Views Into My World - Chapter 1 - UniversalChaos03 - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)

Chapter Text

Walking down the stairs led to the musings of some news channel from the living room. Same mumbo jumbo as always, clears skies here, rain clouds there. After last night’s activities, the boy was not going to be functioning until he got either some coffee or a snack into his system. He walks past the television to reach his goal, the kitchen. His surefire motion, one done every morning now for the past few months, takes place as he grabs a cup and places it below the machine, starting it up. And now he moves to make his perfect sandwich.

Two slices of bread from the nearby bag, placed atop his plate of choice. Atop the counter is his condiment of choice, Peanut Butter. With his knife acquired, his sandwich is quickly made. At least, if there wasn’t an interruption. The jar was empty, and noticing the distinct lack of coffee being dispensed, so too was the machine. “Son of a- fine. There has gotta be something.”

Scrounging for anything, he quickly starts to realize that there is not much of anything. No way we forgot the groceries, what even is today? Friday, grocery day. With a groan and a fall of his face, the boy weeps, “I knew I shouldn’t have stayed up streaming. Arceus I’m an idiot!”

“I told you not getting enough sleep is going to give you a bad start.” He looks over to the hallway he just entered from, the voice of his housemate coming from the living room. “I DON’T NEED YOUR INPUT NOW!”

“You also don't need to yell. I can hear you just fine, big mouth.”

A frown appears on his face at being reminded of something the would rather forget, “Eww, being called that leaves a bad taste in my mouth, don’t do that.”

Walking into the living room, he sees her obviously not having the same problem as him. Her lilac hair made up into her long ponytail, and a comfy blue sweater on. Winona was always an early riser since he met her. Whether that be from working with Flying-types practically all her life or from her work ethic. Maybe it’s a work of both.

Hearing some laughter, he sees her nearby occupants watching and giggling at the boy for whatever reason. “What’s so funny to you two huh?”

The living clouds continue their jest, Winona’s ace Altaria waving her wing and reassuring the boy about any problem. This didn’t help at all when the Swablu within her fluff clucked and laughed louder than even the television behind him, almost falling out of her plume. Winona also tries to cover up some chuckles, pointing to his head. “I don’t think the late night planning was the only thing to ruin your morning Enzo. That may be the worst case of bed head I have seen in a while.”

Enzo stares at the trio in confusion, scrounging his pants to find his PokeNav and open the camera function. Upon seeing his visage, he realizes just what happened. What should be only slightly messy black hair, is now frazzled like he was in an explosion. Shock stays on his face wondering just what happened in his sleep, before remembering which two are missing from the house. “ROTO!! YOU GET DOWN HERE YOU LITTLE SHI-!’

His march upstairs is halted, Altaria having grabbed his collar and pulling him to the couch. He struggles some playfully in order to enact his vengeance against the electrical trickster, who is probably cackling like a super villain now, but is stopped as the Dragon wraps a wing around him and preening his head into a more presentable state. Enzo groans, yet Winona chuckles as he is subject to a far too common behavior of the motherly bird.

Swablu having lost her resting spot decides to take it’s next favorite resting place, sitting and cuddling into Enzo’s lap, his hand absentmindedly petting her. “So, anything exciting from… PNNN?”

The Gym Leader snorts, “Nope, same old same old. Apparently the Galarian League is wrapping up here soon. Wattson’s trying to get us all to make bets, again. It’s really unneeded when it’s obvious who will win.”

Enzo perks up at the mention of Galar. “The Dynamax phenomena place? No way they have a clear winner already, right?”

“Indeed it does. Some kid, Dion? Leo? I don’t know, I ain’t kept up with it with all the paperwork coming in.”

Enzo nods, his mind racing some as he leans back before leaning forward again as Altaria gives a quick squawk. I guess this is around the time Leon becomes champion… Mr. Undefeatable is definitely gonna get a lot of publicity soon. Hopefully it doesn’t screw me over too much.

Winona had kept talking, not noticing him in thought. “Apparently some scandal was found out about a radio station in Johto, I bet the news station jumped in joy about that. Oh right! There’s another contest on the 18th at Lilycove, you better remember that one kiddo.”

“2 weeks to get to Lilycove? That sounds like a doable challenge.”

“Heh, a little quest for prince charming?”

“Only for the fairest of maidens, I assure you.”

“Calm down now love bird, Ari is rubbing off on you too much.”

Said bird turns in mock shock, the light jab wounding her so. “Taaar!” With a hmph, the cotton winged dragon turns her head and hugs the boy closer, dragging her own child in too incidentally and waking her from her little slumber. “Swaaa!”

The two humans go silent as they watch the Pokemon have their own little vocal tussle, the understanding of their partners filling in the gaps of the conversation. Letting the news station play some and watching the Swablu be absolutely adorable in its tiny outrage, Winona looks towards Enzo with a serious expression. “You really think you're ready for this?”

He looks up, thankfully no longer in the avian crossfire as his hair is now fixed to a slight amount and he isn’t trapped within the maternal wings. He stares silent before nodding his head. “As ready as I’ll ever be. You know I want… need to do this. I want to at least know if I can’t. Besides, it's not like I’ll be alone on the journey. Swablu, Roto and Porygon will be there to keep me trou- safe! I meant safe!”

The small blue bird pecked at the boy at his insinuation, his defense no match for the quick and agile pecks. Once she decides he has learned his lesson, once more she rests upon her nest of choice, messing up his hair again making Altaria stare at the little menace for messing up her hard work. Trying to continue the conversation before another tussle starts, Enzo continues, “And I mean, technically you will be there too. If you keep up with the stream at least.”

“I still don’t know if doing that is such a smart choice kiddo. This, streaming thing to create publicity aint bad to get support for sure, but there are many downsides to doing it like this.”

“Yeah, maybe there is, but it’s my mistake to make. Plus being the first to actually make a good attempt at this would be really cool! No one has tried to show their Pokemon adventure live. Think of it as bettering the whole of Hoenn, do you know how many tourists we can get from this kinda gig?”

Winona sighs, knowing she won’t change his mind at all on his approach. “As long as you know what you're getting into.”

“Please, you should hope the world is ready to get to know me.”

“Heh. Don’t I know it.” Silence returns again. The nothingness of the news creates noise to just settle to. Soon though, Enzo stands up and starts to move back upstairs. “Feeling restless, I think I'll go up and do some more planning. That or just a chatting stream… one usually leads into the other.”

“Ya know, there is such a thing as rest, right?”

Enzo chuckles as he continues his walk to his room, Swablu following behind him in her cheerful little flight. Upon reaching his room, he opens the door to find it the way he left it. Bed unmade, figurines and paraphernalia of different Pokemon media on the wall and dresser, and finally his admittedly decent set up of a computer.

Having sensed him enter, a Pokemon exits the computer as a mass of red and blue polygons twists and turns in excitement. “Pory! Good morning. Hope the data search is going well?” The beak-like head nods to his question, reentering and turning on the computer itself as Enzo gets settled into the nearby comfy chair. He gets out a nearby bowl and sets up some Poke-Feed for Swablu as the bird settles onto the desk herself.

Looking at the monitor, Enzo sees that Porygon is in the middle of searching up multiple windows. From different shopping sites, to forums they have frequented and even already opened up PokeView in the background for later. They really just add Poke to everything in this world and call it a day…

He hears the sound of a notification, one specifically made by Porygon to get his attention when they need it. The boy sees that Porygon has entered a thread on OLF, short for Official League Forums, that itself must have made with his account.

You are now entering, “Pokemon Live Translator?” Thread

GrosslyMeta: I told yall before, it’s best to just get a psychic type to fix this problem.

Digi: thats always gona be the easy answer.

Digi: you need to realize however that not evry trainer is able to/is comfortable having a psychic relay things constantly

GrosslyMeta: Minior spelling mistakes, argument invalid

justdoit: holy sh*t this guy is annoying. You can really tell he don’t know the psychological ramifications of just “having a Psychic type translate” means.

GrosslyMeta: ur just mad the GOAT is the best of both worlds. The epitome of Steel AND Psychic. No other Pokemon could.

Digi: Bronzong

BeegMo: Bronzong

justdoit: Bronzor

GrosslyMeta: who asked??

Yep, no matter what world you are in, there is sh*tters on the web. Just wait till the guy hears about Iron Crown in a good few thousand years. Enzo looks over to the little chat box porygon opened up on his screen. “Earlier the thread had two people talking about the logistics of using some device that read one Pokemons hearing and wrote it down onto some legible form for humans, but then the conversation became lost.”

Enzo groans from the news, losing a valuable line of thinking into his goal. The ability to understand his Pokemon would be amazing, and he knows some people CAN do it, even without the aid of Psychics. “It’s okay Pory, it does give me a little something we can work with on our own when we get the chance though. Any new members join since last night.”

A quick response is made by the program Pokemon “No.”

“Well… damn.” He couldn’t be too surprised over it, since the media of streaming is not that popular in the Pokemon world. Sure, you got some people making little niches, some not even revolving around Pokemon which practically seems like heresy with how much it is ingrained into the world. Hell, Enzo swears he has even seen the start of that one girl from Paldea. Iono? Whenever he is, she must not be the popular sensation she is in the future just yet.

He remembered when he was first placed in the woods of Fortree, the Hoenn League had had much of the northern side of the woods blocked off from anyone entering it due to many territorial and dangerous Pokemon residing there. Some vague border is watched by not only Winona, but an entourage of Rangers who have made contact with some of the more negotiable packs of Pokemon.

Enzo believes himself lucky that such a thing was enforced, or else he may have died not even a day after he was dropped off. He sometimes wonders back to the frankly traumatic experience, who’s and what’s not being answered at all for the boy, but everytime he decides that he won't be getting any answers, especially after this long going without any.

The Rangers had stopped searching for clues themselves about 4 months ago. The only thing that tipped them off to his entrance was an unsanctioned use of Teleportation, at least that's what the Psychic expert on duty had thought it to be. Winona had her own doubts about it, but didn’t really share much with Enzo at the time.

He was just glad that he lived. He wasn’t ever really ready to be thrusted into an unknown wild, a city boy, he could admit it. And then seeing Pokemon in real life? He fainted faster than a Rattata taking a Brick Break to the face.

So many factors aided him after that. The Rangers had deemed it necessary to prod his mind for any clues about what may have happened, some regional law they used with Hoenn, and they would have probably found something if his mind wasn’t… “neuro-gated” whatever that meant. Jin had described it in many different scientific terms, one Enzo was not ready with at all after being thrown into the Fortree Deeps. Thankfully Winona came in with a very simple explanation of “Someone locked your mind, and someone can’t just get in without a key.”

Frankly, that description put more stress on him, and it still does. Knowing that somewhere out there someone or something has the sole ability to just… “read” him is terrifying. He is glad he has such a strong set of people to count on, from his own Pokemon, Winona, and the other Leader’s to be. With the neuro-gate becoming a little path of research he and Pory have been up to, it’s still only just been some hypotheticals and not any cold facts.

Enzo’s reminiscing is interrupted by a tapping on his window. Looking over he sees another mass in red and blue, this one made up of barely contained plasma. An irritated look appears as it sticks their tongue out at the otherworlder, before the window is opened letting them in. “You mind explaining just what the hair-do was for you rat?”

The Rotom chuckles, quickly darting about the room in an erratic fashion before dashing into a lonely speaker. Normally just a dull gray with nothing special going on, it then gains a sheen of red as the slanted eyes of Rotom appear above the speaker. The cone of the speaker bumps like a cartoon, Rotom using it to speak back, “Your boy was just trying to learn something new, don’t hate the process.”

Enzo closes the window again, sighing as he returns to his seat and spins in it, stopping to look at the plasma creature. “I very much hate it, especially when I am the test subject. First it was horrid cooking, then my clothes got shrunk, and now my precious hair is at stake? No can do Roto.”

He receives three deadpan looks from the Pokemon as Rotom speaks just what they are all thinking. “Your hair looks like a Venonat that dived in black paint, ain’t nothing precious about it.”

“Well… screw you three too.”

Swablu jumps from her perch, immediately nuzzling Enzo as Pory sends another notification, “We love you too, bozo~”

He laughs some at the Mon’s antics and care, a smile gracing his face as he navigates the computer to his PokeView channel. Not long after he came into this world, he had been doing research on the web to find how similar it actually is to Earth. The main thing he found was that it was much more streamlined, many people using the same services. The OLF being the largest gathering place for any type of talk or communication, and then PokeView which is the underutilized streaming site.

He remembered being excited to see just what was offered by this world’s entertainment, Winona at the time was extremely confused over his enthusiasm and just chalked it up to foreign world excitement. Once Enzo actually got a hold of it though, there was not much to offer. Sure there was the ability to see some matches from previous Pokemon Leagues, but those were copyrighted and even had some needed to be paid for to view by the channel, one maintained by each League.

Besides some stuff he was sure to be there like educational videos he studied, interviews with past league contenders, to even cute videos of pokemon that he totally didn’t spend nights watching til 3 in the morning. The lack of much entertaining content had left a sour taste in the boy's mouth. Home had a big culture in online videos, sharing experiences and media to an audience. He had always dreamed of doing something similar, putting on a show for people to enjoy.

That dream had died when he was sent here… until it resurfaced with a new opportunity. He could be one of the first to bring a new age of content into this world. PokeView was a tree ripe full of possibilities, and he wanted to reap it for what it was worth. Enzo “No Last Name” has a dream, to be the first Pokemon Trainer to stream their journey out to the world, sharing his joys, his troubles, and his victories. And every journey starts… with a measly 43 members.

“Yeesh… Are others really that hard wired to avoid good content in this world?” As Enzo stared at the low count, he wondered what about his marketing or advertising had gone wrong if anything. Not like he could change anything, he practically was a sitting duck where he is now. He has had videos and streams of planning his future adventure, QNA’s for his few constant folks, and even adorable interviews with both his and some of Fortree’s Pokemon.

He can proudly say though that some 15ish people definitely know Fortree like they have lived there though! Palat and Pride seemed really excited to see it too. Hopefully the naturally humid temperature of the Jungle doesn’t dissuade them any day.

“Hmmm, I knew it would never be a quick way to fame. Guess we just gotta impress the masses, huh gang?” In response, Enzo’s entourage of Pokemon all cheer in their own way. Head held high, Enzo goes on to get ready to start his next stream. Moving to his closet, and grabbing what is practically his signature for the viewers. A purple mask, with big black eyes that have a golden trim, that ends in exaggerated “eyebrows”. It’s a, to be completely honest, shoddy design of a Tokusatsu like helmet, just as a mask.

Enzo wanted to leave a real impression on the people, so he built an internet persona for the people, one they knew as Visor. Visor was the, soon to be, trainer that will shake not only Hoenn, but the world as a whole with his dream. At first he had wanted to keep it as just that, just Visor is how the world would see him. But he had stopped growing as a channel and it practically became a small friend group supporting one guy.

He started being less serious about the act, talking to them as Enzo when there was nothing else to do. However this never stopped Visor from being a prominent part of his history, and so it became his little… persona for the masses.

With his mask on and nothing else to do, Visor would start the stream and prepare for the rest of the day.

“Good morning people~ it is currently… about 2 pm here in Fortree, so that tells you how MY morning has gone.”

FeatherFollower: helloooo ;3
Don’tClickMyUsername!: *this message has been deleted by a mod*
my-main-go-is-to: bro not even a sec and we got bots in the chat
FeatherFollower: death to the machiiines!! >:3
EmeraldPride: Good afternoon, Visor. What happened to make the morning bad?

“Thank you for the work Prince, and nothing much beside my hubris from last night. You can’t see it but there are most definitely shadows underneath this rider's eyes.”

Prince_NHG {Mod}: :thumbsup:
FeatherFollower: noooo, not the eepy
EmeraldPride: oh. That sucks to hear.
YungOak: @PalatsBEST97 thts tomorrow dumbass
PalatsBEST97: thets*
BirchSaplings: You both are idiots

“Yeah, adventure ain’t here just yet. It officially starts tomorrow, however we most likely ain’t actually setting off until that afternoon. I was gonna discuss a few more plans here so that we are all on the same track, and to have some reminders in case I forget something tomorrow.”

YungOak: simple enough
my-main-go-is-to: you watch the new episode of Kemon Rider yet?
Desert-Rider: I might not be able to join for the start
Desert-Rider: I will wish you luck in case I miss it.
Scott/1s/Scouting has donated 500 PokeDollars: Heyyy, best wishes for ya kid. Hope you knock 'em out of the park this season!

“Thank you, Rider and Scott for the wishes. I’ll make you miss, well missing out heh. Nut don’t worry, the legacy of Visor is gonna be around for all to enjoy. And I have not watched it yet, so no spoilers or else the hammer shall fall on you” Off the screen, Visor sends a quick message to Porygon to find the latest episode of Kemon Rider after the stream.

“Anyways, as you all know since I don't see any new faces, tomorrow is the start of the official Hoenn League of this year. It’s also the day I become a Hoenn league trainer and am able to participate in the Gym Challenge!”

FeatherFollower: Wahoo!!
PalatsBEST97: Yippee!!

“As such to start tomorrow off, we have an absolute banger! Those who Serve the clouds with wings have front row seats to people challenging the Fortree City Gym Leader, Winona!”

FeatherFollower: UUUAAAHHHH!!! *o*
YungOak: Really? Didn’t think people would try to challenge the Gyms that early.
PalatsBEST97: AH HECK YEAH! This is gona be awesome!
NestWatcher06: I do hope you all will enjoy the matches when it comes.
Prince_NHG {Mod}: … you aren’t planning to attempt it yourself already, are you?

“Nah, I ain’t that stupid now Prince. Me and Swablu are just gonna get some good standside experience of what to expect when we do get to the first Leader we plan to fight.”

EmeralPride: What about Rotom and Porygon? You could surely pose a challenge with them as well.
YungOak: Not Rotom or Pory?
Desert-Rider: I ain’t ever seen what a Gym Battle is like.
YungOak: caps-lock idiot

“That’s another thing I wanted to get into. I know Rotom and Pory have been here from the start, and they still will be. Howeve-”

From the side of the camera, the viewers see Rotom slide in with his Speaker-Form, “Me and Pory here are gonna be YOUR special commentators. We have known for a while now that Visor wont be able to talk at all to ya whenever we film him and the team battling. As such, that responsibility is gonna fall to us two until further notice!”

As if editing was done live, a small little portrait of a chibi Porygon jumps from the bottom of the camera view, before staying in place in the bottom left corner.

my-main-go-is-to: that's sick.
Digi [First-Time Chat!] : how did it do that?
FeatherFollower: hellooo ;3
Prince_NHG {Mod}: Welcome. That is Pory’s work.
my-main-go-is-to: sup

“Welcome to the stream here Digi, we are just discussing future plans for yours truly. Where was I again? Oh, right. While Rotom and Porygon will be staying with us unless they want to depart, I plan to put a, I guess, challenge on myself. Me and Swablu have decided to only find fellow team members who live here in the Hoenn region naturally in our quest to conquer the Gym Circuit. Not many people get the ability to find partners outside of their local region, so I wanna show just what is possible without outside help as much as possible… of course I won't be able to do that perfectly.”

Digi: huh, how interesting
my-main-go-is-to: yeah with how donos work you gonna get some shade for that
EmeraldPride: That will be cool to watch, I’ll try to learn as much as I can from you Visor!

“Besides the plans for the team and tomorrow's first activity, I already know the route we will be taking. Our first destination will be towards Lilycove City. More will be said about the location, but it is one of the bigger tourist spots of the region, boasting both an enormous Contest Hall and a large Shopping district just to name the big qualities.”

After providing the first destination, Visor looks through his notebook and his bullet points of just what he has planned, seeing that he has gone over pretty much all of the main points. “If anyone has some questions about the coming days, go ahead and ask while we got the time. Today is a full rest day.”

Kicking back and relaxing, not much comes from the coming hours. People chat and ask small questions of his plans, and even some questions come for the 3 Pokemon present, Rotom translating for all to hear. Time flies by, excitement building up the Trainer as he feels he can’t hold it in.

Soon night does fall. “Yosh! I think now is where we call it. For everyone hoping to catch the stream tomorrow, be sure to wake by 9 AM Hoenn Central Time. For now, this is Visor and the gang signing off!” With waves of goodbye from the human and Pokemon, the chat has multiple good byes of their own as the camera cuts to black.

Enzo leans back, a sigh escaping him as exhaustion sets in. There really is no reason for him to be so tired. Must be the nerves getting to me. With narrowed eyes, and his journey inching ever closer, he gets up to freshen himself up before his slumber. “You three get some sleep too. Big days ahead.”

~~ Omake: The Day We Found You ~~

Everything was rushing past her, urgency beckoned such a pace. The Rangers called for a Code Tango. Why someone would dare to encroach upon the Fortree Deep’s, she doesn’t know. Whoever it is though is stupid beyond belief. There is a reason why Absol are said to be found near the edges of the Jungle. People get lost, and then worse comes for them for delving too deep without permission.

The flight grew fiercer the further they went, trees were more bunched up and the wildlife that sensed them were getting more restless. The disturbance wouldn’t last long however, she had to make sure of it.

Soon enough she found it, and so too did he. “Aarune, what's the situation?” The ranger turned slightly to see who it was, before immediately reporting the situation.

“Leader Winona. There has been sighting of precise Teleportation in the depths of the Deeps. No signs of who exactly did it, suspected to be Elite level with how the surrounding is completely unaffected… well aside from its delivery.”

On the ground lay a young man, unconscious and in a peaceful slumber. Skarmory leaned down and growled, the metal screeching sound threatening to any who hear, at least to those who don’t understand the avian. Winona places a hand upon its side, calming the nervous creature. It senses something they don’t, meaning this was potent Psychic type energy, or maybe something more.

“Get him out of her Ranger. His safe retrieval is top priority until further noti-” She was interrupted by a growl. Skarmory swooped in between the unknown and the humans, Aarune and Winona ready to call another Mon in case battle breaks out.

And it seemed likely, a pack of Mightyena. “You have your orders Ranger. I will cover your departure.”

He salutes, before picking the boy up and sending out his Pokemon. “It's time for the ol Secret Base Master to make his move! Flygon! Secret Power.”

The Mightyena flinches at the display, expecting something dangerous to come from the Dragon. All they receive is a flash of light before him and two of the humans disappear. All that remains is the Lady of the Sky. The Lady seems angry. “Leave now, we have dealt with the disturbance, If you further pursue, we will fight back.”

The pack doesn’t listen to the human, they do however listen to the sting of metal wings.

Views Into My World - Chapter 1 - UniversalChaos03 - Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Views: 6400

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.