Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (2024)

Road Map

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- Estimated achievement difficulty:1/10 [Accessibility], 3/10 [No Accessibility] [Achievement Difficulty Rating]
- Offline:37 [1000Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (1)]
- Approximate amount of time to 1000Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (2):4-8 Hours [Estimated Time to 100%]
- Minimum number of playthroughs needed:1
- Missable achievements: 2 [First-Class Rookie (30G) and All Geared Up! (30G)]
- Does difficulty affect achievements:No
- Unobtainable/glitched achievements:No


In a world where dodgeball is life, you join Otto at the academy and train to become the ultimate dodgeball champion. Across eight episodes, you’ll forge friendships and create rivals, all in the name of developing the best dodgeball team. Level up Otto and develop a dynamic team across a vast and customizable party progression system. All the while, explore the vast Dodgeball Academia and uncover the long hidden truths that reside within the very walls you live, learn, and dominate in.

Accessibility Options:

Once you begin the game, you can go into the Options menu and under Accessibility > Difficulty movethe sliders for damage taken to 0% and damage done to 400% which will make every battle take only a few seconds with no chance of failure. Obviously this will make the game less interesting as far as combat goes, but it doesn't necessarily diminish the enjoyment as far as story and everything else. Totally up to you how you play, but you'll shave at least two hours off the completion doing this.


I would suggest following THIS 100% VIDEO, courtesy of The Welsh Hunter, which walks through everything you'll possibly need for the completion, including every side-quest, chest, challenge, etc. The game is split into eight distinct days and some of what is available one day may not be available later, so be thorough as you go and ensure you have completed everything available before going to sleep each night.

If at any time you're not enjoying the story or you never cared in the first place, you can double tapDodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (3)to skip any dialogue. Doing this will shorten your completion, assuming you also use the Accessibility options, to about four hours. If you play normally with no cheats or story skips, you're probably looking at about eight hours.

Chapter Select:
After completing the story, you can start a new game from any Day of the game. This will be handy in getting specific combat-related achievements (such as winning a fight without getting hit by a carif fights are not available any longer in the parking lot), beating Boris, or doing some of the challenges from the teachers. However, game-length achievements such as doing all side-quests or collecting all equipment will need to be started from Day 1 if you somehow missed those the first time around.


This is a super fun little dodgeball-themed RPG. Battles are all done as action dodgeball matches with various special moves, elemental type balls, etc. Each character has a speciality including a healing balloon-head friend. It's quirky and short and funny at times as well. It launched into Game Pass which made it well worth a play. The achievements are fairly simple, though many can be missed. A chapter select opens after you beat the game, but the cumulative achievements will need a full extra playthrough if anything is missed, so be careful.

[XBAwould like to thank The Pants Partyfor this Roadmap]

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There are 37 achievements with a total of 1000 points

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (5)

    Hard-Working Student


    Reach level 10 with any team member.

    See Top-of-the-Class Student (30G)for more info.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (6)

    Dedicated Student


    Reach level 20 with any team member.

    See Top-of-the-Class Student (30G)for more info.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (7)

    Assiduous Student


    Reach level 30 with any team member.

    See Top-of-the-Class Student (30G)for more info.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (8)

    Devoted Student


    Reach level 40 with any team member.

    See Top-of-the-Class Student (30G)for more info.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (9)

    Top-of-the-Class Student


    Reach level 50 with any team member.

    You'll easily get to Level 42+ doing the main story and all the side-quests depending on how many optional battles you fought, but you'll need a bit of a boost to hit Level 50. Luckily, you can buy Soy Milk items from Big Tony in the Underground (down the manhole in the parking lot) to quickly max rank. You can earn unlimited money from the Underground tournament right there if you need it.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (10)

    Can't Touch This


    Get an S-Rank medal on all Dodging Challenges.

    The dodging challenges unlock as part of the story in Day 3 and you'll do the Easy challenge to move on. This challenge has you moving around only (no catching or countering), avoiding balls thrown at you from outside the court. Normally, it would be quite difficult but luckily the challenge only ends when you take damage and if you have the Accessibility slider set to 0% damage the challenge will technically never end. Instead, wait about 90 seconds getting hit in the face, then pause and move the slider up so getting hit does hurt you, ending the challenge and awarding an S-rank. Repeat for Medium and Hardto unlock the achievement.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (11)

    Timing Expert


    Get an S-Rank medal on all Defense Challenges.

    The defense challenge will unlock as part of the story on Day 6. This will entail surviving as long as possible while immobile, only able to block incoming balls with Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (12). With the Accessibility options on and damage taken at 0% this will be impossible to fail since it only ends when you get hurt. Wait 90 seconds similar to the dodging challenge, then turn your damage taken up so you can end the challenge, netting you easy S-ranks on all three levels.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (13)

    The strength challenge will unlock as part of the story on Day 5. This will entail destroying a car Street Fighter style by catching and throwing balls as quickly as possible. With the Accessibility options on and damage at 400% this will go extremely quickly, netting you easy S-ranks on all three levels.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (14)

    Teacher's Pet


    Get an S-Rank medal on all challenges.

    After unlocking Can't Touch This (30G), Timing Expert (30G), and Professional Car Wrecker (30G)this achievement will also unlock.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (15)

    Nice Reflexes


    Catch or counter 10 consecutive attacks without getting hit.

    This could be done in any number of fights during the game, but a great spot that I did it is during the side-quest "An Unexpected Crisis" which has a number of one-on-one battles where the enemies have very basic throws and there are multiple balls on the court at the same time. I'd suggest turning your damage done down to 5% in the Accessibility options so you only do one damage per throw to avoid killing your opponent since you have to throw the ball back for him to return fire. The trick to catching a ball is to pressDodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (16)right before it hits you. If you do it too early, you'll swipe at the air instead. Once you catch ten balls perfectly in a row the achievement will unlock.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (17)

    Dodging Master


    Win a match without catching, countering, or getting hit.

    This one is fairly self-explanatory, but didn't unlock for me until I did it multiple times. Oviously the theory here to only move by walking around the court and throwing balls. You want to dodge only (no catching or countering balls) and avoid getting hit throughout a full battle. I got this after my fourth of fifth successful attempt when fighting the kid outside the school that has the side-quest running throughout the game, so it's possible it doesn't work from the random encounters with the red fist icon. Regardless, keep trying against various opponents and it'll unlock at some point.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (18)

    Caring Friend


    Use 10 items on a team member that loves them.

    Any consumable item that you receive can be used on any party member, but some like things more than others. When you select an item, you'll see their preference on screen and can easily choose the correct character. You'll get enough of these items as battle rewards throughout the game, but can also purchase items from Big Tony if needed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (19)

    A Helping Hand


    Complete all Side Quests.


    There are a total of 10 side-quests to complete in the game. I am unsure if the majority of them will transfer from day to day in the story, so I would highly suggest completing every quest available on the map before going to sleep each night. The exception to this is the obvious one for fighting the same kid every day. Be sure he is dizzy on the ground each night when you go to sleep, as the icon on the map will never disappear. The quests are as follows:

    1. Day 1: A Simple Experiment (near the plaza) - Defeat Kyabo and return to Noemi.
    2. Day 1: A Daily Challenge (outside the school) - Defeat the kid every day (will end on Day 8).
    3. Day 2: An Impulse Purchase (2nd floor of the school) -Purchase the Old Shoes at the Dodge Shop and return.
    4. Day 2: An Unexpected Crisis (outside of the school) -Go into the school and talk to George behind the desk, then defeat some enemies for the grabber, and return outside.
    5. Day 3: Find the Glasses (in the plaza) - Speak to a group of girls to the north, then see the lunch lady in the cafeteria. Defeat her goons for the glasses, and return.
    6. Day 3: Nature's Desire (fountain outside the Dome) - Find three goons running around and stop them. One near the cable car to the north, one near the infirmary, and one in the forest. Return to the fountain.
    7. A Weird Place for a Game (school bathroom) - Complete the Bathroom Games (see Can't I have some privacy? (15G)).
    8. Day 4: Keep Your Trade Secrets (outside the lab) - Fight Noemi, then defeat the three hooligans in the forest. One in the north, one in the center, and one in the southeast. Return to Noemi.
    9. Day 5: Underground Tournament (sewers) - Complete the tournament by talking to Big Tony.
    10. Day 7: Find Graphic Novels (dorms) - Find three hooligans: one near the lab in the forest, one in the parking lot, and one in the mountains. Return to the dorms.

    Remember to beat up the kid from Quest #2 every day and one final time on Day 8 to unlock the achievement!

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (20)

    All Geared Up!


    Collect every piece of Equipment.


    There area total of 72 items to collect for this achievement. The video I linked in the Road Map will walk you through finding every chest in the game, while the remainder will come from purchasing every item in the Dodge Shop next to the dormsand completing all the side-quests/story-related battles.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (21)

    Bollar Spender


    Spend 100 bollars at the Dodge Shop.

    You need to purchase everything in this shop (next to the dorms) for the All Geared Up! (30G)achievement, so this will come along the way. You'll probably get it at the end of Day 4 if you spend all your money here, which you should.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (22)

    Underground Business


    Spend 100 bollars at Big Tony's Den.

    Nothing in this shop is required for another achievement, so I'd suggest getting up to $100 and then saving your game. Buy a bunch of items to get over $100 and unlock the achievement, then reload your save to get the money back.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (23)

    Hungry for More


    Spend 100 bollars at the Cafeteria.

    Nothing in this shop is required for another achievement, so I'd suggest getting up to $100 and then saving your game. Buy a bunch of items to get over $100 and unlock the achievement, then reload your save to get the money back.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (24)

    The Fearsome Student


    Have Mina join your team.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (25)

    Reaching New Heights


    Have Balloony join your team.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (26)

    Now We're a Real Gang


    Have Suneko join your team.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (27)

    The Cat is Out of the Bag


    Have Shoy join your team.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (28)

    Anikis for Life


    Have Kyabo join your team.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (29)

    Ouch, My Head!


    Hit your head while rolling at a very high speed.

    This achievement can be done basically right at the beginning of the game. You will need to roll by hittingDodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (30)and continue to mash that button to gain more and more speed before hitting something. The main sidewalk outside of the school fountain or the main hallway of the first floor inside the school are both great spots for it.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (31)

    Can't I have some privacy?


    Beat all levels of the Bathroom game.

    The "Bathroom Game" is essentially a game of rock, paper, scissors but in dodgeball form. To win these imaginary battles, you will want to always use Throw if you have a ball and always use Catch if you don't. You'll only score a hit and win if your opponent chooses to use the Focus ability when you use the Throw ability. It takes some time since what your opponent chooses is random, but follow the above advice only making those two moves and you'll win all three "battles" eventually to unlock the achievement.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (32)

    First-Class Rookie


    Defeat Boris during Episode 1.


    During the first episode/day of the game you will fight Boris, the large purple man. You must win this fight to unlock the achievement;losing the fight will still continue the story so this is missable. You can either win the fight legit by dodging and throwing with your basic skills, or use the Accessibility options to dominate him.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (33)

    What's your problem?


    Hit 10 people with a ball while outside of battle.

    You can get this achievement as soon as the game starts. Find a ball on the ground and throw it at an NPC withDodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (34)10 times in a row. You can hit the same person 10 times, does not need to be unique people.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (35)

    Car-tastrophy Averted


    Win a battle with cars without getting run over.

    The first chance at this is in Day 4 when you unlock the parking lot of the school. Any battles fought out here will have cars that randomly spawn on either side of the court, then drive forward. They idle for a second on screen before zooming forward, so you should have plenty of time to move out of the way. With the Accessibility options on, you'll basically be one-shotting every enemy which will end the battle quickly as well, minimizing the chances of a car hitting you.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (36)

    I Can Feel the Power!


    Have Otto unleash his first Balltimate move.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (37)

    School Champion!


    Win the Tournament.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (38)

    Let the Games Begin!


    Complete Episode 1.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (39)

    The Tournament's On!


    Complete Episode 2.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (40)

    A.I. Mayhem


    Complete Episode 3.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (41)

    Trouble Letter


    Complete Episode 4.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (42)

    Where's our Baby?


    Complete Episode 5.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (43)

    Ghostly Secrets


    Complete Episode 6.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (44)

    The Fellowship of the Square


    Complete Episode 7.

    Story related and can not be missed.

  • Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (45)

    The Grand Finale


    Complete Episode 8.

    Story related and can not be missed.

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Dodgeball Academia Achievement Guide & Road Map (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

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Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.