Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)

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nterest omen Salurdayl eb Sentinc 181950 Waterville Morning yv1 included Ek sris'f you for the ii Dance At Tog us Planned eb 24 i ii i 1 A I tn a Tram KI of the Americanism pro harm thejm providences and we will Ur i JI I ung people se i hypocrisy do helped to experiences 1 which they can cru sfame weight i of clothing eV rlte i hl odav's Events Sal fun I 1 SWte'L 10 a Church Ina) pattern printed Inside 23 1 LEE lat the Columbus Guild he Guild menibers as I gift nts itnrl etn We The Women By Ruth Millett (Released by The Bell Syndicate Inc) pf the lights arid shades have cast on these vlr teachlng has' been posi ts right" that Is wrong we taught them to i j' our duty to stand people listen to what do I i i the Gay Nine ny Airs Eamuna she was presented bouquet The table of my kitchen for a warm elude and with something awe I have counted the of scarves they unwind OOD NEWS Serve Limas With Sausage sturdy active Not1 Quench Spirit i 1 us youth Is a phrase that it well for us older people little time to study jyst Huti niiiRvn juiaiConiroL means auasicr id i uicii i 1 1 11 Hinds Mrs Ran Ljrjver Control in a baseball pitch iMAli dav Parties and Mrs Waldor tnesri wrest stride townn the Xl i winning of the game To con doctrine 1 i in this in ai larger amount of now warrilrnbc more I American I and Miss dressed for i winter I aren't me hor! 4 MISS Mrs' Delvina Guerette 55 Royal Park Augusta is announcing the engagement of her youngest daugh ter Cecile May to Reginald King son of Mrs rank A King 9 Seavey Street Miss I Guerette is a native of Augusta was educated in 'schopls I there including St Parochial School and Cony High School to 0t i Mrs Robert Judkins leader of Browriie Trorip 23 entertained the group at a Valentine party Thurs day: a box was sent to Priscilla Dean who is ill TT i Brownie Troop 17 had a Valen tine party Wednesday at Boston Avenue School with games and re freshments! as special features ii The Goldenrods met Tuesday 'at the Unlversaltst Church Opening circle color Iguards were Sylvia Reed Gabrielle Bergeron Nancy Loubier Dohna Grant and Janice Abbott Guests were Shirley Jean McCarron Eva Tuttle and Carol Shaw' A Valentine party was held ji 1 A Valentine party (was held on Monday afternoon at Western Avenue School Games were play ed with prize winners Including Marilyn Lacombe Eveljn Lufkin and Grace Richardso There was a Valentine box and refreshments were served by Dorothy Suther land and Jean Tremblay hosetsses Next meeting will be at the school with Marilyn Lacombe and Monica Txjamblay as hostesses i i I l' 'L I Amid Valentine decorations the members of (Brownie Troop 21 had an investiture Monday at 41 Bur leigh Street our were invested Gail Greaves Jeanne Anne Letoup neauj Lay rd Joler and Robbia Donahue Games and songs were other' features of the program 1 1 Members of Troop One held I a Valentine! party" eb' 10 at the Methodist Church vestry Refresh ments: were! served and music was provided iby a victrola loaned by Judith Levine Games were played and dancing was held At the Tues daymeeting the girls worked on the troop dramatic badge and an other ireoqulrement was completed Names for (the: Girl Scout bulletin were (discussed and suggestions given to Mrs Randall Nichols olk songs? ballads and art songs were (described Appreciation was extended to the Rev Clifford JI Osborne for he use of the hall i Brownie Troop 25 met at Brook Street School Wednesday due ta the storm! Valentines Were ex? changd and games were played Table decorations were made last week I by the group Refreshments were i served and sandwiches were madei by Patrick Botjrassa a local chef land father of Carolyn Miller Members of ort Halifax Troop 15 meeting Monday at Boston Avenue School learned a i ijgw action song Girls 'working on the winter sports i badge presented a skit on proper andequip mentfor skiing and thcjcare Nancy Johnson described the ex hibit of the Rambler badge! and Sharon Estes gave a talk on rabbit raising ii: i The sixth grade patrol worked on the color craft badge with Mrs Gene Russell The seventh grade group worked on the games and "photography (badges with I Mrs Johni Parsons The eighth grade patrol discussed the dramatics outdoor safety and minstrel badges with Miss i Catherine Turbyne Ac tivities were assigned to bei com pleted next week After the meet ing the patrol went to the home tof Mrs John Turbyne and practiced their play! whichii will be presented next i month Mrs Turbyne taught them square dancing also included in the minstrel badge work Mary Story and Sharon Estes will (represent the troop at the Health Clinic in Winslow I fdlfh in Idealism in 'the bout them slackness in i theory and practice everywhere with the fiery i Idealism they strike outj boldly at Wrongheadedness they 'John Henry rises In say! that government is! I his red faced teacher By Gaynor Maddox i A Staff Writer Cold days call fqr luncheons especially for children Casseroles with vegeta i bles and some top quality protein such as cheese or leftover meat make i ideal one dbsh luncheons or i suppers Cabbage Tomato Scallop (Yield: 6 servings 2 quart i casserole) Zi One half cup chopped omv 3i tablespoons butter 3 tablespJpns flour 2 la cups canned tomatoes 1 teaspoon salt 1Z4 teaspoon peLer 13 cup chopped green pepped 4 1 1 cups shredded cabbage 1 Aup i (grated cheese 3 cups cornflakes l' finely crushed i I Brown onion in butter blend In i flour and tomatoes Add seasonings ii Cook until thickened add chopped I i green pepper Cook cabbage Tmln vtes in boiling water Drain well Ii and arrange in greased casserole l( in alternate layers with tomato I mixture Top with combination of ((' grated (cheese and finely crushed i cornflakes Bake in moderate (oven Ii' 375 degrees about 25 minutes zozenii Lima Beans With Sausage (Serves 4 6) 'i to distribute in Wards Six) Bridge was alsd was nbtifieS Tree News that Bourque Lanigan Unit Mrs i Altreame iremoiay was iH I i chairm'in gram Sfu presented Miss Betty Dubordi1 piano soloist and Miss Louise iltqulous who played xylo phone Rejections accompanied by Mrs' Hary McInnis Xylophone number also were played by Mrs McInnis With Miss Dubord as ac compariist i i i Mrt Turcotte will be' in charge of the Mirch 1 program and Mrs Beverly Daviau will be iln charge of thetefrcshmcnt committee ung study their plans cad to help them while jfor GarficQ Auxiliary! Able A Lincoln and Washington pro i He lary Thursday evening al a meet II I 1 I 1 This included reading by Mrs woods: miss Harriet Lan The trick I have found In not minding cold weather as imuch as dne might is simply in not how how cold it really is as I go on Innocently believing i radio (weather reports I am strongly in (fluented by a thermometer read J'ing I have two outside thermome ters to follow one about as in i accurate as the other i The newer one is round gadget (rather like a speedometer In ap pearance which looks eagerly in 'the south kitchen window (which has no storm sash) and manages to gather to itself a little of the heat (from (the house Consequently it maintains a comparatively high (temperature about ten degrees higher than whatever the current weather report on the radio Is givt i ling out as the reading for this ii vicinity i And the nld thermometer has a i break in the mercury of about forty degrees so that when It says i i for instance forty below the true temperature is at zero All this maks for a great deal of to ing and ifro ing and squinting and add i ing and subtracting before I come up with' the state of the weapier in i i thesi particular parts and there: are hurried mornings when I skip the whole thing and (in reply to Btb'lsi Inquiry is to how cold it is (i: out di give him the straight reading I 'i from lthe ten degree higher! ther mometer and we all feel a good bit i warmer than we would othepvise I I thlrik it must be this ignorance I i of true temperatures which (makes i i the small fry so: impervious i io weather or hours at a time they canj roll in snow and fac? into ArrnyHall 7:30 rehearsal' 1 0 ai 'Ill Seeing Believing (Continued ro uiPaga 4) ii Della Grant Tea Grbiip Entertain By Mrs Antworth 1 1 Ji i 5 1 Here! is bad news for the girl who is studying hard for a career and telling I herself that she can climb to theHop of the success ladder and still fulfill her role las a wom an with marriage and a (family The bad news? Well according to a recent survey: 40 per centf the women in Who in Ameri ca arc inot married And about 41 per cent of those who are married in the! 40 74 year ago group have no children That! is a nrettv good i Indication that: even today it is a pretty rare woman who can perch on the top rung of the ladder of success and sayi "I a have all this arid heaven jf by heaven she means a i husband and children 1 Long before they ever reach the top most women have to make an either or choice Are they going to put their careers ahead of every thlngor arc they going to put play ing the feminine role in life ahcjid of everything? Have Success In Both ieldsIf they make the first choice they may marry They mav even have children But husband home and children have to be fitted into the I kind of life their careers de mand of them i If they make the second choice they may continue to hold down a job' (But (they don't? reach the top rungs of I the success ladder' be cause the career is of secondary importance The i woman who reaches the top in a man's world has to play a minor irolc in the feminine world of the! home i i Andi every girl who is educating herself for a career ought to be made aware ofithat fact foolish ipr al girl to think that she can climb to the top of the success laddcxj holding tightly to her hand with a baby in hen armsjand a toddler at her heels I i (All rights reserved NEA I Service Inc) has department cita Syrian Supper Sacred Heart UII I I I tan tv file I i Youth for Christ meeting vation i Junior Choir Baptist SOCIAL PAGE 1 2th! Birthdav I Carol1 Ann Denis observedher 12th Jbirthday with a party Thurs day (given by her mothe Mrs Johni Kiankovich at ttheinhome 24 Maple (Street Valentine? appolnt i ments were used i i I Others present iRere Judith White! Joanne Tullj Joyce King Peggy Simpson Doris Lib erty! Carolyn Mhite Betty Greri ier Sheila Peters Robert and John I I NEV The sprang clean up job is made simpler by these aids to painting One hopsewife (lower left) uses stain and scuff resistant finish which Ipoks and washes like baked enamel A second puts a damp paint brush (upper left) into a new plastic bag which will keep the brush fresh and pliant The third gives a nursery (right) a coat of 'odorless paint I vou arc going to have to JU i)Oi 4 1 ClyA I Pl CMUC UVl I UIC ilVDfllViUUivj! nounced the Vice President I Mrs Barkley thought it over for Mnt minute then replied: live I I mm It i oerrr in1! Jicti uiwmi iwup uh Wc never needed any par 1 1 But just to be on the sain sue the Vice President gave his wife i i i wnetner i smart was or her own tact tne ec i fabric ond Lady has been a big hit as aj (SlUillK UllHAl I I i (Copyright 1950 By The Bell i ii Syndicate Inc) Ii 1 A dance 'will be staged at'Togus eb 24 by the Kennebec County (i Council! American Legion Auxil i iary according to announcement I at the Wednesday evening session i of Bourque Lanigan Unit at thej Legion Home All (units will' take part in the sTevent it was anounced Mrs Doris Karter rehabilitation chairman I stated that ten or 12 members visit i Togus each week various items Seven and Eight played The Auxiliary through' the Pine the made i national tlons for membership It was voted to send Mrs Beat ii rice Turcotte child welfare chair i man trt Attend the rehabilitation 1 1 and child welfare conference in Hartford I Conn i March 8 i New members include (Lana i Gurski Louise Tremblay I Cynthia 1 1 Clukey Ansolra Peters (Emily i pejers and Leona Breton i i A donation was voted to the i Marine Hospital In i Portland The mystery prize was won byMaude 1(1 Douglass i I i i civ haH its I Valentino nwrtv last Thursday with Cynthia Paquette a chairman Elected at this meeting were Elajne Ezhaya scribe Diane Cye'and Mary Ann MorLssette flag bearers Nancy Gurney and Sylvia Hamel color guards Plans are being made for the eupprr also home made candy sale which will be hcld toay at Dexter's Drug Store Troop ourteen had a Valentine party Monday afternoon ati Sacred Heart Hall wheh boys were in vited guests Games included newspaper and relay races and a Valentine game Refresh ments were served with appoint? ments i in the holiday theme Mrs Alden innimore and Mrs David Hilton (troop committee members poured i tri Brownie Troop 28 met Thurs day at Halifax Street School Games (were played Valentines werei given to the members and refreshments served i wTntry inds without the least apf parent id scomfort and I firmly be lieve trial it Is because no one has happenjci to tell (them that it is Uri above or because they are nod able to count and figure out how cold is Of ctijrse there is the fact too that offspring arc apt to be nr innrtH in ai lortfor lammint i woolenj layers than the usual mama who mplrily slings a heavy coat over the She wdars In July and considers hersrlfi know that my Own sons aren't perhaps jas well insulated as some being averse to putting on more than nje shirt and one sweater under 'their heavy jackets and al lowlngHust two pairs of socks apiece and bui one pair of mittens That i all I can hurl ion them be fore the escape 6111 door But there have been In the course of the wln er many little visitors in and out ing inie akin th number and as many as three pairs of mit tens to customer i So itjmay be that a ten bclow tempefaiurc penetrate anyway and then again their per petual may do much for their central heating: but I still cling tblmy original belief that the youngstirs can bounce around out side all day long because they dp not conduit thermometers and one winterisday is just like ithe next regardless of the highipr low pres sure arpas which radio lannouppers are? continually (telling about! DIARY A COUNTRY WIE BY MARY DUNNE i rang" Vlerry Go Roimd i ii i i1 hours Some people will pui into one hour than others Into two hours Church should remember that it la numbers of hours you spen church but what counts much lyou worship while there id i Gaining Control Kr'r tu 1 fl Ii 1 I 1 A dessert bridge was held Tpriff rtAHAnM ho rn Art! UOJ HOVIUVVM vj: wv Crafts Department of i the Va ville with Mr Alton Palmer 23 'Burleigh Str nirlv uaa hAliri 1n junction with the telephone hritlge being sopnsoredby the general club Members who Were not (pres ent will be solicited later i Iwas announced ill Mrs Charles Davis was acUng chairman in tne aosence oi a John Lil Moulton! who is 1111 1 Mrs Lyndon Bickford (served secretary Plans ilwere A AU 'J 1 ior Uic spiiriK piviuv i i The March 2 meeting will with Mrs Donald Parks i Burleigh Street Mrs Gilbert Loebs 'president of the ederation of Clubs i be the guest I speaker I Our Children 'i II 1 i 1 rt I I By Angelo Patri I 1 1 I fc' I It malters not' so much which ixCnnCDCC iviCGICai way you are facing as it! does i i which way you are going Ii 1 Auxiliary jji movement towaras a goai counts not simply the way you facing Stand still and you'll go forward and you will live' one has said counts is the number of hours!" you pui but how much i you put into more Mt the schools A motion (picture 01 1 Valentine Ball Helql Thayer Hospital Benefit Thc annual Valentine Ball spon sored by the Thafcr Hospital Auxi liary wis held riday evening in the Blue Room of the Elmwood Hotel I 1 Music for the benefit affair was by Al (torey and his i orchestra i I 1 II 1 1 1 I that I used to know Oh let your icy claws take hold out make just a youth grown oldlvlAut II fvll II Where Are You Going? to be valiant for truth! to wear the white plume' of courage 'to serve nobly unto death We never have told them thatmen tues Our tive This This is Lquty that is cowardice They haip believed us and acted accordingly Knowiqg nothing of they talk brashly Knowing nothing of the cares and Responsibilities of adult1 life they ipeak a nd act ruthlessly They are they know and they know mosuy vmai know 'I I It is then by the yo they say what we CardlParty Sunday I The Hedies of St AnneA of St ranciSe Sales parish iwl)l spon? sor a c4kl party ats 7 Sunday in the ipai'ish hall Whislj and bridge will be played and pianji pfizeshave been obtained for thej event Refreshments will be served with Mrs Joseph' Bilo deau ichairman assisted by Mrs Lconie iTurgeon Mrs Charles Gi roux arid Mrs Leon Morin Mem? bers having booklets on the prizes are askbd to turn them in Sunday afternbbn Worth of AMOUS tiduSEWARES 3 Yours yVithout'Cor' i Ye you choose (your own gifts of Dundee i 1 Pnnarll nlanl nd I ii I 1 ware aluniinumware lamps Dormeyer mix I era and electrig appliance furniture nylon I slip and hosiery many ltem a you wlh up to a total value of 12500 And these are only ai few of the many ltem you can' choose i I HOW THIS AMAZING PLAN WORKS You (rt an AMERICAN HOMES CLUB among your friends neighbor or rei: ative i with ten members They will be i amazed when you! tell them about: Tfriisnew easy Club Plan way to get na tionally "advertised merchandise I Valuable REE PREMIUMS I I And you receive up to $25 worth of mer i i chandise of your own choice absolutely with put 'cost to you 1 ACT NOW! Send for NEW REE CATALOG I a'nd fun particular at once I i i i i "SEND COUPOnItODAYI NO OBLIGATION 1 i AMERICAN HOMES CLUB PLAN Dept 42A Bangor Maine a zL I i I IL ii 1 I I A meetingOf the Kennebec CotflV Medical Auxiliary held Thursday night at the August HOme LrAlM Aairvf A Knv rf HnAki in4 playing cards collected from the members was donated to i the To I eetie ITncrilAftl a Il I 1 niam wflfA nurifl fn rarrv out iluu program of nurse recruitment in (Att I 1' K'L I a vnonis a uiittur shades of Gray showed the yari 1H mas oMial 4 11 ea Im 1 I Ji IUUB BlclKCB HICUK4 nsui MS Ip ihowlanny combat and fftxesa and the Importance of gooa mentai ny I giene in early childhood il( ijj Ii The next meeting will March lithe 118 with Mrs Arthur McQuillan of A buffet supper will be Beryed! I I hi I I i 'IL I I 1'1 i 1 I I I I I I i I I I Without obligation rpleaae rush NEW REE catalog and details of your Club Plan! Please PRINT (Name and Address i Name i Address i 1 1 City On (The Inside1' fl 1 1 1 1 In Washington i i 1 1 (Continued from Page our) i I 'I 1 I 1 I I to byphss It hd belittle and dl credit i j1 1 Ilf i I Demands arise for Akf I eminent" of: various kinds 1 iRep (2J I Hale went before the Senate (or i Icittn Relations committee for the Atlantic Union proposal! which it an extension of the Atlantic Char ter (but more personally I sec how wi can propose any kind of supergoyem ment or world government (until we prove in the UN that the Na tlons of the world are more ready i IfnmU (Kan ic vrU nrnvion I If We get atomic control through the UN how arc we (olnf I 1 to get it? If Russia won't accede I there then where else? i i i REBELLIOUS YOUTH Guide Do Crusading I XVt IzVlld 113 jvUll comes easily to the tongue would do 1n take a what we mean when we Isay that Are we saying it in terms of praise or in terms of disapproval? If we are to be kt all consistent witti our teaching we should be saying it with cordial approval I Youth la the period of highest idealism The young are crusaders for righteousness beauty liberty All good causes are their causes and as youth knows no limitations they are certain of their 'goal and held also a Oi their 1 victory xor mu Miss 1 1 (I Ij I II Social News And Local Pub Events Announce Engagement Of Miss Guerette Girl Scout Notes Troop ive had its Vale TWIN Denise perfectly matched pear shaped diamonds in the world the In i (dona twins as sha visits tha (United Hospital of at Rockefeller Center New YorkL About 110000000 worth of jewels wera shown fa tha exhibit GEMS ilm actress Darcel wears the largest Gay 90's Program Held Thursday Jy Columbus Guild "A program was prsented at the Thursday evening meeting of tlie Columbus Guild at ii irJtl 1 tne viuiiu A monologjue on LIL 3 wan Barton arid with a colonial was arrangcfi with a red checked tablecloth oil lamps and a wooden fruitbowl I Wearing Gay Nineties costumes were Mrs Gbriellee Cunion Mrs Omer Mathieu Miss abiol Tar diff Mrs Leopold Giguere Mrs rank Cruise1 Mrs Joseph Caron and Mrs Arrnand Houle The prize for the mdht original costume was awarded to' Mrs Mathieu A dS with Miss Irene largely sponsible We teach them Caron at the piano Refreshments were served by Mrs Armand) Houle chairman as sisted by MrJ Giguere Miss Tar dlff Mrs Hdnry Collins Mrs Carl Horne Ztfrs i Blanche Thompson! Mrs Arthur! Gamache MrsLMaur ice Tully Mrs Vincent I Audet1 Mrs Deneignes Chamberlain Mrs Laurier Poulin and Mrs Lafayette Poulin 1 During the business session a discussion ulas held on the i bill of I federal aid to education led by Michael Nagem legislative chairman and the equal righty amendment was mentioned 1 Miss Llsiej uaugier atnoue Action chairman recommended that member subscribe the Catholic HoIrPc Journal The ebl 27 meeting of the Waterville 'district Maine Dioce san Council! of Catholic Women will be held Trail With hostesses Lliss Daugier announ i ced' pMrs rarik Cruise (vas named chairman £jr the next meeting her committee to I Include Mrs Herbert Desmond Mrs Lionel Tardiff Mrhl 'Onesime Begin Mrs Thomas Mrs Joseph Mc Neil Miss Clara Picher Mrs Will iam Maliorfey Mrs' Emile Hebert Mrs Omerl Daviau sr arid Mrs Herbert Aldrich hi Miss Genevieve Si vi ski Honored At Dinner i ii i A dinner was held last week at the Crescent Hotel by local New Epgland Telephone employees: in honor of Mlss GenevicveiSiviskL: who is being married today i received many gifts i 1 Others present were flecile Chasse Lucy Bragg Leone Get chell Miss Cora Murray chief op erator lossie BouletteVi Evelyn Anderson Irene Desmond: Rita Collette Priscilla Maben ILorrette Auddct Gloria Pouliotte Jean Clarke Jeanette Siviski Gertrude Laney Dolrothy Gurrieril Dolores Nawfcl Cecile Couture Shirley Bishop i Dbrothy Chapman i Leon ette Rioux IMargaret Parks Juani ta Blackwood Doris Barlow Phy llis Gerald Beverly Dow and Shirley Proulx i Serve carrots i mashed some times in la! icustard base' or in a houffle I I i I i i i a 4 p1 I One package frozen lima beans pourid link pork sausage 1 Vdz hups milk 114 tablespoons flour tablespoons pork fat salt and pepper )o taste Cook lima Tjeans according to instructions on package ry link sausage slowly until golden brown 1 well done! Remove skillet Use about iHs tablespoons fat from sausage flour and milk to make hite sauce Combine with sausage and lima beans sea son to tast 1 MENU BREAKAST: Canned blend ed orange and grapefruit juice ready to4cat cereal soft cooked eggs nricned toast butter or fortifiedlmargarine coffee milk LUtdHEON: Cabbage toma to schllop chopped llettuce I whole wheat sandwiches fresh I fruit Howl (apples: oranges and pears) tea milri I DINNER: Sliced cold roast fresh Jhlaip spiced cranberries creamfed potatoel buttered car i rots Aifh chopped parsley rye i brearii butter or fortified marga rine I tilery apple pie coffee milk i Contemporary Club Has Guest Day I Guest Day was observed by the Contemporary Club of the Water ville Club riday after noon at4he meeting held with' Mr Paul (Wyman Greylock Road Walter' Seelev head of the arthdepartemnt of Colby College in a talk on! Art Education out lined work of children from the age ftwo to five also high school and college student i li Showing samples of each group He cxpl ned the various drawings stating that children shouldbe al lowed (to draw as they please and not follow i specified pattern The young child attains freedom of ex pression (throukh art also great deal ofi pleasure' he said i i Assisting hostesses were Mrs Al Control means safety ton Richardson Mr Albert driver nf an automobile Piper' Mrs Samuel Hlllson Mr control niYansx'd Isas ter to Wadsworth I 1 la I A I Y3 SM zl 4 UUipil AJlflUUl 4IL A Beckd i I Guests included Mrs A Wy man Mrs Henrv Abbott Mrf Clifford jMyers Mrs ElliotRBar kfer jri Mrs Stuart Cameron Mrs Clair Bauman Mrs Spen der II Carleton 3roTLMrs Dudley Smith 'Mrs I Valentine Moore Mrs Richard rench Mrs Byron McLellanr Mrs Barbara Williams Mrs John i Clark Mrs Bernard Morin (Mrs Irving Goodof Mrs I Earle iBessey! Isr and Mrs William Cui iCll I i I' ii The Mar 3 meeting will be with Mrs Kenneth Sewall Pleasant Street The the budl dents at Colby College i i Mrs I ranklin A Thompson was namedi chairman of arrangement 1 A 1 1L1 AM 1 trying not xc get in iw wajr vi vi harm thelm We surely know that for the picnic of the general club upon thee young snouiaers must rest the burden of the coming gen AraHnn i I i Th vm in politics ifneanness in business faltering nrwil the churche much in lie Charged of youth whatever meet What help do we i Young class to selfish and ridden with rotten poll 4 i i i anti thundered down IU1 have! no cnmmiln! sties classroom The boy speaks out at the dinner (table to ay unions aj right They are entitled to a falr share of the profits of in? (and father shout up You know what you are talking Right or wrong yoyth hould be given a hearing to the end! They should be helped (6 clear their iddas helped to experiences will) enable them to' see clear ly Guiding the young7 idealists to the polrtat which they can cru sade tor righteousness while facing actuality kf the chief duty of the adults forj youth is theisole salva tlon of our! civilization! 1 I PZ (I WC lsK 1 Not only1s your voice: important I so is ydur conversation as Dr Patri explains in his leaflet 21 rauc to me uaoy To obtain! a copy send 5 cents lnz6oin ind a stamped self address ed envelope i to him co this paper Oi Box 99 Station G' New York is 1 'll! tfol means almost sure defenj for il the team There is hardly ani)l A Lincoln and Washington prx bodied boy but that aspires tb ibme gram was held by Garfield Auxll day be a good ball playeiy I He lary Thursday evening at a meet knows that he must have conroli ingi In Modern Woodman Hall Cohtrol in the Christian I ltf0 is Thia included reading Mr also necessary In order toAvin (Jon Betty Woods Miss Harriet Ln trol in spirit like as ip baseball is caster and Charles Lowry Lin riot gained In a day Jt takes Idays Gettysburg Address was i weeks months and years witn an given dip of piano Paul a Myra ordcr rs nd as discussed be 49 rne LATTERING Byl Sue Burnett Designed expressly far the ma tron is tni cnarming aiu stvlc that cornea in a wide I £5jriMAAt1sn as Ill ko I I OI mVU yHuiifv I 1 ii neckline and front iConUnurd rom age: 4) i 1 I I I 1 I i 1 I as i iiauering as can ou i Pattern No 8570 is a perforated pattern for sizes 36 38 40 42 44 46 4B ou ana 38 Short sleeve 5 7p yards inch I or this pattern aena pa cents untir I nrirlrnftK a 1 1 A SJ Vi nm i ai riers ia I VfA size aesirca ana me i rut NUMBER to Sue BumcttJ Water Hamcntary procedure ville Sentinel 1150 Avenue Amer Vnrb IO 11 I I I The Spring ASH tew easy lessons I 4LL nM AW Atl TON offers manv ideas for a ijv in a inc eirtnnrinrrininp ninrer Originals easy to sew style ce weeks months andyears i exercise of the wl) plus the God to gain control flaht to keep control in he might win in the race 9: 26 27 I therefore so run unrertainW: so flaht I not ai 1 under my body and bring iqtb jectlri: least by any I have preached to othersj seif should De a castaway ovnrmnrA heln us Open our eyes wide by thy gr ilclous Itheir daughter Ma rib'nt War providences and we will the £Sn Stubbcrt Mn nuggets for Thy glory and honor We thank Thee that tnou nap pro vided so many rich things' ior us and by thy grace we will use (them for the good of those a bo it us Amen by Miss Nellie A 1 solo! was played i by Mra Hodges and the group also that sang the National Anthem ind i Cor America I i at as I A gift wa presented io i one Susie Guuifer tn nonor or ncr wm keep wedding anniversary Patriotic 're 1 were served Hi i when ry 1 1 1 my Stubbert Suthcrlarid i iL lL Il 'j i i jl: ll seel Mr andt Airs juienaDQ the nonets of cold all aboJt us! announcing marriage of AY Qftihhrrt jmn A tinepv1 ii i ImiLLL i 1b rrlABMAM Gleason Stubbert They Lire resid ing at 16 Jjelmont Avenue City ilhcm rrh Della Grant Tea I I m1 i me ivieinoQiBi vnurvu uvv cred dish supper Thursday even ing at the1 home of Mrstva Anp worth High Street i 1 1 i iii (Guests included Mis usurer Varney and Mrs Beryl Ward i De votions were led by i Mrs Cates During the business sipn plans were made to i start three gypsy baskets A "Scotch juc tlon also was held i I The March 2 meeting will be with Mrs Sarah Scott College 1 Avenue Mrs Antwortb ws assist ed in serving by Mrs Charles (Ses sion and Mr Althea VarneyjL REGINALD KING Mr King was born in this city was graduated from' Waterville pigh School and attended the University of Maine for two years Wp served with the Army Air orce two years and is em ployed by the Maine Central Rall rbad I Ah April wedding j' being planned CECILE MAY GUERETTE Il ures IL 1 1 I I I "1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 ridOaMI ''Oj J'tetf: i hl dr Ai stawx if ki P' 8 8 ZJ 44 5 I lx rjrLV' x'A mr 'k ir mA I 'wrnr ji lu HU 'A 3 4 mA 4 wJ 'Vaz MWwWaMaiVVtSKS'W i WwSii I 1 A XlO I I i I i LUS I I a JZTI or oilN I tSl (Hl I Kk A1 I Mk V2 Hr i i I ii ii i1 I '11 Si? I till' i I 'As VU I 'Vo I 1 111 if LH rc I 1 it fl Hi I 1 '4AW I 1 Ml h1W £2 lrl ro i iMr OB I I Ik (t.

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Morning Sentinel from Waterville, Maine (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Views: 6268

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.