Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (2024)

by Ciara Attwell, Updated

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Delicious kid friendly sausage rolls packed with carrot and courgette. Everyone will love these Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls!

Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (2)

Summer has well and truly abandoned us here in the UK. The wind and rain has returned with a vengeance andI’m reluctantly packing away the shorts and sun hats.

Despite struggling with the cold one thing I am enjoying is the return of warm and comforting food!

Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (3)

Salads and simple dishes are nice for a couple of months but come this time of year I am always more than ready to start tucking into deliciously warming meals and proper winter comfort food again.

And to kick off Autumn I knew the first thing I had to make were my irresistible Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls!

My whole family is sausage roll obsessed. They would pretty much eat them day in day out if I let them.

Unfortunately sausage rolls don’t have the healthiest of reputations but by making them at home you can control, at least to some extent, what goes into them.

Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (4)

Hidden Veg Sausage Roll Ingredients

I used ready rolled puffed pastry sheets for this recipe. No … I don’t make my own pastry.

In my opinion, unless you really enjoy making pastry life is just too darn short to be sweating over layers of puff!

Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (5)

The sausage meat I get from my local butcher, but any kind of sausage meat will be good or just cut the skins away from regular sausages.

And then there’s the hidden veggies! I grated a carrot and courgette (zucchini), gently fried them to remove the crunch and mixed it in with the sausage meat.

Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (6)

Cut the puff pastry in half across the longer length so that you have two equal sized rectangles.

Divide the sausage and veg mixture between both.

Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (7)

Roll the pastry over and crimp the edges with a fork to seal them.

Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (8)

Cut each roll into either 4 pieces, making 8 in total.

Or 8 pieces each, making 16 sausage rolls in total.

Add some beaten egg to the top and sprinkle on sesame or poppy seeds.

Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (9)

Bake in the oven for 30-35 minutes and you have the most delicious sausage rolls, packed with hidden veggies.

A firm family favourite!

Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (10)

These Sausage Rolls are so delicious for lunch at home. I serve them up with some chopped fresh veggies like carrot, cucumber and cherry tomatoes.

They’re also brilliant to batch make for a party or gathering or to take out for a picnic in the park.

Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (11)

If you have a fussy eater who isn’t keen on vegetables, then you might like some of our other Hidden Veg Recipes For Fussy Eaters

If you give these sausage rolls a try please do let me know what you think. Or tag me in a picture on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. I’d love to see your creations!


Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (12)

Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls

★★★★★ 5 from 13 reviews

  • Author: Ciara @ My Fussy Eater
  • Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (13)Prep Time: 15 mins
  • Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (14)Cook Time: 25 mins
  • Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (15)Total Time: 40 minutes
  • Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (16)Yield: 8 1x
  • Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (17)Category: Main Meal
  • Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (18)Cuisine: European

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Delicious kid friendly sausage rolls packed with carrot and courgette. Everyone will love these Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls!


  • 1 tsp oil
  • 1 medium courgette, grated
  • 1 large carrot, grated
  • 1 clove garlic, crushed or finely chopped
  • 450g sausage meat
  • 1 sheet ready rolled puff pastry (approx 320g)
  • 1 egg, beaten
  • optional: ½ tablespoon poppy seeds or sesame seeds to decorate


  1. Preheat the oven the 180c / 350f and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.
  2. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add in the grated courgette, grated carrot and the garlic. Cook on a low heat until the vegetables have softened for about 4 minutes. Don’t let them brown, you just want them soft. Once the vegetables are cooked, add them to a large bowl along with the sausage meat and mix well.
  3. While the mixture is cooling take your sheet of puffed pastry and cut it in half lengthways so that you have two rectangle shaped pieces. Divide the sausage meat mixture into two and spread each piece down the middle of the pastry sheets, leaving a gap of about 1cm either side.
  4. Roll the pastry over the sausage meat mixture so that the two edges meet. Press down with a fork to seal it.
  5. Cut the sausage rolls into whatever size you like. I made 8 large-ish size rolls from mine but you could make 16 small ones too. Place the sausage rolls onto the baking sheet and brush with a little beaten egg. Sprinkle some poppy or sesame seeds on top.
  6. Cook in the oven for 30-35 minutes until golden brown and cooked through.
  7. Serve immediately with a side salad or some mixed vegetables.


These sausage rolls can be made ahead and frozen. Simply follow the instructions as normal but instead of egg washing and baking them, freeze them in a single layer and then transfer to a freezer bag or container.

They can then be baked from frozen. Brush them with a little egg wash and cook as normal. They may need an extra 5 – 10 minutes in the oven.

Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (20)

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Hidden Veggie Sausage Rolls - My Fussy Eater | Easy Family Recipes (2024)
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