been ripped open across the bow. Ahsoka thought that it was a lost cause to fix it, but she kept her mouth shut. Rex almost stepped on a small mouse droid. It squeaked at him angerly, causing him to laugh. The station door, a bright spot of light against the dull dock, beckoned.

Shadows danced across the greasy walls. Rivets protruded from the steel floors. Some had been ripped out by age and use. Wires, hoses, and ratlines covered the catwalks. The ships rested in great slips, railings kept the unwary and clumsy from falling in. The air rumbled with the gentle pur of reactos on idle. Very few beings ever completely deactivated their reactors, it just took too long and too much effort to restart them. Fuel droids rumbled past on their treads, providing back up fuels and oils for the big ships.

A station cat mewed planitvly. Ahsoka started and he jumped up beside her, on the hull of a Lancer. Rex smirked and scratched him behind the ears. The cat, a ratty tom, rubbed against his arm. Part of the tom's ears had been ripped so many times it was actually bent and the other was spilt down the middle. His fur was a patchy silver grey so matted with filth and grime that Ahsoka wasn't sure he was grey until she looked. One of the cat's amber eyes was swollen shut. The other shone like polished amber.

The cat purred and draped himself across Rex's shoulders.

"Gods of cold space," Rex muttered.

"You've a friend," Ahsoka grinned. What girl didn't love cats? "He's aborable, Rex."

Rex rolled his eyes as he walked off. "Sure. Whatever you say, Snips. He isn't draped over you."

The station was filled with the dull roar of noise, matched only by the defeaning snarl of a fight. The cat jerked up, his tail like a bottle brush. Ahsoka walked close beside Rex, her blue eyes afraid. There was a vendor selling bolts of sapphire silk. Another being had set up pay-by-the-gallon showers. Sabacc tables were everywhere. Space grunge blared from comms and speakers. A band was playing on a stage. Some people had set up colorful tents and awnings, protecting cargos of pots, silks, and other delicate things from the chaos of the station.

A pack of dogs ran loose through End of the Line and parakeets flew through the rafters. Cats meowed, monkey lizards chattered, and vendors hawked their goods. A few scanitly dressed beinhs meandered through the croewds, proudly displaying their services. Ahsoka looked away quickly. She pushed through a crowd of spacer betting on a grav-ball game, her senses on high alert.

"There she is! Get thr traitor!"

A pair of blaster bolts whistled through the air, almost taking off Rex's head. The clone swore and ducked down. Ahsoka jumped up, pulling her twin blades. She whipped around and crossed blades with a snarling human female.


"You don't have to do this," Ahsoka gasped. She ducked aside, her blade raised in a protective stance. The woman narrowed her grey eyes as she raced to Ahsoka. The Togruta parried away a blade, sparks flew through the air. Jaira slammed Ahsoka with the Force. Ahsoka stumbled, righted herself. She jumped up on a pile of crates and took a Force leap over Jaira's head. Jaira darted in. Ahsoka ducked asuide and stopped short. She flashed her blade up in a protective stance. Jaira's blade locked with hers. Ahsoka used her free hand to toss her shoto in the air and send it pin wheeling through the air.

Another Jedi knocked it out of the sky. Rex grabbed his blaster and started to fill the air with blaster bolts.

"I see we'll have to put him down," Jaira sneered. "That, or sell him in the docks."

"You'll kill him," Ahsoka snarled. She wasn't a Jedi anymore, it was okay for her to have atachements. She darted up and hit Jaira hard. The woman stumbled. Her long blode hair fell in front of her face. Jaira whipped around, her purple blade out like a spear. Ahsoka knocked it aside. The weapon went skittering across the floor.

Beings scattered, screaming. Ahsoka ignored them, narrowing her gaze on Jaira. Behind her, Rex was fending off two Jedi with his blaster. She jumped up, kicked at Jaira. The woman fell. She was clutching her ribs, gasping for breath. Jaira was glaring at Ahsoka with more hatred than she'd ever seen in one being before. This was more than Barriss.

"You gonna kill me?" Jaira asked. "Just like Barriss--you're a damn traitor!"

Ahsoka fliched as if struck. "Jaira--"

"No. I'm not gonna hear any of it." Jaira picked herself up, holding her ribs. "I never trusted you. Like Anakin--you're none too stable!"

"I am sorry for you," Ahsoka softly said. She whirled around, ready to protect Rex. He stumbled, falling to his knees. A blaster bolt had buried itself in his ribs. He gasped for breath, blood bubbling from his wounds.


"Get away, girl," the handler snarled. He looked at Ahsoka wildly. "That one's dangerous."

"So am I." Ahsoka helped Rex up. She drew his blaster, aimed it, and steeled herself for what she was about to do.

Ahsoka Tano pulled the trigger and watched as the handler collapsed to the ground.

Someone screamed and Ahsoka dragged Rex as fast as she could. He was hurt--badly. The wound was in his ribs, possibly his lungs. He needed Neva's medical care and fast. His blood soaked her tunic, but she didn't care. Rex was badly injured and he needed her.

Simple as that.

Chapter 16: Lost and Found

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Cold bit through Maul's bones.

Was this his punishment for getting drunk on a job? A test to see how long he could last in the cold? Dooku's way of making him stronger?

Maul crouched in the chamber, frost creeping up his robes. He'd wrapped the Force around himself in an attempt to keep warm. It hadn't worked the last time, but this time he wasn't reeling from abuse or chained up. He waited like a fyrnock, his lightsabers in his hands. He'd fight double instead of bo-staff. Frost rimmed his long lashes. It was an odd thing, but most of his flashbacks had gone away. Maul could live with that, though.

"The frost that bites, the cold that kills," Savage laughs. He watches his brother, golden eyes as alert as an eagle. "The one bane of our race."

Savage can wax poetic when he feels like it. It is not often, but it happens mostly when he is drunk. This time, though, Savage is sober. Shadows swim in the yellow's golden eyes. They always do. Like Maul, Savage has his scars.

Maul forces a smile. "The bane of our race is the bastards who use us for power."

Zabraks are known to be powerful Force users.

Savage shrugs. "We'll kill 'em all eventually. Tear 'em to bits and stomp on the little pieces."

Why was he still torturing himself like this? Savage was dead. As in, cut off the head, malcadh scars dead. Maul absently traced the lattice work of scars on his forearms. If he wanted to be honest with himself, Maul would say he was still fatalistic.

Cold air spiraled towards him. Maul repressed a shiver. Something was coming. Maul activated his blades, dropping his cloak on the floor. They exploded into twin beams of crimson light. Maul swung his lightsabers into a protective stance. These were no darksabers. They were arcane weapons, he knew.

Maul kept his center of gravity low, eyes glowing golden.

The blow came from behind, almost taking Maul's head off. The red Zabrak whipped around, fury blazing in his golden eyes. He slashed violently, parrying the crimson blade. The attacker darted low, coming at him like lightning. Maul hit him with the Force. His attacker returned the favor with a bolt of Sith lightning. Maul took it, sent it flying right back at his head. He ducked the blade that came whirling at his head. His attacker came low and slashed at Maul's legs. The Zabrak leapt up. He wasn't about to get his legs cut off again!

Then it hit him. His reactions were slowed and dulled by the cold.

Maul locked the other blade, forcing his opponent back. His attacker was clearly stronger than he was and started muscling Maul's blade back. Maul dropped his other lightsaber down. He sent it whipping up at the other Zabrak. He hit flesh. The attacker screamed. Maul's blood ran cold.

Savage. I'm fighting my brother.

Maul loosened the lock. He couldn't kill Savage, much like he couldn't kill Solace. Savage swung at him in a vicious arc. Maul ducked, rolled, slammed Savage with the Force. The yellow Zabrak grunted and went down. He fell to his knees, his blade skittering across the floor.

Maul held his own blade over Savage's head. This wasn't his brother. The Savage Maul knew couldn't hurt the ones he loved. And Savage loved with a fierce, wild love. The love of a protector. Yes, this may have been his brother's body, but who was in charge? Savage didn't have much in the Force before.

This Savage, though, screamed Warrior.

Savage leapt up and tackled Maul. They both went over backwards, Savage clawing at his brother's throat. Maul threw Savage into the wall. The yellow collided heavily. He grunted, then scrambled up again. Savage held out his hand and called his lightsaber. He two circled, Maul shivering. Not from cold, but from anger. Someone possessed his brother.

He lunged, knocked the lightsaber out of Savage's hands with the Force, and grabbed his brother's horns. Maul closed his eyes, praying to any god who'd listen that he could do this. Maul ripped apart the mental chains, not caring who he pissed off. He found the real Savage, lying bleeding, trussed, gagged in the corner of his own mind. Maul, in spirit form, gave Savage strength. With absolutely no expertise on the subject, he started to feed Savage until the yellow was strong enough to occupy his own body.

Maul collapsed, exhausted. He hoped he'd done the right thing.

Savage sat in a huddle like a broken man. "Kill me. Please, kill me, brother."

Maul doused his blades. He Force-drew Savage's and doused it as well. He glanced over his brother. Savage looked fairly healthy, physically speaking, but the light in his golden eyes was dim. His hide, too, was dull and flaky. That really wasn't good. A Zabrak's skin produced a kind of oil that literally made them glisten in the light. Their skin didn't feel much different from a human's, but that oil was a sort of natural protection. It took direct exposure to sunlight and the elements to make their bodies produce it. If, as was Savage's case, their bodies didn't, a host of problems erupted.

The least of which was a perpetual itch. You could rub oil on yourself, but it didn't work very well.

And his eyes...Savage's eyes were a dull, broken husk of the lively gold they usually were.

"Savage?" Maul softly said. He helped his brother up. Warmth burned under every inch of Maul's skin. The battle had done him good. Savage leaned across Maul's shoulders, not attempting to stand on his own. The yellow's skin was cold, clammy. "Brother, are you okay?"

"I just want to die again," Savage whimpered.

Oh, Saint Murphy in your Workshop...

Savage drew away from Maul's touch. The red knew Savage had been hurt by Ventress. They'd already had that conversation and Maul wasn't about to revisit it. Savage was good at burying his scars, much better than Maul was, but little bits of pain still shone through. Something was broken in Savage. Maul wasn't sure what--or if he could fix it.

Is it the Force? Or old scars that refuse to stay buried?

"I'm not gonna kill my own brother," Maul growled. He held Savage close, Force-pushing the doors. Dooku could be damned. This time, Maul was going to be the one caring for his brother. Savage needed his help.

Savage touched the lattice work of scars. After the freezing cold battle chamber, the heat almost took your breath away. But better heat than cold. Zabs could take heat. Cold killed.

"Who marked you?" A little bit of Savage's old protective nature gleamed in his golden eyes. The Zabrak's voice was ragged, fierce. "I'll kill that son of a bitch."

"I marked myself." Maul's head dropped. He supported Savage, rubbing the younger male's bluish flesh in an attempt to improve circulation. Maul swore as he touched the thick bands of scar tissue that came with a beating. Ventress had beaten Savage, several times it seemed.

That bitch beat him. No wonder he cowered before Dooku and the rest!

In Maul's experience, he'd found the female masters worse than the males. They were more brutal, for one, and there was no telling what else they'd do to you. Maul knew all to well about the drugs that would make a Night Brother forget his principles. Hell, enough of those had been used on Maul that all intravenous drugs didn't affect him. Depending on where Savage had been housed, he had been treated as an actual being or he'd been abused in ways no one should.

"Why?" Savage asked. He rocked back and forth, his eyes vacant. "Why?"

"I thought I'd killed the one I loved." Maul tucked both lightsabers back on his belt. A good meal and a warm bed would help Savage more than everything. If Maul had been Neva, he would have held Savage, whispered a few words into his brother's ears. Neva was pretty much the crew mother. She was just a nice person. Neva had also been the one to diagnose him with PTSD.

Savage clung to his brother. "Mistress used the Force on me. I knew everything. I felt everything. Mistress Ventress made me like it, like her; beg to serve her, kill Feral for her. I don't even know who I am!"

Maul tipped his brother's face up. "You are Savage Oppress. Your birth name is Sirius Jagannath. You are the brother of Maddox Jagannath. You are also a kickass Warrior."

"I liked it. I wanted more of it, wanted Mistress to love him." Savage took a shuddering breath. That was when Maul realized his brother was crying. Savage was always so strong and fierce, so able to keep it in. Maybe death had changed that. Maybe all of his memories had come rushing back to the surface.

Maul had a sick feeling that he knew exactly what Savage was talking about, too. Blirr had just used drugs on him.

Why did Ventress do that to him? Why? Was he just there? Did she fool herself into thinking he was consenting? But why him? Hell, Ventress could have had any Separatist she wanted and she picked Savage? Why do they want to break Night Brothers?

"Savage, Asajj is dead. I killed her. You're here, you're alive, you can make your own choices," Maul murmured. Solace had said words like this to him. "You can't repress all of it, all the time. That was done to you, Savage. You didn't invite it."

At least it was only Ventress. I still don't know what I did under the influence, only what Bakkari told me.

That had been what made Maul try to kill himself. Blirr, he could stand. Maybe even file it away as what happened to the vanquished. But Bakkari? That went against every grain.

Savage nodded, but Maul could tell he wasn't convinced. He was shattered, broken. Everything that had been repressed had suddenly come shooting to the surface. Add in the Force, which always magnified emotions, and you had trouble. Savage was reeling.

"Come on, Savage," Maul gently ordered. Savage stood weakly. "Time may have stood still for you, brother, but it didn't for me. There is someone I want you to meet."

Chapter 17: Things Beneath

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Ahsoka didn't know how she'd gotten Rex to Neva's.

Rex cursed and tried to shove Neva away. In fairness, the woman was putting a foul smelling, stinging ointment not only on his chest wound, but in his eye socket. "Ariadne! Tell your friend I'm fine!"

Ahsoka laughed and nodded to Neva, the one who was dealing with this idiot. "You aren't fine. You were shot and Neva thinks something else is wrong."

They were in the War Bird's medical bay, heading away from End Of The Line. Neva, in typical Harvester fashion, had decorated her bay with forest green pain, painting of rowan trees, dream catchers, crystals, painted golden spider webs. The room smelled strongly of curry. Neva had painted the place like a great forest. Books were piled haphazardly across every surface, as were the tools of Neva's trade.

Rex, poor man, was sprawled across one of the beds. Neva was probably two steps from tying him to the bed, too. His eye socket, as it turned out, was infected. Neva was trying to clean it out with an alcohol pad. Ahsoka was grateful for her friend's patience. Rex, who understandably didn't want someone to mess with what was left of his face, was proving to be quite dramatic.

"Shut up and stop moving!" Neva yelped. She dodged a thrown bandage and glared at Ahsoka. "Ariadne! Sit on him! He's your boyfriend!"

Boyfriend? Rex ain't gonna like that!

"He's not my boyfriend," Ahsoka managed. Rex looked like he was about to choke. Ahsoka, however, was getting a good laugh out of this. Poor Rex probably was in pain, but he didn't have to be a butt about it. Ahsoka straddled Rex, pinning his arms to his side. It was either this or get tied to the bed.

"Thank you." Neva started to rub the infection out. Rex, of course, proceeded to yowl and protest. The two women ignored him. Ahsoka eventually tired of it and mentally told him to shut up. He was hurt, he needed help. The chest injury had been an easy fix. The eye would be so much worse. Rex did shut up, but he gave Ahsoka a death glare. Neva soaked a piece of gauze in disinfectant, packing it into the socket. The clone stiffened from the pain. As the tissue underneath, once the pus had been removed, had been very inflamed, he had to hurt.

Neva wadded some wool and taped down a patch. "Ariadne, let him up." She gratefully obeyed. Neva gave Rex her full glare, hands on her hips. "Keep that one for about three days. Ariadne, you have my permission to knock him upside the head if he tried to take it off. Rex? Don't touch it."

The clone rubbed his forearms, glaring at the two of them ruefully. Ahsoka had to admit the white patch was a shock against his tawny skin.

"Rex?" Ahsoka asked.

"Don't worry," Rex grumbled. "I'm not doing that again!"

Neva smiled. She patted Ahsoka on the shoulder, before toying with Rex's blonde hair. "He's pretty, once you get past the scars. I can see why you two are together."

Ahsoka almost choked. "Together? Umm, no." The clones weren't supposed to have relationships. Neither were Jedi. Did that mean she was Fallen? "I don't think Rex likes me like that."

And then there's Lux. Where's Lux when I need him?

The medic laughed. "Yeah, well, okay. If you say so. Anyway, take care of both wounds." Neva sighed. "Number one, how'd you get hurt? Number two, who patched you up? They can do emergency medicine, that's for sure. But did they bother with follow-up?"

Rex shifted on his feet. Ahsoka was dreading the answer. Medical care could be really sketchy at times. Yes, the crew knew she was a Jedi, but they didn't need to know which one.

"I took a plasma grenade for one of the generals," he finally said. Neva nodded grimly. It was fairly clear he'd tangled with some kind of grenade--the flesh was battered and pitted in about the right pattern. "Our medic, Threes, did the best he could, but I almost died."

"And follow up?"

Silence hung in the air. Rex hung his head and Neva muttered a very foul word.

"This complicates things quite a bit." Neva ran her hands through her dreadlocks. The silver beads glittered in the soft light. "Did you guys clean out the helms?"

"It was a war zone," Rex softly said.

Neva cursed vividly. "Get some food," she sighed. "With that infection, you're in a bad way. I clean it out as best I could, but it's incredibly deep. I'd have to be a bloody healer to get it all out. If you feel the slightest discomfort, I want to know." Neva fixed Rex with a steely glare. "The way that infection is, it could hit your optic nerve and then your brain. Then your brain would rot and you would die in agony. I need to know if you value your life."

Neva wasn't lying. Rex was in a bad way. Ahsoka had sensed a little infection in him, but she hadn't known it was that bad. Fighting an established infection took energy. If he hadn't been eating well while recovering, and Ahsoka was betting that was the case, he'd only been made weaker. She had noticed how skinny some of the clones were in the GAR, too.

Does Obi-Wan just not care? Or is he so busy that the clones just slip though the cracks?

"I will tell you," Rex finally said. He bowed his head.

"I want you to be eating more nutrient rich foods," Neva ordered. "Rex, go. Ariadne, stay with me." At Neva's raised eyebrow, Rex took the hint and left. Neva crossed her arms as she sat on the bed. "Ahsoka Tano, care to explain why you're out here and not killing Clankers?"

"Neva?" Ahsoka asked.

Neva started ticking things off on her fingers. "Number one--that Separatist ship. Two: Drake's coat. He won't be happy, by the way. Three: Rex. Four: the way he acted when you sat on him. You're also a Togruta with very distinctive markings. The boys may be a bit dense, but I'm not."

Neva wasn't telling the whole truth. Ahsoka raised an eyebrow. "And?"

"A Force-sensitive's blood tests different than that of a normal's," Neva shrugged. "I knew the moment I ran your blood test."

"So science and a basic knowledge of current events," Ahsoka said. At least Neva was her friend. "Am I supposed to throw a fit?"

"No," Neva chuckled. She hugged her friend. "I'm sorry you had to leave."

"I'm not," Ahsoka muttered.

Neva looked confused. "But you left everything you'd ever known!"

Ahsoka looked away. "I'd rather not talk about that."

"Oh." Neva fell silent. Then, "He likes you, you know." Neva grinned like a little girl. "Rex trusts you a lot. Saint Murphy willing, you do, too." Neva grabbed Ahsoka's hands, fairly dancing with excitement. Ahsoka grinned and followed her. Pretty soon, they were dancing in a circle and spinning each other. Ahsoka broke free and fainted left. Neva, caught off guard, went down on her butt.

Ahsoka laughed. Neva had landed in a box of gauze rolls. It had all gone flying, most of it landing on the woman's floor. Neva spat feathers out of her mouth and brained Ahsoka with a roll. Ahsoka sent it right back at her and Force-grabbed the rest. Neva joined her in rolling the entire medical bay.

"There." Neva stepped back, eyeing the huge web. "That finishes our masterpiece."

And what a masterpiece it was. Gauze was slung everywhere. It hung from the ceilings, light fixtures, cabinets, medical bays, and surge-cube. It was everywhere. The golden spider webs on the walls had been replaced by gauze. Both women stepped back and smiled.

"Maybe that will keep Drake out of my sweets," Neva muttered. It was fairly common knowledge on the ship that Neva had her own supply candies. And pirates had a very liberal view towards property rights and tended to steal them. Needless to say, Neva wasn't amused.

Ahsoka had an idea. "Do you have a bucket? I have lavender oil."

"Yeah..." Neva was confused. Then it hit her. "Space gods, Ahsoka! You're evil! Yes! Ice water shower, Drake?"

"Yes, please," Ahsoka replied in her best Drake imitation.

"Let's do it!" Neva grabbed her new best friend's hand and they both raced to the hold.

Chapter 18: Savage

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Savage followed his brother, his head hunched between his shoulders. He shouldn't be alive, much less able to touch the Force. Savage moved like a broken, defeated man. He wasn't a Warrior. He didn't deserve the Force, didn't deserve anything after he'd murdered a brother. His amber eyes darted constantly, looking for enemies. Savage didn't want to sleep, not anymore. His dreams tortured him at night.

She tortured him at night.

Asajj's spirit materialized beside him, a smug grin on her face.

Savage froze, his heart fluttering wildly.

No. Please. Not here, not now. Just leave me alone! You've tortured me enough!

He could see her, a pale cloud against the craggy backdrop of Mustafar. Savage sagged back, his eyes wild. He wanted out, wanted away! But Savage knew there was no escape, he couldn't get away from his torturer.

She caressed his body through the material of his cloak. Savage jerked away, but it was of no use. Asajj pressed herself against him, reveling in his discomfort. You know, he would have let Blirr violate himself to keep you safe. Would you have done that for Feral? Do you even care? Maddox's master does not understand him. I do. He's a weak bastard, just like you. Ye who were sick for weeks after Feral's death? Why should you even care if you aren't the one being hurt?

Savage tried to ignore her.

She's dead. Maul killed her. Asajj can't hurt me now.

Physically. Mentally? That was another tale.

"Savage!" Maul yelled. Savage looked up. He'd fallen behind. "You coming?"

Savage hurried to keep up. Even if he closed his eyes, Savage couldn't miss his brother. Maul radiated the Force. Some of it was dark and twisted, but the majority shone like starlight. The dark, twisted Force seemed like it was supposed to mask the starlight. Savage was confused. Had his brother touched the light? Did Maul mean to do that? Was he trying to hide? If Maul was, it would only be a matter of time until Sidious found out. You couldn't hide anything from the Master forever.

Darkness can't mask the Light forever.

"Sorry," Savage managed to mumble. Wasn't that the truth? He was a sorry excuse for a Force-user and a Zabrak. He'd killed his own. At the very least, he deserved a horn yanked out.

Maul shook his head, his expression grim. "You can't show weakness, Savage. Not here. Not with Skywalker breathing down my neck."

"Skywalker?" Savage echoed, confused. Maul's tone was bitter, his stance radiated extreme dislike. "Isn't he a Jedi?"

"Not anymore." With that, Maul swept away. "Calls himself Darth Vader. Sidious put him in charge of me."

That wasn't likely to work well. Savage knew his brother well enough to know Maul despised taking orders. Maul only took orders from those who could force him too. Tyranus and Sidious could--but only just.

"That probably won't work very well," Savage replied. He managed a weak smile. Asajj was dead, but that didn't mean she wasn't caressing his body. She wanted in--again. She couldn't physically beat him anymore, but Savage had always been vulnerable to possession. "You and orders? Not just no."

Maul bowed his head, his golden eyes defeated. "I have too for now. We gotta get you and Solace out."

That didn't sound good. Savage's head started pounding and his stomach rolled. A whimper escaped his lips. Asajj wanted to possess him again. Use him to kill Maul, avenge her own death. The harsh stone shredded his tunic as he hugged the wall, eyes clenched shut. Savage gritted his teeth, refusing entry. Dark Zabrak blood spattered the floor. Asajj just tried harder, hurting him even more. Savage let a mewl of pain escape his lips. He knew his pain was radiating across the Force. Didn't care. Just wanted it to stop.

"Leave me alone," Savage gasped. "Leave me alone."

"Savage?" Maul sounded confused. Fear rang in the red's voice. Savage knew he looked like he was in pain.

Asajj pushed harder, almost taking control. Savage leaned back, steeling himself for the mental torture. He'd watched Feral die, over and over again, himself helpless. He'd been possessed when he killed his brother. Didn't matter. Savage could still torture himself over it.

He looked up, just barely able to speak. "Asajj," he gasped. The cloud seeped through his entire body. Savage's knees collapsed. He folded and landed hard. "Trying to take over."

Maul snarled and it felt like starlight exploded across his body. The starlight burrowed deep in Savage's body, helped him ward off Asajj. He blindly reached and grabbed for light. Asajj's spirit was violently blasted to pieces. Her Darkness, his Darkness, was shattered and absorbed into the starlight. Savage drank in the starlight. He wanted the warmth, wanted the protection it gave him. He was feeling like a man, lost in a desert, had found an oasis of pure water. Gradually, Maul weaned Savage off of his own Light and allowed the yellow to drink in his own.

"Keep it inside you," Maul gently said. Savage realized his brother had put his hand on his shoulder, kneading his shaking body. Savage started to destroy all of the shadow, get rib of the cold, let the warmth cover his soul. "No, don't do that. Keep just enough Dark to mask the Light."

Savage managed a smile. "I take it Tyranus doesn't like Light?"

"Unfortunately, no." Maul helped his brother up. "Are you holding the power?"

"Yeah." It felt strange, but good. Like Savage had a pillar of fire burning at all times. By contrast, the Dark felt like ice. Savage didn't know how cold he'd been until he was warmed. Savage wanted to fling the ice away and bask in the fire. Unlike Maul, Savage wasn't crazy impulsive. Savage didn't know how Maul had stored the Dark. Cold was probably an understatement.

But Maul had managed it. Maul had lived with a core of ice and kept his sanity. True, Maul had done terrible things, but so had Savage. Savage wasn't the one with PTSD. He'd been abused, most of his life had been a war zone, and he'd even been dead. Savage's mind, though, was whole. Maul was the damaged one.

"Asajj should stay away," Maul reassured him. He helped his brother up, sealing Savage's gashes with a gentle touch. Savage hissed. Healing could hurt. "Creatures of Dark don't like creatures of Light."

This was why Tyranus didn't like starlight.

Savage wasn't stupid. He knew Tyranus wasn't his friend. That man had killed him. Savage still remembered the heart stopping fear for his brother, the searing flash of red light, and the dizzying, drowning, terrifying darkness. He'd only been walking for three days and two those? He'd been possessed by Asajj. Savage still had all of his memories, but he felt different. Powerful. More graceful, more alert, sure of himself. Savage felt like he was a blind man whose sight had been restored.

"You said you had someone you wanted me to see?" Savage asked, changing the subject. He could feel someone else, someone so Dark he almost froze Savage's veins. Savage was also getting the feeling that this guy looked down his long nose at the two of them.

"Dammit," Maul muttered. He scowled and flipped the bird. Savage's eyes widened. His brother had changed quite a bit it seemed. "And here comes Skywalker himself."

Savage echoed his brother's sentiment. Dealing with Skywalker would be hard and exhausting. With the starlight he held, Savage was in danger. He was living in the belly of the beast. Not bad for an illiterate, used-to-be-dead, culled Sith.

Darkness can't mask Light forever, but we'll make a good run of it.

"Maul, Oppress. Dooku wants to see you." Skywalker hooked a thumb towards the conference room. "It's about the Great Plan, the Jedi Purge, as Sidious calls it. And I get to back to civilization."

Though his tone was bitter, Skywalker's blue eyes shone with relief.

"Back to Padme?" Maul innocently asked. Savage was getting the feeling that not all was well between Master and slave. Indeed, the raw animosity was choking Savage. You didn't need the Force to tell that sh*t was about to hit the fan.

"Back to Coruscant," Skywalker clarified. Then he glanced at Savage and did a double take. "Aren't your eyes yellow?"

Savage checked his reflection in Maul's comm. His eyes were shining like twin pools of molten gold. Savage swallowed, taking care to mask his fear with his sharp tongue. If the change in him was this obvious...

"I see no difference," Savage lied. "You need your eyes checked?" He pushed the comm away and nodded for Maul to follow him. Tyranus wasn't half as observant as Skywalker was.

Skywalker shook his head like a dog. "I swear, you two are as dense as a bantha." Maul tightened his grip on his hinged blade. Savage had seen several variants on the twin blades before, but never a hinged blade. "Whatever. Just go deal with Tyranus before he has a stroke."

Maul started to walk away. He waited until Skywalker was out of earshot to speak. "Close one, brother."

"Tell me about it," Savage grumbled.

How long can I keep this up?

Chapter 19: Dancing in the Moonlight

Chapter Text

The news of Anakin's disappearing act hit Padme the hardest.

Jedi had been filing out of her home for days. All were searching for that illusive Jedi Knight. Obi-Wan thought he was going to look for Ahsoka. Mace Windu thought he was dead in a ditch somewhere. Master Luminara thought he'd been captured, tortured, and killed by the Separatists. Conspiracy theories were running wild.

The one that hurt the worst was that Anakin was a Sith and working to overthrow the Jedi Order.

And a young Separatist, Lux Bontari, had been dragged in because he knew about Ahsoka Tano, Anakin's erstwhile padawan.

Padme sat on her balcony, trying to count the stars. They shone like bright diamond pinpricks against blue-black velvet. A few climbing roses perfumed the air, though Padme didn't notice. The moon may have lit everything with a silver flame, but that didn't mean she saw it.

Where are you, Anakin?

Something rustled in the bushes below. Was that her husband? Or simply a stray dog? Padme stood, watching for the cause of the disturbance. She covered Anakin's necklace with one hand. No one knew its true significance. Few even noticed it.

"Up here!"

Padme yelped and whirled around. Perched like some mythological bird, Anakin was on the roof! He appeared perfectly balanced, also like a bird, upon a narrow ledge. The blonde haired man causally lounged against the red tiled roof, his arms crossed on his chest.

"Anakin!" she gasped. Her heart almost stopped. How had he gotten up there? Would he fall? Hurt himself? Die, even? "How...?"

"Don't ask," he gently said. Anakin nimbly leapt off the roof and landed in front of her. He was dressed in his usual loose tunic, his shaggy, blonde hair pulled out of his eyes. His blue eyes twinkled warmly as he watched her surprise, a smile tugging on the side of his mouth.

"Where did you go?" she asked. The harshness in her voice surprised her. "Three weeks, Ani! Three weeks!"

Anakin's face darkened. "It was a secret mission," he finally said.

"So you couldn't tell Obi-Wan?" she asked, disbelief ringing in her voice. She buried her head in her beloved's shoulder. He held her close, soothing her. Too late, Padme realized she was in tears. That had been happening a lot recently. She was blaming the pregnancy hormones.

"Padme, it was deep in enemy territory," he whispered. "I came face to face with the Red Devil himself."

She gasped. "The Red Devil?" No wonder Anakin looked exhausted, physically and mentally. "The Zabrak Obi-Wan tried to kill twice? The monster that slaughtered Ariaak?"

Anakin gritted his teeth. "Yeah. And he's one crazy bastard. He'll bite you in the butt if he gets the opportunity."

"Why, Ani?" she asked. "Why are you dealing with him?" She really couldn't see why he'd met with Darth Maul.

He cupped her face in his hands, running his thumb across her jaw line. "He's a big player in the Separatists, Padme. A big one. And a powerful fighter..."

"Do you want him to fight the Separatists with you?" she asked. It was well known that Maul had no side except his own.

"I don't know." Anakin turned his head away. "I don't think he would, either. His motto seems to be "Don't fight what you can't beat". Though his own impulsiveness has cost him battles before."

Padme could tell from his tone that that was all Ani was going to say on that subject.

"Well, my handsome Jedi Knight, care to dance with me?" she asked him with a twinkle in her eyes. Padme took his hand in hers and lead him in a waltz. Anakin smiled and fell into step. There was no music, only the sound of the breeze, the roses, and the moonlight. But that was okay. It was better that way. It was, in a word, perfect. The music would have only ruined it.

"Do you, my beautiful Senator, care to spend some quality time with me?" Anakin asked her, his voice rough from desire.

Why, yes, Padme did.

Chapter 20: Cold Showers

Chapter Text

All Rex wanted to do was pop in the medical bay and grab his blaster. That was it. All of it. Honestly.

He didn't want a cold, lavender scented shower.

Rex pushed open the medical bay door, looking for Neva. He didn't see her. The door also didn't exactly want to open, either. Rex frowned and yanked it open. That was when about three gallon's worth of ice water came crashing down out of the ceiling, soaking Rex head to toe. One moment, Rex was warm, dry, and thinking about his blaster. The next, he was doused in ice water. Ice water that smelled strongly of lavender oil.

Ahsoka's lavender oil.

Ohhh crap...

Rex stood there for a few moments, dripping with lavender scented water. His fingers started to beat a tattoo against his thigh. Then the bucket fell down and hit him, too. Rex yelped, darted into the bay...

And ran smack dab into a spider's web of gauze. Rex slipped on a loose piece and fell dramatically on his butt. Rex stood up and rubbed his butt. He glowered at the open, innocent seeming door. The clone flipped on the lights, hardly believing what he was seeing. The entire medical bay had been trashed. He was betting Neva wasn't going to be pleased when she saw the mess someone had made out of her medical bay.

Saint Murphy help the idiot that runs afoul of Neva Whitestone. She's got the kriffing crew on her side! All day, every day!

That's when he started hearing them.

"I smell lavender oil!" Neva.

"You think we got Drake?" Ahsoka giggled.

Now Rex was confused. They'd trashed their own medical bay? Why?

It's the Goofy and Blitzkrieg Show, coming soon to a hapless clone near you!

Rex exited the medical bay. He leaned against the corridor, scowling. He was not amused. Getting drenched was one thing. Getting bashed in the head and tripped up was quite another. Neva and Ahsoka. One was a great medic. The other was an outstanding leader. Apart, they kept things sane. Together, they were more than a little bit of chaos. Rex waited for the pair of them, mentally planning what to say. They were both coming around the corner now, howling with laughter.

"Neva. Ariadne." Rex didn't bother trying to pretty it up. He wasn't happy.

"Neva knows." Somehow, Ahsoka managed to keep a straight face. Neva looked like she was about to die from laughter.

"You smell good," the woman choked.

"Any reason why I got a cold shower? Or why I smell like lavender?" Rex asked in his cold, even tone. This was an assault on his manliness!

"We wanted to prank Drake," Neva managed to choke out.

"Then why didn't you prank his door?" Rex asked. "Do I look like Drake Morganstern?"

The two women looked at each other. Neva burst out laughing again. Tears ran down her face. Ahsoka looked at her friend, and then did the same. Rex suddenly got the feeling that this was a lost cause. Just like another thing he'd pretty much kept to himself for awhile now. He could keep it quiet for longer. Rex knew where Ahsoka's love lay. It hurt, but he could live with it. At least he hadn't been the intended recipient of the trap.

"They have Lux," he finally said.

Ahsoka started. "What?"

"Anakin's pulled a disappearing act. Since you knew Lux, they captured him and dragged him to Naboo. They'll be taking him to Coruscant...for interrogation."

To Rex's immense surprise, Neva spat over her shoulder and name the three-pronged, pushing, Outer Rim ward-off-evil gesture.

"I hate to say it," Neva snarled. "But I don't agree with your methods of interrogation."

"We use chemicals," Rex argued. "A serum." Why was she acting like this? They weren't CSI scum!

"No, you don't. The Clankers aren't the only ones who torture." Seeing Rex's expression, Neva went on. "Look, we rescued a Zabrak from a Republic prison. He'd been torn to pieces, Rex. Emaciated, shattered, burn scars all over his body, PTSD... He was abused, abused in ways that no one should be. A high ranking bureaucrat used him as her pleasure slave. They weren't gentle with Tak Mahler, Rex, and he was just a pirate. Think about this Lux. If they aren't gentle with a low level pirate, they sure as hell won't be gentle with a Separatist!"

Ahsoka froze. Rex stiffened. He felt sorry for this Tak Mahler, but he was really worried for Ahsoka. She was very likely to go charging off.

Neva sighed before she spoke. "It'd be best to hit the prison barge."

Space barges were slow. Prison barges especially so. Often favorite targets of pirates, barges were heavily defended. With actual bodies. Not big guns. Thus, you could pound her to bits, but boarding her would take a large party. She'd be well stocked with clones--and Clankers. Not that Rex would have any problem fighting his own.

This would be no different.

"Which barge?" Ahsoka softly asked.

Rex shook his head. "I'm sorry, Snips. But I just don't know."

Neva swore. "Okay. Rex? Go get a shower. Ahsoka, come with me. We'll need to feed a loop through Naboo's data-collections."

You'd better be worth it, Lux Bontari. Because I'm about to lose her--again. If you hurt her, I swear I'll gut you and start between the legs.

Chapter 21: Crashing Down

Chapter Text

Of the two of them, Maul had always been the talker. Savage kept his mouth shut and his opinions to himself. That probably came from his thrice damned mistress, Asajj Ventress. Maul's little motto, "when in doubt, run your mouth", actually worked. It was amazing what distracting conversation could do in the middle of a battle.

Sidious was seated at the head of the Hall. He gave Savage a long look, a sneer forming at the corner of his lips. "Why did you revive the cull?"

If Savage was insulted, he did nothing. He usually didn't show emotions, but what Savage was showing was starlight. A slight amount, but Sidious was more...observant than Dooku.

Dooku took the bended knee before his master, his robes brushing the ornate mosaic floor. "My Lord, the cull has come back far stronger than before. I wonder what would happen if we brought back Asajj's cull?"

Did Maul imagine it, or did his brother really flinch?

Sidious beckoned Savage. His brother cast him a terrified look as he approached Sidious. Like Dooku, Savage took the bended knee before his master. Sidious wasted no time. He bent down and grabbed two of Savage's horns. His yellow eyes widened softly when he saw the half-horn Savage had. Maul wasn't sure how Savage had kept it. Horns did not heal very well at all.

Then Savage threw his head back and screamed. He dropped the floor, writhing in obvious pain. His screams were bloodcurdling, constant, anguished. Too late, Maul saw what Sidious was doing--probing Savage. And he was being none too careful.

"You're hurting him!" Maul snarled. He reacted on pure instinct. He'd been tortured before and had even come to accept it as part of what came to the vanquished. Savage was a different story.

It was like Maul had thrown a concussion grenade of Light. The walls rattled and shook. One even collapsed. Dooku was knocked off his feet. He landed in a crumpled heap several feet away. The ceiling above him cracked, spat some dust, and then decided to fall in. it effectively buried him. Sidious managed to keep his ground, but he was forced to drop Savage.

The yellow hit the floor twitching. Out of the corner of his eye, Maul saw Sasha. She looked pale and bruised, her violet eyes downcast. Maul felt sick. Why had be brought her here? He knew first hand that Sidious had no respect for the People of the Night.

"That was impressive," Sidious sneered. He kicked the prone yellow. The Sith Lord reached for Maul's mind. The red gritted his teeth and refused entrance. He was too damn stubborn to be possessed. "For Light."

"Hurt my brother and I will hurt you." Maul stood over his brother, his fist sparking with lightning. Golden lightning--not blue. Sasha cradled Savage's skull in her lap and started speaking to him in Dathomiri.

"You'll fight for a cull?" Sidious asked. "You are right, Dooku. The cull is better than the other. One is a cull and the other is disobedient." Maul glared at his master. Neither moved. Maul's fingers itched to grab his lightsabers, but he refused. Number one rule of pirates: don't fight what you can't beat.

"He's either disobedient or marking himself." Dooku froze Maul in place, his brow shining with the effort. He yanked up Maul's sleeves, grinning darkly. The red's malcadh scars gleamed in the dull light. 'Don't lie to me, Zabrak. That little concussion wave trick of yours is something only the strongest of Jedi can do. There is no corresponding move in the Sith forms."

"I fight with what tools I have," Maul snarled. He effortlessly broke Dooku's hold. "Just like I was taught."

Sidious hit Maul with enough lightning to drop a rancor. The red Zabrak screamed in agony. He went down hard, trembling, his shoulder smoking. Sidious grabbed Maul's head and tried to force himself inside. Maul figured he was dead anyway. He flooded Sidious with images of his tortures, how it felt to be drugged and have another body straddle his, the feeling of Bakkari's fingers on his most private places, everything degrading and humiliating Maul could muster. And then he let loose on the Light. The Darkness was shot off into a thousand directions, replaced by starlight so intense that Sidious scrambled backwards, his palms burned.

The blow came out of nowhere. Maul curled himself into a ball, taking them. A pike was slammed into his body. Maul screamed as the electricity arched through his body. Pain. Pure pain. All he knew. Maul grabbed blindly, filling himself on warmth and Light. His wounds faded as he staggered to his feet. There was no point in hiding it anymore. Sidious had just learned the hard way. Dooku had had his suspicions. Maul sealed his wounds, his face like stone.

How the hell am I gonna get outta this one? What about Savage, Sasha, or Solace? I ain't leaving them here!

Maul didn't know what he was about to do. Dooku he could deal with it. With Savage's and Sasha's help, as untrained as they were, Dooku was dead. That Sith knew it, too. Sidious was another story. He was the very embodiment of the Dark. That probably made him borderline immortal. Maul and his Warriors weren't.

Savage slowly got to his feet. The Force, though weak, radiated off of him. Sasha took his side, her own abilities as sharp as any Sith blade. Maul took his hinged blade. He activated his lightsabers, watching as twin beams of red sliced into the air. Savage took his single blade and activated it. Sasha held out her hand. Lightning crackled across her bare hands.

"It's over," Savage spat. "It's called rebellion when the slaves bite you in the ass. Three to one."

"Two." Sidious's voice was sharp ice.

Sasha spat. "Kriff off."

Maul decided he rather liked this girl's spirit. Dooku wisely backed off. Sidious held the line. Maul didn't move. He just stayed where he was, poised for battle. The threat hung in the smoky, thick, sulfur tinged air. There were times when silence made the loudest statement. This was one of them.

"The odds are in our favor." Savage's voice was soft, but his stance showed his strength. The Force wasn't the only source of skill in the galaxy. His brother was a tortured man. Fire, though, still flowed in his veins.

'Solace!' Maul called. 'Get ready!'

She didn't respond. Maul didn't pay that any mind. The four of them had at least a snowball's chance. Dooku preyed on weakness and lack of fire. Sidious just hit you head on like a bull rancor. There were four of them, with four lightsabers between them. Solace, though, was completely untrained. She knew broadswords, but lightsabers were a completely different beast. There was a reason why Savage had been culled, too.

Ariaak? Now would be a good time for you to show up.

Maul settled into his fighting stance. His faithful Interceptor could be fired up in an instant. Dooku, Maul knew, sucked at piloting. He'd never seen Sidious take helm.

Silver light exploded across the room. A man draped in silver slammed both Sith with the Force. Maul could see the ripples, it was that strong. Familiar eyes met his.

'Go!' Ariaak yelled. Maul knew he wasn't the only one who could hear the old Jedi's words. Ariaak grabbed his ghostly lightsaber and met Sidious with a vicious stroke. Dooku, to Maul's amusem*nt, was cowering in a corner.

"Let's roll!" Maul yelped. He leapt around, beckoning for the other two. "Savage, Sasha! Start my Scimitar. The Interceptor--not the Firespray! I'm gonna get Solace!"

His brother saluted him and started to run. Maul pretended not to notice Sasha's look of awe.


He raced from the Hall, dragging the entrance down behind him. Maul played out the Force in front of himself. Solace was trapped, locked in their shared quarters. A slow, burning fire filled Maul's veins. She needed a lightsaber--desperately. Maul also needed new crystals for his. Something told him he was no longer Sith. Neither was Savage.

Maul Force-ripped the door out of the wall. He sent it flying behind him. The door struck and left a massive crater on the already shoddy wall.

Solace bounded out, her liquid black eyes blazing. "Where is that bastard?"

Maul almost started. He wanted to blame it on his nerves, but he was getting two heartbeats from her. One was Solace's--powerful, constant, strong. The other was a mere echo.

What the hell?

An explosion rocked the compound. They didn't have much time.

Maul grabbed Solace's hand and started to run. She fell in step behind him, the sword going on her belt. A bolt of lightning stopped Maul in his tracks. A droid dropped its cloak, tarsals glowing with the promise of more lightning. Maul didn't wait for an invitation. He leapt into the air, swung his blades in an arc, and sliced the thing in two.

He could hear it. The rumble of an Interceptor. Maul bared his sharpened canines and moved quickly. Solace, he noticed, was lagging a little behind him. She wasn't visibly hurt, but Maul knew the worst injuries were always beneath.

'We're ready! Maul, the dock won't hold much longer! Some bastard is pounding the hell out of it!'

Savage. And he had telepathy. It showed that his brother was stronger in the Force than Sidious gave him credit for.

Maul gritted his teeth as they entered the dock.

Sidious's gonna lose the hounds of hell after us.

His Interceptor. Savage, dropping the gangplank. Solace, staggering up after him. Maul didn't even remember running through the ship's main body. All he remembered was punching in the coordinates for Ashkelon.

Chapter 22: No Longer My Enemy

Chapter Text

Captain Ares had insisted on a stopover in Ashkelon. That was pretty logical, as it'd be a quick hop from Ashkelon to Naboo. Besides, the War Bird needed new cores, provisions were low, and Neva wanted bacta. Bacta required a major investment, that stuff wasn't cheap, but since they were fixing to play with major Republic forces...

It'd be worth it. Injuries were likely to be numerous and grievous.

Ahsoka and Neva trawled the market place, each looking for something different. Neva wanted her bacta, a new surgical kit, a deck of playing cards, and the latest trashy novel out of Coruscant. Ahsoka just went along for the ride.

Neva picked up a surgical kit from a table and weighed it in her hands. "So. Who is this Lux and why do you like him and not Rex?"

She rolled her eyes. "Lux is a Separatist Senator I met on Coruscant." Ahsoka was alert, wary. The Force had told her allies would be coming soon. Allies with the Force. "Lux Bontari is pretty much the first one to see me as something other than a Jedi. He didn't see my master's mark on me. He didn't want to use me for my ability. And Lux..."

"Is in danger because of you," Neva said. "Because your master pulled a disappearing act." She pulled out another kit and pawed through the contents. Neva glanced through the contents of both. "These look good."

Ahsoka ran her fingers through a tray of glass beads. Their myriad of colors, sizes, and textures surprised her. Some of the Rimmers were artisans, it seemed. "Yeah."

"And Rex?" Neva was like a dog with a bone. She wasn't going to give that one up anytime soon.

"He's my wingman, my right hand."

"He loves you," Neva casually said. She paid for her kits and tossed them in her knapsack. "Bacta next. Any idea where that is?"

Neva had hit Ahsoka upside the head. She hadn't been expecting what Neva had so casually tossed out there. Then again, Neva tended to know that sort of stuff.

"The bacta would probably be in the same general area," Ahsoka shrugged. This area of the massive, open air market was mostly used for medical sales. She was surprised to see no slave traders. Apparently, the farther Rim-ward you went, the fewer slave sales you found.

"About Rex?" Neva prompted. She wandered the stalls, stopping to chat with vendors, finger bolts of cloth, and examine glossy chunks of onyx. "You can't just ignore him, you know. Girl, he's got it bad. Had it bad for awhile, too. Lux, I don't know. As beat up as Rex may be, he's a pretty decent guy."

Great. Ahsoka hadn't been expecting this. Then again, she was talking to Neva. "It's nothing, okay? Besides, it wouldn't work. There is too much history between us."

It was like she had an older sister and a best friend.

"It is something. And if either one hurts you, I will personally cut off his--"

"Neva!" Ahsoka yelped. She did not like where this conversation was going. "I got the point! Saint Murphy in his Workshop, you don't have to be so colorful!"

The woman cursed vividly. She whipped her head around, body rigid and alert. Ahsoka followed Neva's gaze. What she saw made her blink in disbelief. Two Zabraks, both males, followed by a Nautolan and a human female. Ahsoka saw the red one and her blood ran cold. She had seen that red before. He had saved her life from a rancor. In return, she had taught him how to heal his broken arm. They had departed in some semblance of peace. For a time, Ahsoka had hoped she'd made a friend. But the next time they met, on Mandalore, he had fought to kill.

Darth Maul was not her friend and he never had been. At best, he'd used her to learn a new skill. At worst, he'd been attempting to save his own sorry hide.

That's Darth Maul. He's dead. I saw his body crumple in that dock, I saw the blood. So what's he doing here?

"Hey!" Neva yelped. She started waving her hands. "Tak!"

Ahsoka almost slapped her friend. Didn't Neva realize who that was? That was the man who had killed Jedi, brought Mandalore to her knees. He was no one's friend. "Shut up! That man is evil!"

"Um, no, he's not," Neva argued. She gave Ahsoka an odd look. The Togruta could tell Neva didn't believe her. "Tak Mahler is probably the most honorable pirate I knew."

Maul looked at Neva. All of the color drained from his face. He mouthed a popular swearword and came walking over. Maul kept a casual pace, but Ahsoka could see the strain in the way he carried himself. He moved like a cat, eager to break his walk and come racing. The three behind him followed. The other Zabrak paid attention to the Nautolan female. She didn't appear too happy about the attention, but she wasn't biting the yellow's head off. The yellow male seemed to be nervous, afraid almost. That touched a nerve. Sith should not have been walking around a market in broad daylight.

Especially not Darth Maul and his cohorts.

"Tak Mahler, you son of a bitch!" Neva went running. She threw her arms around him in an enthusiastic hug. Maul started, but he returned the gesture. Ahsoka growled and crouched down. "We thought you were dead! Why the hell didn't you comm us?!"

"Nice to see you, too, Neva," the Nautolan said. Neva disentangled herself from Maul and have her a hug, too. The Nautolan laughed and playfully swatted at Neva's hair. Neva grinned and made a big show out of going for the broadsword on the Nautolan's belt. The Nautolan laughed, side stepped her, and sent Neva sprawling on her butt. The Nautolan was lithe, agile looking. One of her lekku had been burned off at the base and she bore the ship's tattoos of the War Bird.

Neva finally turned to a stunned Ahsoka. She gestured to the Nautolan. "That's Solace Midnight, the real first mate who's been missing for two kriffing years! I swear, the next time I get some of that Corulag wine; you are going to spill that entire story. I do not care about how drunk I have to get you. Were you dead?"

"Stuck in Murphy's Locker, more like," Solace shrugged. She reached up and put one hand on Maul's chin. She was at least a head shorter than the Zabrak. Despite that, Maul leaned down and brushed a kiss against her lekku. Solace made a purring noise.

Ahsoka thought she was about to get sick.

Maul looked up, his golden eyes grim. "Neva. We don't have much time."

Ahsoka had had enough. She grabbed her lightsabers, activated them, and placed the shoto's tip under Maul's chin. The Zabrak rather wisely backed up, a little fear in his eyes. "Stop right there, Sith."

The yellow male edged away. "That your attack dog, Neva?"

"Ahsoka?" Neva sounded confused, afraid. "What are you doing?"

Now that she'd heard his voice, Ahsoka could place the yellow male. Savage Oppress. Once again, someone who was supposed to be dead. She backed up, keeping an eye on both Sith. Solace put one hand on her broadsword hilt. Her liquid black eyes were grim, determined. The violet eyed girl hiding behind Savage was probably a Sith, too. Neva Whitestone had just lost all respect in Ahsoka's eyes. Pirates were one thing. Sith were quite another.

"Sith?" Neva suddenly asked. She sounded confused, as if she were trying to piece together all the information she had. "But they aren't immortal Warriors with yellow eyes and foaming at the mouth. Ahsoka, I know Tak. He's the best man I know. Though his brother might take a close second."

Savage rolled his eyes and made a gagging noise. "Right. About that..."

Maul held his hands out in a gesture of peace. He didn't go for the lightsabers on his belt. Ahsoka growled as she saw the darksaber. Despite the fact he'd saved her life, they were not friends. Ahsoka noticed Savage kept his hand near his weapon. She ignored the weaker male; the male Dooku had thrown away.

"It's a long story," he tried to say. Maul looked into her eyes. "But I was a Sith. I'm not one anymore. I also happen to know that holy hellfire is about to hit Coruscant. Ahsoka, I am not the enemy. Anakin is. I don't want to fight you, but I will if I have to save my brother, Solace, or Sasha. That day I saw you, I wasn't in the driver's seat. Trust me, Ahsoka. I do not harm those who help me."

She started shaking. Ahsoka wanted to run him through, spill his blood. She barely noticed that the entire marketplace had gone silent. Everyone was watching the stand off. "You lie, Sith. Just like the rest of your foul kind!"

Maul flinched as if struck. "Snips..."

The yellow male shook his horned skull. Ahsoka didn't bother trying to ignore his half horn. She wondered how he'd managed to keep it. Horn injuries never healed cleanly. Maul was missing two of his and his were more jagged and impressive that Savage's. She didn't care about being rude. In fact, she wanted to kill the both of them.

"Look at my aura." Savage fell to his knees before Ahsoka and dropped his walls. Maul made a move towards his brother, but Savage held him back with a look. "Probe me, but please don't mind-rape me like Sidious did."

Ahsoka touched his horns, letting herself gently sink down beside him. She didn't press in, didn't start tearing down his walls. She didn't go too deep. Ahsoka let Savage keep his secrets as she looked for the truth. Light was bound in the most inner part of his being, starlight so powerful it was almost blinding. Ahsoka withdrew from Savage and checked Maul. The red Zabrak laid everything bare. He left himself with no secrets; let her watch his abuse, the way it took hell to bring him to the light. It felt like she'd spent hours watching his memories. She felt his starlight, branded with scars, but filled with power, too.

Ahsoka withdrew, panting from exertion. She was beyond stunned. Neither was lying. She fell to her knees, her breath ratting in her chest. Maul bent down and caught her, supporting her body with his.

"I know nothing about Sith and Jedi," Neva began, "but that had to be the weirdest thing I've ever seen. And why did your brother say his mind had been brutalized?"

"I'll explain on the way back to the War Bird," Maul grimly said. He helped Ahsoka walk. "Anakin's gone Dark."

"No." Ahsoka couldn't believe it. "No. That can't be."

"It's the truth," Solace sighed. She glanced over her shoulder, a slight smile tugging on her lips. "If memory serves, you'll find bacta two stalls over. This will probably be one hell of a fight."

Ahsoka didn't know what to think. Those were her allies? Two ex-Sith, a child, and a pirate? How would a crew of pirates do the impossible and defeat the Republic? She didn't want to admit it, but her bad feeling had just gotten a whole lot worse.

Chapter 23: Captain

Chapter Text

Solace hadn't been impressed by the Togruta woman. You did not hurt Solace's friends--even if you had a lightsaber.

Savage, poor man, had taken it. He took a lot of things. The only emotions he showed were in his eyes. His eyes, oh his amber eyes, were so haunted and full of pain. Had he bared it all to her? The tortures he must have endured? The abuse heaped upon him by his masters?

The yellow Zabrak fell in step behind Neva as they walked to the War Bird. Neva would like him, help him heal. Despite her rather irritating nature, Neva was a gentle soul. Savage needed that. The Togruta, Ahsoka Tano, was grimly quiet. Solace reserved her judgment, but she knew they would never really be friends. The old Crescent-class was a welcome sight. She was ancient, but she was armed to the teeth. Her bow might have borne the scars of a thousand battles and the starb'rd panel might have been bashed in by Rat's first attempt at piloting (they had hit an asteroid and made an even larger navigational hazard), but she was home. More of a home than Aldenmoor had ever been.

They'd left the cargo hatch open. The hold, lit by her soft, recessed lightning, resembled a cave. Solace scrambled up it, offering a hand to Savage, and opened the keypad lock with practiced ease.

"We need to update our security," Solace murmured. The door opened with a soft hiss. Solace slipped through, quickly navigating to the galley. She swore she could hear Toora, regaling the crew from his old chair... She entered the galley, heart racing. What would she say? What could she say? She'd been gone for two years. And then Solace spotted his empty monstrosity of a chair. The galley was still, silent. Far from its usual warm noise.

"Where is everybody?" Maul asked softly. He paused behind her, one hand on her shoulder. Solace leaned into his touch. She loved him. Loved him far more than he knew.

"He's dying." Ahsoka sat at the scarred table, her blue eyes downcast. "He's been sick for awhile. It's some kind of cancer. Neva's been giving him treatments for years but it's...not curable."

Solace sat down. She let Maul hold her, let him know her sorrow. Toora had been much more than a Captain. He'd seen the Warrior locked inside a scared, injured Lady from Aldenmoor.

"Why didn't he tell me?" Solace whispered. Maul shared the chair with her, stroking her lekku. It was a soothing gesture, meant to calm her down. Her proud Zabrak cared.

"He didn't want to lose his War Bird," Ahsoka explained. "A ship is more than hide, decks, and guns. She's freedom. And Toora didn't want to lose that."

Maul nodded, still holding the stunned Nautolan. Solace was grateful for his attempt at soothing her. "I can admire the attitude. However, I'd like to see the old bastard one last time."

The Togruta Jedi silently walked down the hallway to the Captain's quarters. The Bird was still her usual, cheerfully messy self, but she was sadder, more somber. Ahsoka pulled open the door, her eyes shining with silent tears. Solace could tell she'd lost a lot. She was afraid, a little worried. Maybe Tano wasn't all bad. She was just under stress.

Solace stepped across the threshold, silently thanking Tano with her eyes. She picked her way across the floor, stepping over the numerous articles of clothing strewn across the floor. A smile tugged across her lips. Yep. That was Toora. Messy, just like most pirates. But it was an organized mess. He could probably grab anything in ten seconds or less. Solace noted the bare minimum lighting, the curtains drawn across the great windows.

Toora lay in his beds. His eyes closed. Solace almost gasped as she saw him. His hands on the woolen blankets were pale and emaciated. The man's face was sunken, his eyes closed. Toora Ares was just a pale shadow of his former self. He looked fragile, weak. Maul made a point of clearing his throat, one arm wrapped around Solace's waist. Toora opened his eyes, their bright blue latching on to Maul's gold.

"Maddox," he rasped. Even his voice was weak, a mere shade.

Maul let out an exasperated groan. "Why is everyone calling me by that name?"

"A man named Ariaak has come to me," Toora continued. He closed his eyes and took Maul's hand. "He said Maddox is your birth name. You were named for your father, a great Jedi Knight." Maul gasped sharply. "He was a fine Warrior, Maddox. Tyranus, whoever that bastard is, murdered him to get at you and your brothers. Ariaak was draped in silver, old friend. You will need Drake. He will be most pleased with your return."

"Can you tell me where he is?" Solace asked. She could hardly keep the tears from her voice. Solace knew what was about to happen. Toora was dying. She and Maul had returned. He'd never used the name "Maddox". Maybe he didn't want to be remembered by his father's name. Plus, Drake preferred Master of Arms to First Mate. His playing Armory Boy was fine. Actually working (i.e., doing all the jobs Toora didn't want to do--and there were a lot of them!) on the ship wasn't.

Toora laughed weakly. He was still capable of his old demeanor. "Get my comm, Captain."

Solace froze. She thought she hadn't heard him right. Maul almost backed up. "Captain?" she asked. "You're naming me Captain?"

"It is my right. You have served me well for years, Captain Midnight. Morganstern would not make a good Captain." Toora paused, taking a shuddering breath. Solace's heart cried for him. She loved him, loved him like the father she'd never had. Maul Force-pulled the comm from Toora's desk. The old Captain didn't blink an eye. Solace wondered if Toora had known about Maul's power all along. Toora took the comm with a nod, tapping in Drake's number. "Ah, Morganstern. I have made Solace Midnight Captain in your stead."

"You seein' dead men, Captain?" Drake asked. He sounded both bemused and exasperated. Judging from the noise behind him, he was outside. In a street, perhaps. Or maybe a market. Drake was being Drake.

"Captain Midnight and Tak have returned," Toora replied. "They are aboard the War Bird."

"Wotcher, Morganstern," Solace interjected. She grinned to herself. Drake was going to be getting his free time back. Besides, 'wotcher' was her typical greeting.

Drake was silent for a few long moments. He probably doubted his sanity right now. Then he spoke. "Where the hell were you, Midnight?! Murphy's Locker?"

Solace laughed. "Close. Try Mustafar. Though I would have preferred the Locker, because then all the disasters I created could have tripped up the Seps."

"I'm not gonna ask what happened," Drake rather wisely said. He had to be grinning. Then he sighed. "So I guess I'm Master of Arms again?"

Solace laughed. "Sure. Why not?" If Drake wanted to play Armory Boy, more power to him. Though Solace didn't know what little fantasy he was playing out. Knowing Drake, it could have been anything. Was it even his? "Get the boys, Drake. We'll be hitting Coruscant soon, because holy hellfire is about to hit the good guys."

"I can hit the Backwaters," Drake agreed. "That's where most of the crew is. Though what they see in that rat-hole is beyond me."

"And we're gonna take a barge over Naboo," Solace continued. She looked over to Toora. Maul gave her the signal for "go ahead". "If that's okay with you, Captain?"

The bright eyed man nodded enthusiastically. Solace saw how the sickness had stolen his health, his freedom, his independence. Toora Ares was bed ridden, waiting for death. He was but a pale shade of his legend.

"You are ambitious, Captain Midnight," Toora smiled.

Solace's heart hurt. He had no idea. She wasn't trying to make a profit. She was trying to save the Republic. This was pretty hard for a pirate to do. Usually, they ran from law and order, cheered when the law makers took a fall. But now...

I'm not letting kids get killed!

"Go big or go home," Maul offered. He brushed Toora's hands. The ropy strength had visibly faded. "You woulda done the same thing, Toora."

He nodded. "Go in peace, Captain Midnight. May the Force be with you."

Solace froze. She cast Maul an odd look. The Zabrak shrugged and bowed his head. Inside, Solace was reeling. She was a Captain. A Captain of a ship that was going to rather violently declare its allegiances. Maul had filled her in on the Empire. Sidious meant to take control. He meant to take the entire galaxy, massacre any that stood in the way. Mandalorians, Jedi, Sith, it didn't matter. Merce, pirate, smuggler, all were in danger.

Toora pressed something into her palm. Solace looked down. She was holding an ancient data-crystal. It was quartz, clearer than water. Power, though, radiated from it. Maul looked at the thing and hissed. He clearly knew what it was.

"Use this in the mainframe," Toora instructed. "This will tell you where to go. Tyre was once a proving ground for an ancient people. Its coordinates were lost until I found this crystal in the Vault. I've been to Tyre, walked among the ruins. It is a beautiful place, my friends. Tyre must become a cradle of freedom once again, Captain Midnight. Its name even means "Freedom's Landing" in the--"

"Sith language," Maul breathed. "I can read and write it better than Standard. And that's a Sith data-crystal."

Toora nodded. He smiled, his eyes focused and bright. "Indeed, my friends." He watched as Solace tucked the crystal in her pouch. "Those of the Dark cannot visit Tyre. It is shielded from all that would do its inhabitants harm. The Sith leader does not even know Tyre exists. The Old Sith and the Old Jedi once worked together to defeat evil. But centuries have passed and both groups have fallen into battle. Tyre has a soul of Light. It's opposite to the Dark. Tyre cannot be defeated." Toora closed his eyes and took a shuddering breath. Solace was shocked to see how weak he was. Two years ago, Toora had been a viable, strong man. Making love to Tarak in the morning and raiding ships in the afternoons. He was so much weaker now. "My time is short."

Maul's head dropped to his chest. He looked at Solace sadly. "We'll make you proud, Toora."

Solace left her Captain then, her eyes downcast. She was numbed. Even Maul's gentle kiss, usually enough to make her melt, couldn't break the ice. Captain Solace Midnight was about to rescue a Sep from Republic forces...

And try to rescue Jedi.

Chapter 24: Thrown Away

Chapter Text

Ahsoka Tano might not have particularly liked Solace Midnight, but she had to admit the Nautolan was a good Captain.

"Helm, take us six starpoints to port," Solace ordered. The green skinned Nautolan was completely grim and focused. She didn't even take her eyes off her comm. Ahsoka watched the new Captain with critical eyes. She wasn't sure what she was getting into, honestly. Her cat, Ringo, mewed, leapt up, and started kneading her lap. Station cats were always a handful. They expected whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. Ahsoka pushed the cat aside, just as Solace started doing what Solace did best: raid ships. "Unidentified barge, this is the pirate ship War Bird. Stand down, or we'll happily blow you to hell. Eject those fancy cores of yours and prepare to be boarded."

"Go to hell," a very, very, very familiar voice snarled.

Ahsoka could hardly breathe. She froze, confusion written on her face. Anakin. Her master was on the barge they were fixing to raid. Suddenly, Ahsoka didn't know if she could fight that ship.

Solace must have known Anakin because she snapped right back. "Been there, Blondie. Hell's called Mustafar. I can put you on an express ride to the Locker, too. Heard the Saint himself wants your head on a stick. You've killed too many of his own."

Ahsoka followed exactly none of what Solace was saying. She wondered how this had happened. The War Bird was a ship with nuclear armed torpedoes. This little prison barge was lucky to have a few Jedi and some clones guarding a high profile prisoner. It wouldn't be a battle--it'd be a slaughter. But one look at Solace's cold smile said this was exactly how the Nautolan liked it. Ahsoka glanced over at Savage. Surprisingly, given his history and training, he was the peace maker. But Savage and Rat were playing a game of poker using the bottle caps Neva was saving up for who knew what. There would be no help from Savage.

And Maul? Maul was still a Sith, even though he denied it. He still carried a darksaber. He was probably hoping for a swift, brutal battle.

"Midnight." Anakin sounded strained, exhausted. Ahsoka didn't know why. Had something happen? "Does that scrap-heap even have F2F?"

"Insult my ship again and I'll ram a reactor rod up your ass," Solace snarled. Her corded muscles were tense, her liquid black eyes blazing. The scary thing was, Ahsoka was pretty sure Solace Midnight would do it, too. A Sith's lover was generally crazy like that.

"Why would I want to talk with a traitor?" Neva drawled. The insulting lilt to her voice had to be calculated. Ahsoka decided she rather liked the feisty pirate. She, though, would probably eat the rather innocent Savage for lunch. "Even Hondo won't betray his own. He takes care of his crew; you'd kill your own Order for a few credits."

Ahsoka didn't want to fight her master. Not only was he far more skilled than she, he had the full backing of the Jedi Order. He was more powerful and ruthless enough to kill his old padawan. This time, if she was captured, she would be executed. There would be no trail. She was now officially a traitor to the Jedi Order. Rex, too, would be killed. Or sold, which was a fate worse than death. Maul and Savage would probably be pushed out the airlock. As Sith, that would be the best they could hope for. Otherwise, the Jedi could be ugly. As for the rest of the War Bird...

Let's face it, Ahsoka. You've grown pretty attached to this crew of rogues. You want to see Lux again. You want to make sure Rex isn't hurt even worse. But you really want to see Lux, maybe kiss him again. Not such a noble cause, now that you think about it, is it?

"You are a pirate," Anakin calmly said. Ahsoka could hear the barely constrained rage in his voice. He hated pirates. "You are a pirate who allows two Sith to live. Why should we trust what you say?"

"Because I've the guns that'll turn your ass to slag," Solace sneered. What was it with spacers and the banter/insult battle? Anakin had just gotten himself dragged into an argument with a pirate. "I've beat you once, Blondie. And I'll do it the kriff again. Only this time, they'll be pulling bits of you offa my sword!"

Okay. Ahsoka had to stop this before it got uglier. She could at least try to calm this situation down. Maybe Anakin cared enough about her to back down.

"Hey, Sky Guys," Ahsoka said, her blue eyes weary. It was a shot in the dark. A snowball's chance in a star. But she had to try. "They mean business. Lux isn't your enemy."

"Snips?" Genuine surprise rang in Anakin's voice. "Have you truly Fallen? What the hell are you doing on that ship? Did you let Barriss out? What about that damn runaway clone, Rex? You in on this, too?"

"That "damn, runaway clone" will blow your head off if you call him that again," Rex growled. "I lost half my face for you, Skywalker."

"You're not helping!" Ahsoka hissed. She was sealing her fate with this. She could never come back after this. Ahsoka Tano was throwing her lot in with these pirates, Sith, and rogue clones.

I don't know why I'm doing this, but my gut tells me I'm doing the right thing. I gotta trust the Force. I gotta do what the Force tells me too.

"Yeah," Ahsoka finally replied. "I'm in on this. And Captain Midnight means in. We all mean it. Please, Sky Guy. He's not your enemy."

There. She'd said it. Ahsoka had officially thrown her lot in with these pirates. Three ex-Sith, a crew of pirates, two rogue clones, and her mangy cat. She was trying to plead with her old master. Trying to get Lux off of that ship without a blood bath. What a way to go.

Anakin hissed a curse. "So that traitor Offee was right--you have turned. What a stain on my name."

"I have turned from death," Ahsoka spat. "But we are here to win this battle. My lightsabers, Savage's blade, Maul's arcane blades, Solace's broadsword, and Sasha's lightning will win. You're fighting your own, Sky Guy. Holy hellfire will hit the Jedi Temple in three day's time. Are you bold enough to stop it? Or, as Neva says, are you a kriffing traitor? Because I don't want to believe you're a traitor. But all the signs are pointing in that direction."

The words hurt her like a Sith's lightning. Ahsoka, though, felt in her deepest soul that he'd turned. Anakin Skywalker had turned and he'd destroy all she held dear. The only way to save it lay with these pirates and rogues.

And a Nautolan Captain who just might be a little crazy.

We might not be able to save the entire Order, but we'll keep it alive. We will rise like phoenixes from the ashes. This crew would follow Midnight through hell and back. If it takes a kill order on my head, so be it. The Sith have survived their kill order for centuries. I can survive mine.

"How can I be fighting my own when you're running with the same Sith who murdered Obi Wan's Master? Who tried to kill me? Who half destroyed Mandalore? Who tried to kill Padme? Who, together, nearly brought the Republic to its knees?' he snarled. He was probably shaking with rage. "You're no more loyal than those two bastards!"

"Anakin." Maul's voice was cold and powerful, the voice of a man who knew what he was playing with. "Either shut up and slug it out like a man, or lie down like a dog. I don't care which."

"Then you, Ahsoka Tano, are no longer my padawan! You are a traitor to the Jedi Order and I'll see that you're treated as such. I hope you die, traitor." And then, with those horrible words hanging in the air, Anakin Skywalker cut the V2V.

The bridge of the old Crescent was grimly silent. They were committed. This was no longer a fight they could back out of. And Ahsoka had just damned herself in the eyes of her Master and the entire Order. Darth Maul and Savage Oppress were the enemy. Period. End of story. They deserved to die for crimes committed when they weren't in control of their own bodies. Or when they were so afraid of their masters they would do whatever it took to keep the lightning from their bodies. It didn't matter that they'd been slaves. All that mattered was the color of their lightsabers.

Ahsoka realized she was in tears. She was weeping and the tears, hot and steady, fell from her eyes in a steady stream. Her tears seemed to score burns in her delicate tanned skin. Rex, Force bless him, wrapped her in his arms. She clung to him, letting the tears flow freely. Anakin Skywalker had been the father she'd never had. And he had just thrown her away. To her master, she was worse than dead. He'd kill her, because she wasn't killing the two damaged men who had once been Sith. Maybe, if she wasn't killed outright, she'd be sent to some hell pit like Hive.

She didn't think she was as strong as Maul. Ahsoka didn't think she could take the torture, the abuse, the degradation.

Rex stroked her lekku, soothing her. She clung to his shirt, her shoulders shaking. "Its okay, Snips. It's okay. I can't speak for Anakin, but I have to say that he's being an ass. You aren't the traitor. He is. We love you here, Ahsoka Tano. You don't need an unstable bastard like Anakin Skywalker."

She leaned into him, not caring that the rest of the crew was watching. Ahsoka ignored Neva's look of triumph. Rex was here in front of her. Ahsoka wanted Lux, but Rex would do for now.

"Why can't he see that Sidious is evil?" she whispered.

"There are times you are so blinded by the Dark that you can't see your hand in front of your face," Maul gravely said. He nodded to Solace, his golden eyes grim. "Okay, Captain. Let's make Ares proud."

Solace gritted her teeth as she maneuvered her ship. "We'll have to dock. Hit 'em hard with the flash-bangs and the fog. Don't kill unless you're forced too. We have enough enemies without Jango Fett breathing up our vents."

Savage laughed harshly. "He like breathing plasma?"

"Fett's a strange one," Ahsoka laughed. She pulled away from Rex, trying to ignore the hurt in his eyes. It wasn't right. Ahsoka, though, didn't see the damaged half of his face anymore. He'd been hurt and almost killed. Neva might have wanted to repair his face, but they didn't have time for a massive surgery. To be honest, they had barely been able to get the control chip out of his head and get a bucket ready so he could barf without making a huge mess. Rex was now a real, live boy--and he was probably going to get hurt when he saw her with Lux.

"Focus," Solace sighed. She glanced over her shoulder, an exasperated look on her face. "We're about to fight some real bastards. We can talk about the kriff-dog Jango Fett later."

Chapter 25: Warrior

Chapter Text

Maul activated his twin lightsabers, watching their red blades. The weapons felt right in his hands. It was an intriguing question--were the blades Dark even if the owner wasn't? If Maul had had a few hours to meditate on it, he would have done so. Meditation might not have been his favorite activity--Murphy knew that--but it did help sort things out. Loving Solace usually left his kind delightfully blank of everything else. Anyways, before he slipped off to Fantasyland, he needed to stay focused. Maul was getting the feeling that his blades were no more Dark than he was. It all depended on him. His starlight. His ability to learn from his mistakes and take a new path. A path he chose--not what his masters chose for him.

I'm no longer Sidious's slave. I'm making my own path--and I'm choosing Light.

Beside him, Solace manipulated the other ship's airlock. Most pirate ships had a sort of override commands imbedded in their drives. The War Bird was no different. She tossed aside her data slate and loosed a hail of blaster bolts. Savage tossed a grenade through the gap. Maul leapt up with a snarl. Fog, made by the machines in the hold, swirled around his legs. That was okay, Maul didn't need light to see. He snarled, deep and low, crouching as he redirected the blaster bolts. A little bit of light slipped through the crack, bathing him in a sickly, yellow light. Maul knew he looked like a demon.

A killing machine.

Because that was what he was. No matter how much he tried to ignore that fact, Maul still found killing easy. He'd long since lost the proscription against killing.

I was eight when I killed first. And here I'm doing it again, twenty years later. Only my hands are dripping with blood. Killing is about all I'm good for.

Maul could hear the thud of blaster bolts slamming into bodies, the cries of the wounded. He waded in, sweeping his lightsaber in an arc, his eyes glowing with grim fire. A blaster bolt hummed so close to his ear that the skin burned. Maul ducked down, flashing his blade up instinctively. He whirled around and deflected a hail of blaster fire. A bolt slammed into the small of his back. Maul screamed in agony, his spine curving in a sharp arc. He grunted from the pain, refusing to dwell on it. Maul fried a blaster with his lightning. He shielded himself just in time for the resultant explosion. A shoto invaded his view. It was blue and headed right for his heart. He went for the shoto. The clone behind him went flying into the wall.

Something snapped and the man lay still. Maul leapt over him, baring his sharpened canines like a dog. He started to dash through the ship. Blaster bolts slammed into the wall behind him, destroying the ship's interior. Maul skidded to a stop and slammed a phalanx with the Force. Bodies went flying. It hurt, but he was a destroyer. That was what his surname meant: irresistible destroyer. On the flip side, it also meant "protector of the worlds".

Maul dropped low and placed his palm on the sip's deckplates. Lux was trapped in the brig, wounded and frightened. His fear was only adding to the chemicals swirling in Maul's system. He wasn't safe. Maul was just seconds away from losing it, from becoming the monster that lived in his core. He wasn't tame, wasn't safe.

Talzin had called him a Berserker. Maul now knew what she meant.

Lux fear was only adding to the beast in side. He was probably wondering what hell had broken loose above decks. Maul smiled lopsidedly.

It's called a pirate attack, son. We don't do things by halves.

A blaster bolt dug into Maul's shoulder. The Zabrak jumped up and flashed his blades. He managed to block the next flurry of bolts, his skin shining from sweat. Maul couldn't hold this forever. He was one man--weak against the horde. He backed up, watching the scene unfold through emotionless eyes. More clones pressed him. Maul dipped into the Force, his fangs bared in a wordless snarl. He was no man, he was an animal.

Right now, Darth Maul was unreasonable.

There were none behind him, but the small army in front would be more than enough to kill him. The red Zabrak gritted his teeth. He feinted forward, lightsabers just a red blur. The line fell backwards and he came at them like a bull rancor. His first blow decapitated three. The next, he scythed them, ripping bodies apart with the combined power of his twin blades. He swung his blade in a wide arc, decapitating four with every stroke. The dead lay in a heap around him, but they still kept on coming. Blood soaked his robes and his eyes glowed with golden fire. Maul swung his head like a feral dog, his body trembling from barely suppressed rage.


Maul reached into the Force, grabbing all the starlight he could hold. He'd need it. One needed his wits about him when dealing with Skywalker. He'd have to fight the beast back, hold it at bay. Maul dropped back from the blonde man, his eyes wild. He jerked his head around, panting for breath. Maul had just whipped around when--

"Looking for something?" Anakin's cold sneer bit through the berserker. Maul froze, forcing the beast under control. The last time he'd been like this, Solace had had to hold him--a dangerous thing when he was more beast than man--and wait until the rage drained from his body. The blonde man smiled coldly, dragging Lux by the neck collar. Maul's blood went cold. Battle raged across the main deck, but Maul heard none of it. The cries and explosions sounded distant as he regarded the situation.

His crew was holding its own against the Jedi Order.

Maul growled, something of the beast appearing in his eyes. "You?" he drawled. "I follow my own path, Vader. Or should I call you... Vader?"

Anakin activated his blue blade and put it under the boy's chin. Lux was little more than a teenager, but he knew to be afraid--very afraid--of the beast lurking inside Maul. If the kid was Sep, he would have heard all about Tyranus's attack dog. The wild Zabrak only controllable with whips, lightning, and torture. The kid had been chained like a grown Sith. Maul estimated at least twenty pounds of metal was weighing down Lux's body. Not only was Lux wearing a bloodstained orange jumpsuit, he'd been chained the wrists and ankles. Tightly. With a control collar on his neck. Maul growled low. He knew exactly how much one of those hurt.

"Torturing children?" Maul spat. He never tortured. Being the recipient of such tender mercies tended to make you hesitant to deploy them on others. Honestly, you could do the same with a well-done mind trick or a truth serum. Maul gestured to Lux's pale skin, mottled with bruises, and his black eye. "Even your master doesn't do that."

"I will cut his throat," Anakin growled.

Maul looked behind him. Solace. Well, this was about to get good. Maul rolled the dice and flipped Anakin the bird. They hated each other. Anakin would drop his prisoner just to fight his old enemy. Maul threw a bolt of golden lightning, striking the man in the chest. Anakin dropped Lux, his breathing coming in ragged gasps. He seemed stunned by Maul's golden lightning. So was Lux, but Maul really didn't care about him.

"Fight me like a man," Maul snarled. He drew back his lightsabers, ready for the Chosen One's attack.

If Maul had been looking, he might have seen an older version of himself, dressed in Jedi robes, watching his son with approval. He might not have been able to raise his sons, that bitch Talzin had seen to that, but Maddox was proud of his eldest son. His son had taken more than anyone could rightly be expected to, but he hadn't allowed himself to be weighed down by the past. Despite the scars on his mind, Maul was everything Maddox could ever hope for.

But Maul wasn't looking for his father. He was fighting Anakin Skywalker in a Sith's single minded, predatory way.

Chapter 26: All Upside Down

Chapter Text

Lux didn't know what to think.

The Jedi Anakin Skywalker had used a control collar on him, shocked him until his voice was hoarse from screaming. He'd fallen unconscious with the blood running down his chest. Skywalker had bruised him up pretty good, too. That hadn't been an interrogation. Skywalker had been angry--and took it out on Lux. He'd made no bones about what he wanted. Ahsoka Tano would just be icing on his cake. Either Lux would break and give Anakin the pleasure of seeing his broken body or Anakin would kill him. Anakin would get what he wanted and Lux would give it to him.

Or Lux would die. Whichever came first.

The Zabrak with the red lightsabers had attempted to save him. And the red was fighting Skywalker...and had a Sith name for the bastard, too. Suddenly, it all made sense. Skywalker was trying to kill him. The Sith looking Zabrak was trying to save him. Had the galaxy gone mad?

The red snarled and lunged, violently throwing Lux aside. He landed hard, winded, upon the floor. Maybe the red Zabrak wasn't as good as he looked. Lux's dark brown eyes were wild as he watched the resulting brawl. The red moved like a cat, quick, measured, powerful. He wasn't playing around. He wanted to kill Skywalker...and wasn't playing around. The red lunged, his twin blades flashing in a wide arc. He met Anakin's blue blade and forced it aside. Anakin rolled and hit the red with a violent wave of Force power. The red absorbed it, converted it into his strange golden lightning. Anakin arched his back and screamed as the lightning wracked his body.

The red ducked and rolled, flashing his double blade up. The male lunged up and flared his weapons, slashing Anakin across the face. Lux scrambled backwards. He needed to get out of the way--far away from two obvious masters slugging it out. If not for the blood coating his skin and the pain across his neck, Lux would have thought this was that holo he'd seen once. The one where Darth Maul and Anakin Skywalker had squared off. If Lux remembered correctly, Maul had been killed.

Then again, this red Zabrak was smarter, more powerful...and obviously knew his opponent. If he was to be believed, he'd even beaten Skywalker a couple of times. The Zabrak in that holo thriller had been an idiot. He couldn't fight at all. This red Zabrak was clearly a fighter...and he wasn't going down. That holo-Zabrak had been all stupid mouth and no skills. This red was cold, smart, and very skilled.

A blaster barrel pressed into Lux's spine. He went limp, his heart pounding against his ribs.

"Not so fast, Separatist," a clone snarled.

"Cody!" Another clone, this one with half a face, came bounding out of the crowd. His long blonde hair, all strung with the beads of a pirate, just brushed his shoulders. "Let him go! You're following a viper!"

Cody flinched as if struck. "Rex?" His voice was confused, afraid. "They'll kill you."

Lux had no clue who the "they" in question were, but he wanted that blaster out of his back!

"So will the Imperials," Rex growled. He jerked his head towards the young man. "Let the kid go."

The red's cry of pain shattered Lux's concentration. He jerked around. Only to see the red sprawled across the deckplates. Bright Zabrak blood spread across his rough tunic. He picked himself up, his eyes dark. Those golden depths suddenly didn't look so nice anymore. It was like the red could barely control himself, that Anakin was making him go mad. Lux watched, open mouthed, as the red's grievous injury slowly healed itself. The blood was replaced by smooth tissue, without even a hint of scarring. The red and Anakin circled, the tension threatening to choke the air.

"Get it up, Skywalker." The red sounded tired; as if he'd fought so long he was tired of it. But his eyes were cold. If looks could freeze, Anakin would have been frozen into a block of ice. But alas, the red was just a man. A man with the Force, but just a man. "It's over. We're holding our own. Let the boy go. Let Cody go. Let the clones make a choice--slaves will always throw off their chains!"

The red spoke as if he knew what he was talking about. And then Lux saw without seeing the scars of slavery that branded the bodies of both men. The red, though, hadn't let it corrupt him. His slavery had been longer, more violent, with the red often not in control of his own body. The red had been beaten, tortured, and violated. The red Zabrak, though, was a great and noble Warrior...

Anakin wasn't.

"Go to hell," Skywalker snarled.

Then Anakin Skywalker struck and it was like two whirlwinds had decided to get in a fight.

To Be Continued...

Chapter 27: Epilogue: I Fight For My Sons

Chapter Text

Maddox doesn't know what's going on. The battle is raging thick and fast, with blood spattering the walls. The red Zabrak grits his teeth, clutching his single blue lightsaber with determination. It is at the height of the Clone Wars...and Maddox couldn't be more afraid. Not that the Oder will exile him for the birth of his sons, but that they will be captured, tortured. He has already lost his eldest son. He will not lose Sirius and Remus, too.

A blaster bolt scores a hit on his head. Maddox snarls. He leaps into action, lightsaber swinging in a blue arc. A droid falls. He cleaves another in two, crushing three more with the Force. Maddox vaults over the smoking carcass of a battle droid. He deflects a bolt of lighting, growling as he rolls.

Tyranus. Here, in the station orbiting Dathomir.

He locks lightsabers with the old Sith, hatred simmering in his veins. "You took my son," Maddox snarls. He slashes Tyranus across the face, cursing as lightning shackles his body. Maddox drinks it in. He converts it into Force-power and slams Tyranus. The old Sith staggers backwards, a little bit of fear in his yellow eyes. Maddox bears down harder, ripping the metal deckplates up under Tyranus's feet.

"Your son?" Tyranus sneers. He strikes Maddox with lightning. The Jedi grunts. He almost falters, but love for his family forces him on. Maddox knows Tyranus will take Sirius if given half the chance. Poor Remus, more Healer than Warrior, will be killed by a Sith looking for power. "I thought Jedi didn't have children." He deflects two of Maddox's blows, scoring the red across the shoulder. "But a dog like you would."

"You're talking about my brother?" Maddox growls. The brother Maddox has lost to a Jedi. Kratos Jagannath--the only Sith with a sense of honor.

"That brother of yours--" Tyranus ducks three of Maddox's blows. They dance around each other, both Warriors looking for a kill. But Ariaak, one of Maddox's closest friends, has confirmed a vision. Maddox will not survive this battle. "Was a waste of a Sith."

Tyranus doesn't know that Kratos is still alive. For a second, Maddox's heart leaps. His brother is honorable enough to protect his sons.

Maddox scores a direct hit. Tyranus staggers back, his eyes engulfed with yellow flames. Maddox's eyes are golden fire. He takes a shuddering breath, knowing he is looking death in the face. But Maddox doesn't care. He is fighting for his sons, for Maddox, Sirius, and Remus. For his wife Kycina. For his brother. For his entire Clan. Tyranus just wants power.

Maddox screams as lightning brings him to his knees. He falls, looking to others for help. "I'm down!"

Shara bounds towards him. Tyranus spears her with his red blade. She looks down, confused, and then falls in a heap. The lightsaber bisects her from the gut up. Maddox almost vomits as he sees her dead body.

Tyranus laughs harshly. "Well, well, well. Looks like you'll fight for a code-breaker."

Maddox forces himself up. Pain wreaths his body. The lightning has wounded him deep inside. He aches all over. Pain stiffens his joints. "This is between you and me."

"Your son is weak," Tyranus replies. "Weak, because he's the child of a Jedi. It will take the power of a Sith to turn him, form him into his true destiny. But he is strong, Maddox of the Quicksilver Clan."

"My son is not weak," Maddox snarls. He picks himself up, almost crying out from his wounds.

"Sidious is calling him Maul." Tyranus smiles coldly. "He has your power, a wave of destruction that has cost us." He slams Maddox with the Force, bringing the red Zabrak to his knees. Maddox's head is spinning from the pain. But his son, just a five year old boy, is fighting two Sith Masters...and causing them harm.

Maddox, I love you.

Little Maddox doesn't know his father. Sirius does, but mostly because the young boy shows the markings of an empath. Remus is too young to really know who the big, red Zabrak who visits is. Maybe he does, but Sirius is the one who runs to see him. And Sirius seems to know what happened to his older brother. He has the Force--and he was afraid of Maddox when he first came. Why? Because the older Zabrak has the Force...and so did Tyranus and Sidious.

"I hope he kills you," Maddox snarls. He picks himself up, crying out from the pain. Crying out from the knowledge that he'll never see his oldest son again. Crying out from the knowledge that little Maddox will be turned into a monster. "I hope he rips you apart."

Tyranus shakes his head sadly. He hits Maddox with the lightning, making him scream from pain. He arcs his back and screams, the lightning burning his flesh. He falls in a heap. Maddox shudders for breath, wincing from the cracked ribs.

"Your son will be the perfect slave," Tyranus sneers. "Already, he's got that look, the look of a soldier who's been on the front lines for a long time." He grabs Maddox by the throat and starts to crush. "You know what? I think I won't tell him who his father is. He's mine, after all. I took him. I almost killed Kycina. I would have--but you got her pregnant again. I'd thank you for helping our cause, but you're a Jedi."

Maddox whimpers from the pain. Tyranus throws him into the walls. Maddox collides heavily, almost crying out from the pain. He is stunned. They are going to take Sirius. And there is nothing he can do about it.

"You hurt them and they will kill you," Maddox gasps. His end is coming soon. He can feel Tyranus tiring of this game. "My sons are not weak."

"No, they aren't," Tyranus agrees. He takes his lightsaber and holds it above Maddox's head. Maddox bows his head, taking a shuddering breath. He is going to die. Tyranus is going to kill him. "But they are Jedi-spawn."

And then he swings his lightsaber down in a violent arc, slicing Maddox's head from his body.

Darth Tyranus kicked the dead Jedi aside. He grabs the Jedi's lightsaber, smiling grimly.

Three sons...for three Sith Masters. He and Sidious had taken Maul. They could take Sirius, too. Asajj Ventress could take Remus.

But first... First to tell a certain Zabrak boy that his daddy was dead. He had been killed, fleeing from the strength of a Sith Master. That the Jedi had died like a rat. And he, young Maul, was so much stronger than his father. He would also tell Maul that his mother didn't want him, that his father was disgusted with a Sith Zabrak for a son.

It would break the boy's spirit and make him a perfect vessel for the Dark Side.

Darth Maul Trilogy Part Two: Slave - coyote_ace - Star Wars (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.