Abilene Reporter-News (2024)

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he Abilene
01-6 o xe 0° .
80TH YEAR, NO. 342
Associated Press (PP)
Riders Given
Fines, .
Group Decides
To Take Jail
FREIGHT WRECKAGE — Thirty-six cars of a Southern Pacific freight train
lie in a pile of jumbled wreckage and a bridge spanning the Colorado River near
West Point. Tex . was heavily damaged in a crash Friday. Railroad Supt. J. W.
Kraemer said officials at the scene blam ed the accident bn a load of steel which
shifted and struck the bridge as the 93-car train moved across the river. There
were no injuries reported. (AP Wirephoto)
1 Million Voters
Expected Today
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS influence and executive power | ■
Twenty-seven "Freedom Rid-“to secure for all citizens equal) ■
ers” — all but two of them Ne-access to all public facilities of) H
groes — were convicted of breach Mississippi." ■
of the peace in Jackson, Miss., The convictions were the first 1
Friday night, fined $200 each and in connection with recent attempts) ■
given 60-day suspended sentences to integrate bus terminal facili- 1
at the request of the prosecution, ties in Alabama and Mississippi *
The 27 then elected to remain in Municipal Judge James Spencer1 .
jail rather than post bond or pay told the riders their conduct “fla ,
the $206 fine and attend a Na-grantly disobeyed the law" and 1
tional Association for the Advance- has led to mob action He said it
ment of Colored People rally | would appear they wanted vio-
Jack Young, attorney for the 27, lence instead of taking their cases
told newsmen after conferring through the courts -
with his clients that they elected - But the judge emphasized he
to remain in jail “at least for was not trying any segregation)
the present " llaws or the defendants' rights to
The 27 then transferred to Hinds ride on any particular buses in
County jail across the street any way.
Meanwhile, the NAACP rally. Defense attorney Wiley Branton
attended by 125-persons, adopted of Little Rock, Ark . contended
a resolution urging Gov. Ross that officers herded the Freedom
Barnett to exert the powers of Riders into a waiting room for
• his office to eliminate every legal white persons when they arrived
barrier in contradiction to the from Montgomery, Ala , Wednes- J
rulings and decisions of the fed-day in what he described as “a
eral courts and in opposition to plot to arrest them p
TT G arrest tnem.
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS strong general election showing turnout of one million voters in - — constitution . Shortly before the convictions at
About a million Texas voters earlier against Johnson Saturday’s runoff, ne resolution, introduced by Jackson, the Rev. William S. Cof-
are expected to write the last: Tower has the solid backing ol 1 feel a vote of one million the HEY, Charles A. ones, dean fin Jr. chaplain at Yale Univer-
words Saturday in a special run the state Republican organization will help everybody." Blakley of Campbell (Negro) College in
off election to fill most of the Blakley won support of other said, explaining he felt a big Jackson, urged Barnett to use his
six-year U.S. Senate term left by top Democrats who lost April 4, vote «as an indication of interest. —
Vice President Lyndon Johnson plus the endorsem*nt and get-out- Turning to national affairs! U.-LII D:I
Democrat William Blakley and the vote help from the state Dem-Blakley said he thought the gov- eshel
Republican John Tower concen- ocratic executive committee ernment’s move in sending US HINDItull ■Zill
trated on Dallas Friday for the Top Democrats including Gov. marshals into Alabama after the
windup of a campaign that start- Price Daniel warned fellow party Freedom Riders riots was un DaId |
ed slowly but ended in an unusual members that Tower’s best necessary. Le0ai
burst of interest and spirited chance to win was to hold his The exercise of police power "Reerte 4U9eE
campaigning, strong Republican block firm in the situation should have rested v
Surprisingly large turnouts of while Democrats overconfidently with state and local authorities, ARN S AUS WE real
absentee voters prompted the or apathetically failed to turn out he said. Had a Gen M Wson
ballot-counting Texas Election Saturday I’m not familiar with the on , .. weaxi the t E t
Bureau to raise earlier vote pre- Sen Blakley moved back tothe-spot situation, but I haven’t AC Wheatley of Haskell to re-vika, the Philippines and then
dictions to around a million. It his home city of Kallas Fri- observed any need (or marshals," quire a dissolution election on the Colombia. They will have to bear
had figured at about 800 000 day for the windup of his cam- Blakley ad North Central Texas Municipal the burden of Montgomery, Ala
had been figured at 3000 unit paign for election to the Senate Blakley said.. . _Water Authority is constitutional.! Coffin called his arrest and the
NUT BRINE on more ----=--=222= son^ his 100*^0'ronsX™SX detention or Ns companions
usual number of voters in a runoff: Blakley closed out with a sure Angelo Friday that his campaign thing about the bill which re.
election. The polls generally open wide televised speech in Dallas for the Senate is "a battle between mains in the House conservation
at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. In a" news conference that erassroots citizens and profession-and Reclamation Committee
The runoff became necessary covered a wide range of topics Republican candidate fa awaiting lhe attorney general's
Kan once the fircf enorial election............ ine Eepuoucan candidate ruling
The opinion also answered a
question raised in a Tetter from
an "interested party" who sug-
gested that the bill was an un-
constitutional local law. Since
the Authority was created by lo-
cal law, Wilson held that an
The runoff became necessary covered a ..
because the first special election Blakley declined to say whether
April 4 failed to produce a leadei he would benefit by an estimated See SENATE, Pg. 6-A, Cols. 1-2
with more than 50 per cent of the _________________________________________________
vote. There were several score
Blakley was appointed interim
senator. He ran behind Tower
April 4. Tower led the large field
substantially, cashing in on his
2 Indicted
In Ralterman
To all election judges in Taylor County voting
Today’s election returns will be gathered at the
Reporter-News tonight for use of all news media —
radio, television and newspapers — on a coopera-
tive basis.
Please telephone your results as soon as they are
complete to the Reporter-News, OR 3-4271.
The information will be funneled immediately to
all news media as well as to the Texas Election Bu-
reau. Your cooperation will help the public obtain
the information quickly and accurately.
Drug Case
NEWPORT, Ky. (AP) - The -
Campbell County grand jury Fri- K R A ■ W
day night indicted Tito Carinciof @3, BEBE NETAS
Newport and Thomas E. Paisley • WrEV V 1 Bal Alo t
of Medina, Ohio, trusted business b
associate of George Ratterman, a
charging them w ith conspiracy to O_ E u 1
bring about Ratterman's a: rest in O CEETETE Th
what Newport police said was a wt,t,ll III Gall W ■
vice raid. ■
sity. and four fellow integration-
ists were released on bond at
Montgomery after spending 28
hours in jail following a bus sta-
tion desegregation attempt
Coffin, a member of the Presi-
dents Youth Corps Advisory
Council, told waiting newsmen as
he stepped outside: "While I have
been in jail I have had time to
think of every Peace Corps man
and woman, whether they come
from the North or South, and par-
ticularly those going to Tangan-
tantly illegal" and a "travesty on
justice "
Cash bonds of $1,000 each were
posted for the chaplain: the Rev
Gaylord B. Noyce of Yale's Divin-
ity School; Dr. David E. Swift and
Dr. John B Maguire, Wesleyan
mained in jail and may stay there
amendment to the law would be until a hearing set for June 16
valid, too.
The ruling was requested by the
House committee several weeks
ago, after a hotly contested hear-
ing featuring speakers from Has-
kell, Munday, Goree and Rule,
the four cities which make up the
What does it take to vote
ALL DRESSED UP — Pat Glover and M rs. Bobby Bryan, president of the Ballin-
ger Jaycee-ettes, are all dressed up with colorful skimmers and western ties, and
they have some place to go — the forthcoming Ballinger Diamond Jubilee. (Staff,
Beards, Western Dress
In Fashion in Ballinger
University religion professors:
and George B. Smith, a Negro
student at Yale. .
Six others, all Negroes, who BALLINGER — The campaign started turning out their beards
were arrested with them, re-to advertise Ballinger s Golden in anticipation of the birthday
Birthday party to be staged here party. In fact, all adult males—
on June 29, got under way here unless they buy special permits
Friday afternoon when members —will have to grow beards or be
thrown into an improvised jail. It
all is part of the advertising cam-
An attorney said they might pro-
test by refusing to eat
Meanwhile, there was every in-
dication that there would be no
letup in the Freedom Rides and
their objective of ending travel
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one
of the Ballinger High School
ned include a parade at 10 a.m.,
and the committee in charge of
that event is busily engaged in
getting bands, clubs, decorated
floats, a pioneer section and bea-
utiful girls to take part. Prizes of
$50 and $25 are being offered and
those interested in this feature of
the celebration are asked to coo-
band and the band twirlers par- all is part of the advertising cam-
aded. and members of the Ballin- paign to make the people of Ballin-
ger Jaycees and Jaycee-ettes sold ger and West Texas realize the
hats and ties to all available per celebration is only a few weeks tact Pat Glover or Bobby Bryan,
sons in the downtown area, away. | It has been learned that the
Plastic sailor hats with color- Ballinger business leaders have beautiful, float owned the
of the leaders of the integration ful bands which advertise the been working on the birthday at Brady “Il De sen neesand
forces, went into conference at forthcoming birthday party were program for several weeks and r
sold by Jaycees headed by Jim their plans arc coming along nice-a miniature trainuin parade:
Miller, the organization’s presi-ly, according to Chamber of Com- Other towns m the area are in-
dent here. Mrs Bobby Bryan, pres- merce leaders. The C-C is spon-See BIRTHDAY, Pg. 6-A. Col. 2
ident of the Jaycee-ettes, and L soring the event. !-----------------------------------
Atlanta with a small group of key
; The Negro minister said the
The indictment grew out of Rat-„ .oteo
terman’s arrest early last May 9 Thousands of West Texans will will be a Republican or a Demo-
with a strip-tease dancer in the have a hand Saturday in electing crat ,
Glenn Hotel. Carinci is manager a conservative to the U. S. Senate Polls in Taylor County s 39
of the hotel and an associated - whether the Senator precincts open at 7 a.m. Else-
night spot, the Tropicana. The issue is whether the Senator where in the West Central Texas
a indictment them of -------------------_ area they will open at 8 a.m. All
"administering or causing to have PREC. 9 V OTES will close at • p.m.
administered to him (Ratterman) AT SAME PLACE
Precinct 9 voting will be
held at the same place it has
for several years — but the
name of the box has been
The box is now the Recrea-
tional Center of the First Bap-
tist Church, located at 1442 N.
2nd St. But was formerly the
YMCA. When the ‘Y’ built a
in Saturday s special Senator-
ial election?
In Abilene, it takes a poll
tax or an exemption certifi-
In towns and villages less
than 10,000, however, persons
who are exempt from the poll
tax may simply appear be-
fore the election judge in
their voting precinct and sign
an affidavit of exemption.
In order to vote in Satur-
day's election, it is not a re-
quirement to have voted in
the April 4 special Senate
discussion, which will continue
Saturday, will be on plans for re-
suming segregationtesting bus
trips on a large scale.
Clifford Cook, manager of the In the meantime, the Ballinger
Chamber of Commerce Rodeo Association is making plans
Within minutes after the ener-to present rodeo performances on
getic Jaycees and their wives hit the night of the birthday party—
the business district, many men June 29-as well as on the nights
were seen wearing the hats and of June 30 and July 1. Those per-
western style ties and several formances will be presented at
women were seen wearing hats the old baseball diamond out on
with long ribbon streamers, the Bronte highway, in northwest
Seen on the streets, too, were Ballinger.
Good Week End
For Picnicking
Orders FHA
Weather forecasters are cooper- a far men who have already Events for June 29 already plan-
chloral hydrate for the purpose of
placing him in a hotel room with
a certain female for the purpose
of bringing about his arrest and
instituting a false prosecution
against him, thereby tending to
injure the said George Ratterman
in his reputation "
Judge Joseph Rolf last Saturday
in police court threw out charges
against Ratterman of breach of
the peace, resisting arrest and
disorderly conduct.
Ratterman. reform candidate
for sheriff, contended he was
drugged and framed.
Dismissal of the charges at re-
County spokesmen for Interim
Sen William Blakley, the Demo-
cratic standardbearer, and John
Tower, the Wichita Falls Republi-
can. predicted a heavy voter turn-
out Saturday would enhance the
positions of their candidates.
ating with Abilenians planning
weekend excursions by calling for
generally fair weather.
Temperatures were on the mild
side Friday and are not expected
to top the mid 80 s during the*
weekend. Helping keep mild tem-
peratures in the area Friday were
surface winds which were clock-
ed at 5 miles an hour about 10
★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★
a new and different
(Weather Map. Pg. 7-B)
ABILENE AND VICINITY (Radius 40 - this ' ' ’ registered at
miles > —Generally fair through Sunday in this area was registered at
High Saturday around 80, low Saturday DI * CA- A. shearuar thara
Rides to the polls are being of-iMut about 55. High Sunday in lower
Blakley head fair through Sunday; a little warmer measured Friday afternoon.
R701 and hu Tower Saturday night and Sunday: highs Satur
feredbythe -
quarters. OR 3-8791, and by Tower ,
campaigners, OR 2-5526 or OR 3- NORTHWEST TEXAS: Generally fair
E and a little warmer through Sunday ex
The only precipitation reported
Rising Star An observer there
said .40 of an inch rain was
medical column by
Rate Drop
Kennedy Friday ordered the FHA
interest rate on home mortgages
cut from 5'1 to 5% per cent.
Coupled with an earlier one-
fourth of one per cent reduction,
the White House said this means
a saving of $4.47 a month to the
purchaser of a $15,000 home with
a 20-year mortgage.
Kennedy also announced that:
1. The Federal National Mort-
gage Association will step up pur-
; chases of mortgages in the sec-
ondary market.
2 The Federal Home Loan
Bank Board is embarking on a
new effort, through bank advanc-
es at lower rates, to encourage
saving and loan associations to
reduce mortgage interest rates.'
The White House said these ac-
tions all are extensions of previ-
ous steps taken by the President
“to roll interest rates back from
levels that he and the officers of ..
many leading lending institutions
regarded as unrealistic."
The FHA rate was lowered from
5% per cent to 5% per cent a
couple of months ago.
starts Monday in
the morning edition
of your Reporter-News
and a little warmer through Sunday ex-
cept widely scattered thundershowers Pan
handle Saturday night; highs Saturday
17-85, _______1
.....4 1:00
-J 2:00_____.
new home at 3250 State St., I Phil Bridges, Taylor County
it sold its old property to the GOP chairman, predicted (hat ap- Pri. a.m.
church proximately 7,000 persons would #
County Judge Reed Ingalsbe mark their ballots in Taylor 5
County. This would be some 1,500 « .'.".'.
votes less than were cast in the g -
April 4 election when 8 500 bal- a =
lots were counted. “
: said he had erroneously listed
Prec. 9 as the YMCA for this
Fri. p.m. SECTION A
Obituaries .......
-5 Sports .......
- 3 Church news ......
TV Scout . .......
quest of the prosecution came election, because no one call-
after unheralded testimony by a
photographer, Thomas Winthrow.
who said a man connected with he said, the voters will con-
the Tropicana night club wanted tinue to vote the 8ame place
him to be ready to take a picture on N 2nd St. where they
of a man and woman in a room have in the past.
under strange circ*mst ances, ______________________________
ed it to his attention that the
name had been changed But.
Absentee balloting for the run
off election will be somewhat
ahead of the number cast in the
April 4 primary. A total of 274
72 12.00---
ligh and low for 24-hours ending 9 p.m
and 63.
High and low same date last year
See TURNOUT, Pg. 6-A, Col. 1 “fumane w’s p.m, a per cent.
Oil news
Bridge ....... 3
Women’s news ........4, S
Editorials ........6
Amusem*nts ......... 7
last night: 7:37; sunrise today Comics: . ....
et tonight, 738: barometer read- Radio-TV logs ...
Farm news ....
You can add the morning edition to your
evening subscription for a little more than
a pack of cigarettes per week. Call OR
3-4271, circulation dept., or see your carrier
or agent..

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The Abilene Reporter-News (Abilene, Tex.), Vol. 80, No. 342, Ed. 1 Saturday, May 27, 1961,newspaper, May 27, 1961; Abilene, Texas. (https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth1671959/m1/1/:accessed June 2, 2024),University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, https://texashistory.unt.edu; crediting Abilene Public Library.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.