Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas (2024)

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IN NUCLEAR FALLOUT 11-B arLKNF reporter news Ablh-np Texoa Tuesday Evening July FALSE TEETH HURTING YOU? Youths Pray During Trial Of Bible Law Plane Reports diving deed lata for Sdentiste PAIN-4-Ut MW Quirk MM I IIUM NtM 01 I root imuiiai (alar hmii Ins Moth MlrutMM Im'I Smuts hnw M4kl7 CAIN LAI Is limit's foi-muiti us ihs MM ssi sf mim 9M FAiS-A4AlN MSIIS I Adk 1 "si te MIAMI Fla (AP) A church youth group has launched a round-the-clock prayer marathon RADIO LOG duce The time of the Antarctic) The samples are analyzed for during a trial testing the consti- and Canadian incidents was not such particles as plutonium stron- tulionality of law which disclosed 90 and cesium 137 consid-j requires reading of the Bible in Details of the U2 HASP-high ered potentially hazardous- stron-public schools altitude program indium 89 144 Thirty members of the Shenan-! the first official descriptions tunSn 185 useful for doah Presbyterian Church are SS the airplane's unique equipment I 88 of taking one-hour shifta reading the are given In a specal report by 185 rhodium -Bible while the trial expected to i Nm ni sviwiaa 5- carried to the UJ Supreme1 odium 22 barium 140 zirconium Qourt procresses I I'fto-Mn aiaini i 95 and tungsten 95 Circuit Judge Fritz Gordon The DASA report said measure- Is presiding over trial of two com- tivlViSra ments of gaseous nuclear debns panion suits one brought by a V'1 4 such as carbon 14 coupled with self-styled agnostic and the other SK SEE? EE measurements of pnrttou-br a group of Jewish leader and tfe'c late debris such as strontium 901 Unitarian August 19o7 through last May indjcate Soviet nuclear injec- 0VeIw Mondey in- OO-Wwtr -Till On urimis uif MS-Badia ItflMM Mualr Mwur Nrw of World MS-Muiic Hall IO-flO Now- WASHINGTON (AP) A Lockheed U3 airplane of the type that went down in die Soviet Union May 1 lost power briefly over the Antarctic Ocean south of Cape Horn Another made a midwinter dead-slick landing on a frozen lake in northern Saskatchewan Canada In spite of such hazards in far corners of the world the longwinged glider-like aircraft continues to gather information that already the Defense Department says has provided science with an insight as to the kind fallout a nuclear war might ight pro- UI1MHIR Watek nMlt'SVVm tenter Mi I SMIn OH A I IMS Prrl War t-OVAmor a And i 1: 1 Jack Harrtiaa T-TVKinavlnn Tna 3S4tonrta Rlch-rda more than 1400 were gathered on wereaii- A8 lights by three of the planes from tathTwlSr This ing boy from a Baptist church Ezeiza Airport Buenos Aires Ibis does not include more recent soot-check flights from Ezeiza within the past two months to be summarized in later reports "A significant contribution has been made to our understanding Weldon Wright Named Assistant 111 A(La a uJ of stratosnherie circulation in genii fllvl vIIILC TlwdU era and the world wide distribu- far stratosphere and made no long forcj transfer of the triad to a range contribution to the strata- larger courtroom spheric burden of nuclear debris Harlow Chamberlin a radio ad- Virtually all of the lt oavertising salesman who describes! iIuJmmid Si lineMrwv lAilS-Nitt tINtvrra fart 11-OANowg M-Frank I 43 World TonUhl 11:1 Mute til Daw defines agnostic as "one who sub-! i ccun'V that gcribeg to the doctrine that the ex- i fallout constitutes a hazard to the irtence and nature of God are humrp population which is small lotown and unknowable" su compared to the hazard from natural radiation" Wad Magas Marnlaa I Aftaraaaa KRBC Ml AMtea Parent Rn VlStSredloM Watrtill 0-Miuic WMeNN'T vtew It lAWltr TOO-Nmw ll-SATn Wlrlil TiSD-Parar Simteni T-4S Wnihar Main MS-Warthar Three Jewish parents and a Unitarian woman filed a companion suit seeking to prohibit religious activities in schools including Bible reading baccalaureate programs use of religious symbols and observance of Christmas Easter Hanukkah and other religious holidays The Jewish group says such observances are "unlawful infringe- ments upon the religious liberty of tion of test-produced nuclear debris in particular" said Rear Adm Edward Parker ASA chief in releasing the report "The information gained (on the pathways Mowed by worldwide fallout from past nuclear test) would not have been as meaning! as it is without the data obtained in the Southern Hemisohere through the cooperation of the government of Argentina" Air Force Mai Albert Stetv bins III editor of the report said the U2 pilot who made an engine-frozen lake in out landing on a Ten Hospitalized Alter Train Hits Truck at Crossing Weldon Wright 22 a print clerk since coming to work for the city May 3 Monday was promoted to assistant manager of the City Water Office He also received a raise in salary from 5200 to $325 a month Wright who lives with his mother and stepfather Mr and Mrs Alcorn of 1533 Westmoreland went to work for the city after serving three years in the Army He was released from the Army in Calif omia He was born and reared in Albany and is a graduate of Albany High School fsya lWaite vta Nfwi ai Ma Hass ST PAUL Minn AP A 17-jyje school child and as such ya I lit UiliuaiibAA PnafT nnasamMal aaa- 1 Milwaukee Road l-SS-NOTH HOME ON THE RANGE Senator Lyndon Johnson Democratic vice presidential nominee waves to a friend during an inspection tour of his LBJ Ranch near Johnson City Tex The senator expects to remain in Texas several days before returning to Washington (AP Wirephoto) unit passenger! unconstitutional" train slammed into a trailer-truck Chamberlin testified his daugb-Monday Dozens of passengers on tar Sandra Sue 7 developed the afternoon Hiawatha en route1 disturbances and a dislike for to Chicago suffered minor inju- WriSpIans to begin night jc1anada and hi courses at Hardin-Simmons Unl- plane rt ater' veraity this fall As for the U2 that experienced The former assistant manager flame-out south of the souftern of the office Elmer Sandusky! tip of South America Stebblns school after hearing her teacher tell about angels and the devil said the pilot managed to re-start (MUM Tbn SiSO-WMk Frt fcSS-Nrer Mmte Hrt H'U TilS-Nmi 1f-Uitefc MoWtei Mona Sw 4 IW-IM an Wn S'SANawa Him Itect maker Htrmmw AmMi 4) Anr IraiPte Fteot Rarmnn Neet lr Lrwte 9-3Mnn Coffee SiK-Wnther airm I KNon ln-Airofne TVm Sana Cnffa WVAA WBAT- He part teartk I sn-ttemtteaal ll-amw-n Prtr jlrll-B Par Pw-N la MNa jjNewe it'Mrea Wa-tker' Srana SMNm jr-lvTot arr Raac kVthrrtenr Km U4SVBte Men I W-Pnte ate ItM-Hcwe Mneto tftSSE lilS-Waete Men Hrtfirtiti Minfin Mn ries: 10 were hospitalized overnight The truck driver Robert Kens-ler 31 St Paul escaped injury as the train sheared off the trailer loaded with aluminum girders for a nearby construction project The lead deisei engine and seven cars flipped over and others WASHINGTON (AP) A fed-stacked up in crazy patterns jeraI court petition has been filed was promoted to office manager when the former manager Buster Fuller left Abilene to become the city manager at Monahans earlier this year i i com-! or-j in Woman Is Jailed for Bad (heck Estel Galloway of 828 Ave 6 Alabama Electors Still Angry ganizathm have been placed MONTGOMERY Ala (AP) receivership Sweetwater Firm Owned by Bridges Put in Receivership AUSTIN (AP)-r-Six more panies in the Bridges the engine in time to avoid ditching in the lonely waters of the 'Antarctic The report voiced the US gov thanks for the right to conduct U2 flights not only over Canada and Argentina but also over Mexico Venezuela Brazil Bolivia and Paraguay "Significant procress has been made in tte HASP "A rather clear picture is US Oil Output Down Last Week Fireman Norman Schnell 37 Tasking the removal of WUUam Hastings Minn said the train Bufalino as a member of the crew looked on almost in disbelief Teamsters Union board of moni-as the truck approached the cross- tors f-lS-Meraten Men Site 1 Ma ttMmtc Mm Mm If- )) Mnorta IrSM-PamAo- Mim" OACoarealoa Godfrey Schmidt a former monitor filed the action late Monday He alleged Bufalino'a ing in suburban St Paul Park at a leisurely pace Kensler said he didn't see the train when he started across He The presence of Sen Lyndon Dist Judge Harris Gardner Johnson on the Democratic ticket anted Monday an application peadtfd check CAP)US produc- apparently didat do much to filed by Atty Gen Will Wilson swindling charges before Judge nw declined last week the Oil emerging on how particulate mat appease rebellious Alabama temporary injunctions Five of Allen Glenn in County Court-at- an(j qbs journal said today ter is injected into the strato- atates rights electors the companies are mutual assesa- Law production averaged 6812275 sphere how it is circulated and Bruce Henderson a slates mnt insurance firms Mrs Galloway admitted cash- barrels daily off 18720 from the how it is subsequently deposited righter said today the addition of The ixth Para- lng a $15 bad check at Thomas previous week Tlie total for the upon the ground service station here at barrels RRID appointment to the board as a said he had a of death" representative of the union was (la4 Mnr StAmv Shev Vrwa when he suddenly saw it almost part ofwhat he called applet by on top of him union President James Hoffa Mkte j-f 11:4 1W-WIIM af WK Btert IWBS rwfts year was 100273200 U2 flights have given us disc Corp of Dallas was also to delay the work in cleaning up the union Bufalino is a Detroit Teamsters official Schmidt is a New York attorney Martin O'Donougbe the monitors chairmen who often has vaidiuiM'ia wuu vuen DIB 1857 1st St on June 20 She compared with 1410872400 for the most definitive evaluation yet 1959 'achieved of the role that the Oklahoma production was off stratosphere plays in the distribution of radioactive fallout from was also fined $50 and court costs In other court-at-law cases Robert Stevens 22 of 2241 12800 to 504300 barrels per day alrr Btekanh Nt nr Rim4nmt Trio Htm Johnson as vice presidential over to state inee only made matter wwse Langdeau Wilson charged It from the standpoint of the South1 was operated by Bridges as part Frank described Johnson Mizell of Montgomery hi insurance holdings to ex- black- money illegally from other insurance Kansas pleaded guilty to a 'Arkansas was up 50 to 78650 firms jeharge of driving while intoxi-j Colorado up 1700 to 128L50Q and a Negro nominate him for vice presidency" and-tan Democrat because he had in temporary receiver-' cated and was sentenced to three! Louisiana up 150 to 1062800 daily ship were Rain Service in jail and fined $150 lance Co of Marshall with an'court costs 434000 barrels per day and New nuclear The report described the U2 as Rockefeller Demo Fans Set Up Shop Jf rmrArn rAPi nnmnrrnt clashcd with Hoffa has submitted AP1 7 hi resignation which will take ef-l aw iv HU- for Rockefell set up shoo Mon- ag a guccessor day in1 the Blackstone Theater naiwH 5 headquarters for the campaign to draft the New York governor fori nMeltantial HAmitinHnll I 0MW EiMWpte 1 In ro presidential nomination engine" jet atMCiplane with a crew of one It has tandem landing gear and of the six states lighter he at 291000 temaSruttei wo or Five alleged insolvency of $241316 I Stevens admitted was driv-Mexico who could be reached expressed Rains and Talley Burial Asm of ing while intoxicated when ar-! 1 their greatest displeasure with MarshaIj Bu-j rested June 12 at Treadaway the strong civil rights rial Assn of Houston $16028 jsnd Hardy Sts platform plank jthe Pabns Life Insurance Co of Paul A Crawford of 1830 Glen- Alabama Democrats named Houston $14731 and the Western wood pleaded guilty to miada-their 11 electors in primaries in Mutual Life Assn of Sweetwater I meanor theft in the taking of 13 VA Patient Leaps 3 Floors to Death outrigger wheeled struts sometimes referred to as pogo sticks The struts drop off when the plane jStotieitt FariskiMf nun Lot Are RetamaiMa Fat Ttiafc Accarec becomes airborne Said a spokesman for the group mu rnw-rnI- The plane lands with the aid Clarence Mann of Brownsville I 'a v- of a drag parachute After theTenn saw what happened A Murray On Om fun II) Ifi ftrtlB NBC Km CUW liJd-TVunhotocw Nrwo Wralk -a ') ran Suoarfont 10:3 RIlU HOUSTON (AP) A Veterans Administration Hospital patient jKk hu Gat P'hnaaa Dfamoiid Hl k-aad If IwHwM 30-Woodpecker Tloklrore Nfwi Wrath Slim WilM Kdwarda Nn TcU Truth landing roll wing tip skids pre-out there in Los Angeles and we Ti vent damage to the craft think Rockefeller is the best of 1 Each U2 is fitted with a duct H1-in the nose and sampling starts! The other two of course i are May They selected five member $22048 of the loyalist faction pledged to support the national ticket come U-t what may And they named inSUrOnC members of the states rights fac-'Aword Given HcfC tion who ran on a promise to ithhold their support from the I Ln Clark CLU agent for came up with candidates or a platform considered repugnant to the South national party if it came up withreat American Reserve has been named a recipient of the HedhtajL Insurance Persistency Award dressed chickens from a pickup truck parked at Res- wUrfWH 1i5JlidatoeU 10 his death from 8 third floor HinSintod(an TbAick I0 Monday 10 and 50 aides watched in honror en? I Wade Blanchard 48 hurtled In other courtrt'lsw setion 1 ttriM0tt9V nwaf nH hit jTUesday two DWI cases were 87 JoHtt aides Albert Brown William Glenn Anderson 41 onto the roof and tried to coax Blanchard down going to end it" Brown ACC Registers The award is made available by River Oaks Circle He was the Life Insurance Agency and Willi Sts when the pilot opens the nose door Vice President Richard Nixon jiw-rirt-' ciri to allow air to enter the duct! overwhelming favorite to win the The duct widens gradually to Republican presidential nomina- Jn-woodpocxcT a 10-inch diameter at the point at tion next week and Sen John F-1 JiitnEdwiSf8 which filters are located The fll- Kennedy of Massachusetts Dem- i-i I 7jonbi GUIte niloy irw TV iliMO IffHl fift PrMoa Codt Thrra i Wthf Star (IS RiKranta PfanooU S-Tortre 10-m ters are of a paper consisting of ocratic presidential candidate cotton fibers with gauze backing The Democratic booth is cur-The fibers are impregnated withrently manned by eight men di-butoxyethyl Phthlate a sticky! William Brinton a San Fran- I Bare tl-o Mrate f-Od-RUtemao 13'3d-Nrwa Alcoa Pm run tv numwi -mw I SMlI Frtabaa Riftomaa d-dd-Nrwa Squad Now Brad li no Ppo Mh ora Id NWS I W-R DUmaad tl-d Jack Paw WRAP TV fteaaaH d-Pf Wank awNferat M-Swad d-fld-Ncwa Wrath 3d-Laramte id-m NWS 7 30-G Pmoaai SS-Jark Poor I-d-R Diamood dd MiilMvhrVouf Art Saw CH BSTP FV rvaam a 004 PaRa d-M-Nawa Wrath l'3d-Comaite Kdwarda Diaxnosif 4 3A-Hcnnaarav IOiM-Ncwr Wrath tnn-VMro Movte CUlia lMW-Wrath Ntwa Tlftdrotw Morte MID-TV Ctearart 392 by Noon said Blanchard told him before heoily jubgtance designed to retain cisco attorney is national chair- cml jumped Blanchard had been a patient at the hospital here for two years He minute particles man pf the Draft Rockefeller The filters were developed by Committee the Institute of Paper Chemistry! a Republican agement Assn the International at 12:40 am Tuesday by city po-Assn of Accident and Health Un-'lic- der writers and the National Assn! Jerry Dean McCook 30 of 1833 office at Abilene Underwriter Hickory arrested early Tuesday Christian College reported at noon (he first or the in the 900 block of 6th St 52 jlSard to be given by the been enrolled for the second sum- mer session at the college Registration began given by the dwe ii C-f groups Life insurance men in JVUSIlOnOriCS 3018 Dallo Wife Learns 8" All mn Ti niM noN pn Hmr Cofnrd Spot Wrolh f-HA-nianiMk TS-n Fdnonlo ID Mk-Nrwo Wrath Phot 11 DALLAS Tex Meth- had been a refinery worker at Portl Appjet Wis and by Prof El Arthur jliott Reid of Stanford Univer-j sity Palo Alto Calif inder the direction of Isotopes Inc West-wood Lockheed Aircraft Corp Burbank Calif designed a samnleri capable of exposing four filter ni Tivnnp Md I API consecutive This has Miami land promoter today start-1 Tr Si each U2 to take four up- ed serving a 12-month jail term1 bJen SrriS for £per air ach fliafter piecing guilty to a charge) WEDNESDAY MORNING AFTERNOON TV In a space behind the pilot a hiring a man to kill the hus- Sreiia Iwreiihing Tkna Uji Are In Tlwii Accwrecy panel containing an altimeter hand of his girl friend i(Nr dock temperature gauge and Thomas A Thompson 30 was! FSt-R ran Morto GW Gillio TirhWira rv rtiari d-mr w4a Woodrtrkrr St-TiMroar 0d-Nm Wrath I SO-Trll Truth 1 Edwardi Truth T-nti-Prrk'd rui Gillte RFJZ-TV fWlMOt II -d- 1) Amm-Aiiite Claite Gabto Draw McGrow l'30-Piu Crain StUPno IS- rairno -w MtdtaaS Art Mum M-Aauad S-td-PS MarahM KPDX-TV Cbaaaal 3-lllrMi PaRa td-Nam Waatte (-dd-M-Squad I 4wort 3d-A ward Tte No- wrathw DUmaad lO Sojark Pair Id-Art Muni llOd-Nrwa Ware Hniiepwarh corning and classes will begrewiw the jward tU we membens of the National caught in rebellion areas of Assn of Life Underwriters jThe Congo have been evacuated The award was announced here and are safe a medical mission-by the Abilene Assn of Life Un-lary has informed his wife fci Dal-derwriters lias Dr Mark Poole who flew Wednesday morning Noon Wednesday is the deadline for registration the office reported LEGAL NOTICE the Kuie Big Fool KOTtCB OF FASSAG OF OBIUNANCK m'EZJLttJPSSS CATCH kra MHKd ra fin rredtea ordteuKC "AsToanfNAfSSrAMFNPING SMI OF THK COOK OF T1IF OTV OF ABIIFAF 117 TAXICAB HATKSANO (ARFS TO BE CH HGKO BY EST4IJ-ISHING A RATF SCHFtH LE FOK IIK TAXICAB FRANCKISF HOIIJ-EKS AND CAIUNG A PlUC HFAK-ING ON THK Ml DAY OF Ster MorMuiire to Ml flte ta ol Mr Cite Sreraterr ovaUohlr to nibbr MirarflioN Sold onliiiurt will fcr nvm i raMir krarkut tod coraMorrd for IumI Mule ON Ik 3Mk dir It Jute IMS I 1 11 to Ute nratlM rorai ol Mr uord of CoraraMuat-ra Lite Fmi Mutte Cdr Srcrrlrar Adv I Idl No Fishing Somebody's TAMPA Fla The of Tampa and its Chamber Commerce had to eat a portion of crow all Frank Sierackl 72 wanted I K-Iter Rrkte 3 m-Mjntoutre Vtdra Vdlrea Tk Vrir4 0: Lora Lor toktrt Da Koruna 1:1 Aacrat Btnna 1 U-(-Lora of Lit 11 -Frlra a NIoM 1-3 Hfiio Fall Rite i oA-TRs Nran jj 13-W'raMrr SW-ImwiThiM 3 ia-raitnaM Bar Roana 13:43 nn raraa RlllIVTte f-aw I oita Quota lor Do f-ra-DnacMIW oaa Huarte 3 Matoar 10 (a TV r- IS 3-ConmHrattoe omail l-na-Buraa For Da rr lro IteYaa 3 13-HoomUlit 13'tU-Bnni Altoa ll-CarrJrar ll rv Eilar Mt 4 (-Drnm Crav Wralk Da Jiml BHa Police said it appeared John Thompson was arrested when si -Sara ytoJSjittS rrn nht CS Sr is 38 had anything to do with the UiSlJSiS t'vS' man war souvenir automatic which was found at his feet tion as 71 hours fid its altitude at 70000 feet Some 2500 samp- wnicn was itntnu at nis wrvi rat i- Cq-u im lamu- iLia-could BaYaa 4-oa-Bun Mara Nrara 13-Kram LO-rtefl Ckrta I 3 Hi-nraiwno 3 TV Vtedirl 1:4 Brlrttar IV Srarrt ttraia 3n Fdra KicM REAL ESTATE The bodies were found by Mtn fjfve taken U2 Pot- VZXSS Cooley w-hen she returned from fro Fow at land deal when tvra- work Monday morning Basef Flattsburgh Ajrh hired Elie 1 EWa 19am Rnrl Pamssv I KU-Vldfa VilliN IftUlWfWlf Force Base and Ramey Vtdra IK irt WillNMlr 3 tv Vrad a-MMr Da M9 FOR SALE OR TRADE Storm of MrtI m-Aterate 4te 1 rarra 4-4 Bora Oraa 3 stwraia I town! Wbai kavo Sint kodrooa teiH teMM dowa tew rraT OB AWdl OB NEW brdrura 1 s-ihsl nuimt Ira: l(l vrr Hinraiia ot Lite II -J-Lora of Lite t'HHtinr I itte 3 a AimraAUM i-- l-(-Fall Ctrrte Kin rv 0-ttec Brute 0 J-Vulra Vwora Lmr Lan la jo-Far Horuow II L- ijh 1 3 Bra Fair fit CW Nrra 13 IV W'roltear 7 3-Kamn te 17 wrair lara ip rv rtearaf SrSVNrinracI 1 ra fmlap ra 0: JOF I 11 Pm a-M H'3-Connairaiioa -li on-Truth JA- Advrnrarr Um-CnU Br Yua Ito-rwiteil Mirarv na-f JV Itewhoaef Sllrnl Shiir Ira lada 1 ra-Minrater Da ra Nail ter J-3 Lor Imm NarMMite Iredt OB woolWr Ste tNOMte VraaL Dt-raJ TOUtll rlOCea Ajr Porce Base Puerto Rico On Probation Sampling was carried out as far PITTSBURGH Pa (APi SS2! Judge Walter Smart of Alle- gheny county Monday dismissed 1 aJh'i Zt inrranir rSjrrra that kui ab01 per cent ot tne eastn lareeny chargea that IM BOULDER Colo (AP A holt of lightning killed two hikers that te4'rnJLVT been filed against Joseph BatmoPhcre 040 teAltei krara OB media irrrraiNUtelr ddl OB S-137S JKK HU YORKTOWN I krteB komra krWran I teolka dn and kHrfcre SuiH a rain rarwwl doobte li from a spot net far from where Sieracki was arrested Also there a "No Fishing" sign to be seen anywhere After a few hours in jail Sieracki was bailed out by Joseph Mickler advertising director for the Chamber of Commerce Mickler told the judge the booklet was written before the city ordinance prohibiting fishing along a six-mile stretch of the boulevard was passed He said file Chamber of Commerce was partly at fault for the arrest Judge Burnside also came to defense by saying the city was partly to blame because no signs bad been posted along the restricted area Sieracki who receives a $78-a-month pension from the bus company was puzzled by the legal proceedings 1 want to cause trouble" be said just want to be a good citisrn" City of small because a few fish Sieracki was given a suspended $25 fine or 2day jail sentence Monday by City Judge Walter Burnside for fishing in a no-fishing area along scenic Bay-Shore boulevard A retired Pittsburgh Pa bus driver who came to this country from Germany in 1912 Sieracki was the bewildered center of an effort by both the city and Tampa Chamber of Commerce to take the blame for his arrest The whole thing started when Sieracki was jailed Saturday for fishing hi Hillsborough Bay lie showed them a C-C brochure distributed nationally extolling the wonders of fishing around Tampa walking distance" of downtown A four color picture showed a man fishing Ol 13 3 nrta 13 Ka'rw -aMnifT Won n-Iter Brute I irararf-f 3 irdp illara 3:0 Vittlorirr oi-ovt Lar I vi tv Abrams 18 of suburban Dormont termortBELANO I I room KM3M dowM Geark OR 4-7113 Saw OB 4-3IS3 and possibly a third Monday Ste-ra qnrar Irar 3 0-RrichtorPa But the jurist found the youth Singer to Marry of driving without the own- 1 1 3-Frira of NiaM Motiara FOI-R amt fantiahrd rratrd ta arad re corarr tel airoaia BN WtMa Bmrtar-Ncwa Rrato 0 3 Pa Brack I 10 ra piwr NM 3 10 i Girl From Dallas near spectacular Arapaho Glacier hT at the continental divide i2'3ra The bodies of Karen Cowperth- s-3cnted 1AD Singer waitc 19 of Boukle and Rich- LaLanar i am Carlooao R-ri i no Malioor S3-Jwa SB ADR atudora feanw aad 3 Wa Itullate a for olhrr frwrfrt MiUHB Rralte OR 3-3421 OR S-IKW laraltare tewi prr awattej arm II TTuih ar (raa (-3 runra ll M-l'ihiU Ite Yra pimraointe UW-te-rarteteajJvn-ra IILn Ctearar I tell-itel-Mwar II IV- I aatemaa )Vrl 13 Wrate) laraa aiknam ira Bnw Worao ra-lter Mr 1 3 Ihra Pari 7 n-l ate Villaoo 1 OA-Miilmatea 1 Lora Luc- I ra Aorvn Vtep tear Hirirai ra-Brtokja Da II i i-t of Lite I ivima Ptew li ra-Tiw-Trvi I 3 Flw to Niakl TRADE mute ta (tear traitor OR 3H17 il bi nM 1774 North nan a clnra to remaa II itenrU OB 3171 and dtTb er's consent and placed him on probation for one year The judge acted after Asst Dist Atty Ezra he had been Abrams had returned them washwTOTne 21 I All three were summer students gasoline in one tank and left thiaj Boyd is scheduled to begin six at the University of Colorado A note for om owner saying active duty Aug 6 with search was organized in an ei- i 2-" fort to find Cowperthwaite brakes need MM RESORT PROPERTY 1 ra -pr Yoa Tr 4 nr rwVrrate SOO- Ga-teate Uaw 4 oa-Mu 13-Fvrt Ttena 11-4' IS fARIM FM1 Phamoaa I4H Mar maw liuaiaterd ar Load fhkuif watw OH MIN i.

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Author: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

Birthday: 2000-04-29

Address: Apt. 203 613 Huels Gateway, Ralphtown, LA 40204

Phone: +2135150832870

Job: Regional Design Producer

Hobby: Nordic skating, Lacemaking, Mountain biking, Rowing, Gardening, Water sports, role-playing games

Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.